Latest News

March 18, 2025

The charter was draped in honor of Brother Arlan Verburg. He passed on February 28th.
On Valentine’s Day Rebecca Roskamp contacted Brother Wayne about the rose presented to her mother. Brother Dave then contacted her. She gushed about how we do this for her mother. Dave explained that the rose is just something we do for the widows and about some of the other things we do. She mentioned that she learned more about Masonry in the 10-minute conversation than she learned from her Mason husband in 10 years. He offered us up as a Lodge for her husband to go to. She sent a card thanking the Lodge for remembering the widows and included a $100 donation.
Brother Sorensen reported that he delivered the rose and a card to Shirley Horner. He was unable to visit with her as she was watching a live program. He gave the items to the nurse on duty who assured him that Shirley would receive the card & flower after the program.
There was a District 1 Daylight Lodge held on February 19th. Another is to be held on March 19th with lunch at 11:30 and fellowship at noon. The Daylight Lodge has been opening under a different chartered special meeting, rotating between the Sioux Falls charters. Going forward they are looking to convert to a Square and Compass Club instead. To subscribe to the mailing list go to your profile in Grand View, scroll to communication preferences, select Email List-Daylight and/or Text List-Daylight. Moving forward, only those subscribed to the list will receive reminders.
We received the Life Membership per capita check from Grand Lodge in the amount of $1,456.67. We received a thank you card and $50.00 donation from Linde Ross. We received a thank you from the Children’s Home Society.
The George Washinton Bunko party was held on February 16th. Mike reported the event was fun, everyone seemed to enjoy it. The weather was almost too nice which depressed attendance somewhat. There were 12 pies and 10 people.
Tom had a hard time finding an address for Linde Ross for the Valentine’s rose. He got the rose to Ric, and Ric delivered the rose.
Brian thanked Joe for bringing lunch tonight.
The 2024 form 990-N was filed with the IRS to maintain our tax-free status.
The March Potluck was pushed off due to two weather related meeting cancellations in a row. We will hold it at the next meeting, April 1st, with dining to start at 6pm. Specified cooking duties are as follows. If you’re not on the list feel free to bring a little something.
- Main Course (3): Galen Jansen, Dan Schlup, Greg Westra
- Side Dish or Salad (3): Dave Hansen, Doug Van’t Hof, Joe West
- Dessert (2): Brian Sohl, Randy Porter
- Rolls or Bread: Mike Ingebrigtsen
- Drinks: Cole Fitch
Scottish Rite Degree team will have a quick practice after the April 1st meeting. The Easter Egg Hunt is coming up in one month on April 19th. Brothers should arrive at the Lodge by 9 am to fill plastic eggs, set up at the park, and hand out prizes after. 20 to 25 brothers are needed to make it flow smoothly! Registration is from 10:00 to 10:30 am. The hunts will begin at 10:45 am. Duties are as follows:
- 500 pieces of candy each (3): Dan Schlup, Cole Fitch, Greg Westra
- 1,500 plastic eggs: Dave Hansen
- Bikes: Ages 0-4 Galen Jansen, Ages 5-7 Doug & Tom, Ages 8-10 Mike Ingebrigtsen
- Easter Bunny: Galen is working on Ellory
- Town Sign: Brian Sohl
- Advertising Poster: Roxanne Wickre
- Bank Sign: Greg Westra
- Eggs for 18+ Egg Toss: TBD
-18+ Egg Toss Prize: TBD
- Toys: 125 to 150 needed. Dave will toy shop on behalf of the Lodge. We need to check how many are left over from last year.
- Yellow tape: Brian Sohl
- Metal fence posts: In basement (donation from Randy Porter last year).
The May Banquet is in just over a month on May 4th. As a tribute to Les we will do a Masonic Service. As a start to lining up speakers Galen will check with Virgil and Denny at Scottsh Rite, if not before. Dave Hansen will do the tribute to the ladies. Galen will call the cater for pricing. Greg will get a larger picture of Les as Most Worshipful Master to put on display.
Galen got a call from Vermillion. Brother Rich McBride informed us that they are doing a 3rd Degree and need a Worshipful Master and King Solomon on either March 29 or April 26.
Next Lunch Committee: Pot Luck
Education Officer Tom Lewis left St. Patrick’s Day and Freemasonry fromThe Midnight Freemasons which was read by the Secretary.

Bob and Cole Fitch and Steve Wickre

Bob and Cole Fitch

Carter Horner, Bob and Cole Fitch, and Steve Wickre with the cake

Not Just a Man. A Mason.


How Do I Join?

Freemasonry is available to men of good character who believe in a Supreme Being. We are closed to avowed atheists and agnostics. There are no restrictions relating to race, creed, or religion.
To begin, contact a Mason by telephone, by e-mail, or in person. He will be happy to answer your questions, or refer you to someone who can.
If you decide that Masonry is right for you, the next step is to request a Petition for Degrees of Masonry, which will ask for some basic information, such as your name, age, occupation, and place of residence.
Your sponsor will present your petition to the Lodge, which will consider your request. When your petition is accepted, you will face a three-step initiation. Each step opens doors to new knowledge and deeper understanding.
These initiation rites are solemn and wholesome, intended to convey basic moral truths and principles of morality that are accepted by good men everywhere: the Golden Rule, tolerance, gratitude to the Almighty for His many blessings, love of and respect for one’s family, charity towards all men, and patriotism. Upon taking part in the the first step, called the Entered Apprentice degree, you will advance to the second degree, known as the Fellowcraft, and, ultimately, raised to the Master Mason degree.