Latest News

October 1 2024

A drape was removed from the charter for Brother Kenneth Nicholas. The other drape remained in place for Brother LeRoy Ross.
The Grand Lodge and El Riad Shrine are partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive at the El Riad Temple on October 9th.
The Grand View system was updated today. The look and feel is different now but the main change is in security. Anyone that has access to administratton of a Lodge will be required to use MFA (Multt-Factor Authenttcatton) going forward. The new Grand View also includes a Prospect Management system. The Grand Secretary will enter prospect inquiries which will then auto-assign them to a Lodge based on proximity or a rotattng cycle if within range of multtple Lodges. The Lodge will then acknowledge receipt of the prospect and then proceed to contact them.
Grand View now allows for text messaging. The cost is $0.04 per text to be billed to the Lodge. Frequency of the billing will depend on quantity of texts sent. As an example our email list is 60 names long, though some are duplicate emails, so that would be $2.40 per mass text sent.
The Grand Lodge will no long carry new Candidate Supplies. They have partnered with a brother who owns TRK Specialttes in Missouri. TRK will donate a portton of each sale to the South Dakota Masonic Charittes. Proficiency Coins have been developed and are now available. These are for brothers proving up in open Lodge to the sattsfactton of the Worshipful Master.
The Canton visit is agreed to occur on November 6th. This is a visit after their meettng, to avoid rattling any nerves. Our goal is to be there about 6:30.
The visit to Ron no longer works on the 20th. Dave will see if the 27th will work or not. Further details to follow.
Bob was able to obtain the informatton from the Hudson Library Historical Associatton and Joe has submized the application for the Lodge Community Impact Fund.
The AED unit has been hung, and it’s blinking indicattng it’s good to go. It is not currently locked. The included cord was for updates, not charging.
Our Junior Warden (Brian), Senior Deacon (Dan), and Marshall (Mike) were installed.
The Bible from James Skogman was discussed after the last meeting. After discussion it was decided to either create a case for the old Bible, using it just for special events and degree work, and to use the new Bible for normal meettngs.
The tax-exempt form for Lincoln County (SDCL 10-4-15) was filed.
The Mid-Year Communicatton of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota and Meettng of the South Dakota Lodge of Masonic Research is scheduled for Saturday, January 18, at the Cedar Shore Resort in Oacoma.
We are going to put off walking ditches until October 22nd.
The safe deposit box made its way to the Lodge. It was decided to get another box to keep the items safe.
Education Officer Tom shared parts of “Does a Return to Civility Require Better Manners?” from the Masonic Family Civility Project shared from the Grand Lodge.

Not Just a Man. A Mason.


How Do I Join?

Freemasonry is available to men of good character who believe in a Supreme Being. We are closed to avowed atheists and agnostics. There are no restrictions relating to race, creed, or religion.
To begin, contact a Mason by telephone, by e-mail, or in person. He will be happy to answer your questions, or refer you to someone who can.
If you decide that Masonry is right for you, the next step is to request a Petition for Degrees of Masonry, which will ask for some basic information, such as your name, age, occupation, and place of residence.
Your sponsor will present your petition to the Lodge, which will consider your request. When your petition is accepted, you will face a three-step initiation. Each step opens doors to new knowledge and deeper understanding.
These initiation rites are solemn and wholesome, intended to convey basic moral truths and principles of morality that are accepted by good men everywhere: the Golden Rule, tolerance, gratitude to the Almighty for His many blessings, love of and respect for one’s family, charity towards all men, and patriotism. Upon taking part in the the first step, called the Entered Apprentice degree, you will advance to the second degree, known as the Fellowcraft, and, ultimately, raised to the Master Mason degree.