Latest News
December 17, 2024
The Scottsh Rite Spring Reunion is scheduled for April 5th and 6th. Our 4o team is scheduled to start it off at 9:00 that Saturday.
The Alpha Lodge of Perfection, part of the Scottish Rite, is holding their December All Valley Business Meeting via Zoom. It started at the same time we opened Lodge.
Registration for the Grand Lodge Mid-Year Communication is now open on Grandview. It is being held on January 18th at the Cedar Shores Resort in Oacoma. Registration should be done by January 15th.
District 1 will be holding another Daylight Lodge tomorrow at 11:30 at the Masonic Center in Sioux Falls. Dress code is business casual. This meeting is being hosted under the Worthing Lodge Charter. There is no “business” being conducted. It is mainly introductions of those in attendance plus the occasional story. A light lunch is first at 11:30 with the gavel dropping at 12:00.
Santa’s visit on the 7th went well. Brothers Carter, Mike, Galen, Tom, Randy Porter, Dan, Randy Smith, Ron West, and Joe helped get everything setup. Out of the 57 bags we started with we had 24 left so we gave out 33 bags. According to the pictures there were 32 kids. There would have been 33 but one did not want to sit with Santa. Galen says it started and ended slowly but in-between was fairly busy.
New Business: Galen asked which Lodge we should visit next. Hurly and Elk Point were mentioned as possibilities though it would be nice to wait until the days are a little longer. Galen is going to check with the caterer for the May Banquet to make sure we’re on the books.
We discussed whether to remit or suspend for non-payment of dues Brothers Bobby Karau and John Gubbrud. After a motion by Duane and a second by Dave, it was decided to suspend Bobby for non-payment of dues. After a motion by Dave and a second by Duane, it was decided to remit for infirmity John’s dues.
Education Officer Tom Lewis provided “Is Father Christmas a Freemason?” from David Downie, St Trinians Lodge No 2050 Isle of Man, U.K.
Santa Visits Hudson
Not Just a Man. A Mason.
How Do I Join?
Freemasonry is available to men of good character who believe in a Supreme Being. We are closed to avowed atheists and agnostics. There are no restrictions relating to race, creed, or religion.
To begin, contact a Mason by telephone, by e-mail, or in person. He will be happy to answer your questions, or refer you to someone who can.
If you decide that Masonry is right for you, the next step is to request a Petition for Degrees of Masonry, which will ask for some basic information, such as your name, age, occupation, and place of residence.
Your sponsor will present your petition to the Lodge, which will consider your request. When your petition is accepted, you will face a three-step initiation. Each step opens doors to new knowledge and deeper understanding.
These initiation rites are solemn and wholesome, intended to convey basic moral truths and principles of morality that are accepted by good men everywhere: the Golden Rule, tolerance, gratitude to the Almighty for His many blessings, love of and respect for ones family, charity towards all men, and patriotism. Upon taking part in the the first step, called the Entered Apprentice degree, you will advance to the second degree, known as the Fellowcraft, and, ultimately, raised to the Master Mason degree.