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March 4, 2025
Brothers, it was decided...that due to the expected visibility concerns and the possibly slick roads that come with a rain-to-snow event like is expected tomorrow evening we are going to CANCEL the lodge meeting. We would rather err on the side of caution, especially given some of the distances some of the brothers would have to travel.
This also means we are POSTPONING our pot luck that was scheduled to be the 2nd meeting in March. Keep your eyes out for the rescheduled time. I will send reminders!
Joseph D. West, Secretary
Jeptha Lodge #121
(712) 470-1457
February 18, 2025
Lodge was cancelled, due to weather.
February 4, 2025
A bill was presented from Grand Lodge for $715.00 (9 per capita for $315.00, 1 EA for $10.00, 1 FC for 10.00, 1 MM Reinstatement for $25.00, George Washington National Monument for $95.00, Masonic Student Assistance Training for $130.00, and MSA Hospital Visitation for $130.00). Ron West made a motion, seconded by Dave Hansen, to pay the bill. The motion carried.
Tom Lewis received the bill from the Hudson Insurance Agency for $1,046. A motion was made by Dave Hansen, seconded by Dan Schlup, to pay the bill. The motion carried.
The Grand Lodge Scholarship is now available on the Grand Lodge Web site.
Brother Allen thanked the Lodge for keeping non-resident members informed. He notes that there is a Brother going through the degrees in Spearfish, with help from other local Lodges. As Education Officer for Spearfish, Allen indicates that Tom Lewis does good work, and that he’s not afraid to “borrow” the education programs Tom presents to our Lodge. He closed by again expressing his deep and eternal appreciation to Galen Jansen, Dave Hansen, Ron West, and Randy Porter for doing the Masonic Service for John.
Grand Lodge provided the timeline for nominations and proposed amendments for the upcoming Grand Lodge session.
At the Mid-Year Communication on January 18th the proclamation prohibiting new life memberships was allowed to expire.
A halt has been placed on the Child ID program effective until the 151st Annual Communication. An amendment to the By-Laws adds a section about filing amendments with the Grand Lodge no fewer than 90 days prior to the Annual Communication with copies distributed to Grand Officers, permanent members and Lodges by mail no later than 45 days prior. Proposals must be read in the Lodge prior to the Annual Communication. An amendment to Article VII adds that no one be eligible for Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master-Grand Master Elect, Senior Grand Warden or Junior Grand Warden who has not been duly elected, installed, and presided over a chartered Lodge as Master. An amendment to Section 2.71 sets forth nomination deadlines to match those of amendment deadlines. Only in the event that no nominations were made in compliance may nominations be made from the floor. The Grand Lodge has established a Lodge Investment Fund for Lodges to place their reserve funds in. These funds are invested like the Grand Lodge Endowment funds. They are intended for reserve funds to be used in a 3-5 year time frame, though preferably longer.
The District 1 meeting was held in Sioux Falls on January 25th. The meeting was attended by Galen. There were 20-25 people there. One of the interesting things found was the $1,000 that Lodges could give away only 11 have taken advantage, four of which were from district 1. St. Johns Lodge was never brought up but Valhalla was. An interesting education program was presented.
Birthdays were read for February.
Galen congratulated the Brothers on the degree work last meeting.
The caterer is booked for the May 4th banquet. Brian is trying to get ahold of Cal Shirts about gettng a shirt for Cole.
For the Valentine roses Randy will present to Steinfadt. Galen will get contact info to Russ for Shirley. Galen will also verify that Tom will present to Linde.
George Washington card party is on the 16th. Greg will provide Bunco. Galen the prizes. Dave, Randy Porter, and Mike (per Galen, with Brian as backup) will bring 2 pies each. Brian will supply blue juice. Ron will bring the ice cream. Brian will get it on the town sign. Tom will get some posters made up. Greg will get it on the bank sign.
Galen is still planning on getting a carpet cleaning quote.
Next Lunch Committee: Brian Sohl.
The education program was presented: “John Wayne: One-of-a-Kind Talent and Freemason”.

Bob and Cole Fitch and Steve Wickre

Bob and Cole Fitch

Carter Horner, Bob and Cole Fitch, and Steve Wickre with the cake
Not Just a Man. A Mason.
How Do I Join?
Freemasonry is available to men of good character who believe in a Supreme Being. We are closed to avowed atheists and agnostics. There are no restrictions relating to race, creed, or religion.
To begin, contact a Mason by telephone, by e-mail, or in person. He will be happy to answer your questions, or refer you to someone who can.
If you decide that Masonry is right for you, the next step is to request a Petition for Degrees of Masonry, which will ask for some basic information, such as your name, age, occupation, and place of residence.
Your sponsor will present your petition to the Lodge, which will consider your request. When your petition is accepted, you will face a three-step initiation. Each step opens doors to new knowledge and deeper understanding.
These initiation rites are solemn and wholesome, intended to convey basic moral truths and principles of morality that are accepted by good men everywhere: the Golden Rule, tolerance, gratitude to the Almighty for His many blessings, love of and respect for ones family, charity towards all men, and patriotism. Upon taking part in the the first step, called the Entered Apprentice degree, you will advance to the second degree, known as the Fellowcraft, and, ultimately, raised to the Master Mason degree.