Dave Hansen, Sec.
(712) 476-9376
April 17, 2012
Ken and Aggie Snedeker and Ron and Sue West attended the Elk Point Lodge Recognition Banquet.
A record 214 children participated in our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thirteen teams competed in the Egg Toss.
Eleven individuals helped walk the ditches — Tom, Judy, and Tyler Lewis, Doug Van’t Hof, Ron and Joe West, Steve Wickre, Allen Eide, Brian Sohl, and Dave and Erin Hansen.
Ken Snedeker delivered Meals on Wheels.
Plans for our Recognition Banquet on May 6 at 6:30 P.M. were finalized.
Randy Smith was recognized as a five-year member of Jeptha Lodge.
May 1, 2012
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams participated in the Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton. We were able to have our very own Brother Randy Smith as the active candidate for both degrees.
We will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, May 22 for the purpose of conferring the Fellowcraft Degree.
Issues for the upcoming Grand Lodge session were discussed.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented a program on some of the unusual terms and phrases used in the E.A. Degree.
May 15, 2012
Sixty filled our banquet room for the Annual Recognition Banquet. WB Allen Eide paid our respects to the Ladies for the many things they do to make our lives complete.
Congratulations to graduating senior Gabe Van Noort who was presented with a scholarship by Brother Doug Van’t Hof. WB Dennis Gildemeister (25 years) and WB Hobie Cole (65 years) were honored on anniversaries of becoming Master Masons by WM Ron West. Guest speaker WB George Harrison relayed interesting Masonic history.
A great evening was highlighted when MWB Les Spies was surprised with a framed picture containing numerous pieces of Minneapolis-Moline farm equipment for the many things he has done to keep Jeptha Lodge active, visible, and proficient.
The Election of Officer for the 2012-2013 Masonic Year was held:
WM Randy Smith
SW Brian Sohl
JW Tony Halbur
Treas. Tom Lewis
Sec. Dave Hansen
June 5, 2012
We will confer the E.A. Degree at a Special Meeting on June 12 at 7:30 P.M.
Thanks to W.B. Ken Snedeker for again deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge.
M.W.B. Les Spies presented the Lodge with 3 gold staff holders to be used at the Sr. and Jr. Deacon places and at the Altar. Ironically, they replace holders he built 40 years ago.
We made our annual donations to the CHIP and MSAT programs from the stewards fund.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented a two-part program. The first was a brief history of Oacoma, South Dakota which will be the site of Grand Lodge next year. Using the May Short Talk Bulletin as a guide, he explained the used of the plumb line in Masonry.
June 17, 2012
W.B. Joe West was elected to fill our vacant Jr. Warden station for the 2012-2013 Masonic Year.
September 1 is tentatively scheduled as an Outdoor Degree Work date at the Spies picnic area. We were not able to determine a Saturday in July or August that worked for the Degree Teams.
M.W.B. Les Spies reported on happenings at Grand Lodge.
W.B. Randy Porter was presented with an award to commemorate his 25 year anniversary as a Master Mason. He shared his strong family history in Masonry and a visit by W.B.s Spies and Snedeker that made Jeptha Lodge the beneficiary of his petition.
2012 - 2013
September 4, 2012
New officers were installed for the 2012-2013 Masonic Year.
WM Hobie Cole helped with the CHIP program put on by the Canton Lodge.
MWB Les Spies is home recovering from the first of two lengthy surgeries.
WBs Ron and Joe West attended meetings for Custodians, District Masters, and the Membership Committee in Sioux Falls.
WB Ken and Aggie Snedeker attended the Elk Point Lodge Installation of Officers.
Education Officer Allen Eide and Wife Elaine attended the 150 Year dedication ceremony at Independence Rock, Wyoming in July. This large land feature was an important point of reference as settlers in wagon trains traveled the Oregon Trail. He shared the commemoration of the Masonic meeting held there when four wagon trains arrived at once during the settling of the West.
September 18, 2012
WB Ron West is recuperating from an injury he sustained at work.
MWB Les Spies successfully completed the second of two surgical procedures.
We received a generous donation in memory of Ruth Jansen.
WB Galen Jansen and Brother Steve Wickre entered the Lodge float in the all-school reunion parade.
Education Officer Allen Eide used questions found in the U.S. Census for a talk on volunteering as it relates to what our Lodge can do to better our community. He spelled out many activities we have participated in both as a Lodge and individuals.
October 2, 2012
WM Randy Smith’s classic rock & roll band “Last Call” will be playing at El Riad Shrine Temple in Sioux Falls on Saturday, October 20 from 8:00 to midnight. $5 per person or $50 for a private table for eight. A number of Brothers are already planning to go. For tickets call Randy at (605) 359-1131.
Yankton Scottish Rite will raffle off a Buffalo Robe to raise money for its building. $5 each. Contact WB Ron West at (712) 470-5486.
Ever-dependable WB Ken Snedeker will deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge this month.
Education Officer Allen Eide shared events from our Jeptha Lodge history book 1895-1995: A Century of Masonry. His talk included brothers who formed the Lodge as well as those on hand when we celebrated the centennial. If you don’t have a copy and desire one, email Lodge Secretary Dave Hansen. It is a great nostalgic read!
October 16, 2012
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams, consisting of Les Spies, Ken Snedeker, Brian Sohl, Galen Jansen, Ron West, Joe West, and Dave Hansen conferred these degrees in the Scottish Rite Reunion at Huron.
The Worshipful Master thanked ditch-walkers Randy Porter, Bob Fitch, Steve Wickre, Ron West, Joe West, Arlan Verburg, Duane Van Noort, Brian Sohl, Dave Hansen, and Randy Smith.
E.O. Allen Eide recognized deceased Life Member Don Van Geest on the anniversary of his 50th year as a Master Mason. The program continued with information from W.B. Curt Vipond’s 1867 edition of Mackey’s Masonic Ritual. It contained written out lectures and prayers, but not ritual, that are very similar to what we still use today.
Dues notices, Trestle Boards, and a letter from W.M. Randy Smith are being sent out. Members, including Life Members, please remember our worthy charities when remitting.
November 6, 2012
District Master Joe West will be holding his District Meeting at 6:00 P.M. on December 6 in Parker, preceded by an Oyster Stew Supper. We need to give them a head count at our November 20 meeting.
We will do courtesy M.M. Degree work in Elk Point on January 5, 2013.
MWB Spies led a discussion on possible ways to revitalize the Life Membership Program.
F.C. Degree Work is tentatively scheduled for our December 4 meeting.
Using Allen Robert’s “Masonic Trivia and Facts,” Education Officer Allen Eide went over the original requirements to become a Master Mason in old English Masonry. They are very similar to the teachings in our current Degree work and to the “furthers” in the Obligation.
November 20, 2012
Our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper was attended by more than 30 hungry Brothers.
MWB Les Spies was presented with the Grand Lodge Mason of the Year Award.
Jeptha Lodge #121 was recognized as “District #2 Lodge of the Year.”
WB Lamont Cain, who presented Jeptha Lodge with the beautiful hand-carved square & compass sign located behind our Master’s station in honor of MWB Spies, was named an honorary life member of Jeptha Lodge.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented his 2012 version of Masonic Jeopardy.
December 4, 2012
Worshipful Brothers Hobie Cole and Joe West are both home recovering after hospital stays.
We will confer the M.M. Degree during our December 18 meeting at 7:30 P.M. Practice for the Degree Team will be Sunday, Dec. 16 at 2:00 P.M.
We confirmed plans to attend the District Meeting in Parker on December 6 and to do courtesy M.M. Degree work in Elk Point on January 5.
Education Officer Allen Eide gave a program on ‥the Holy Saints John of Jerusalem,” namely St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, called the Patron Saints of Masonry we learn about early in the E.A. Degree. Traditionally St. John the Baptist was celebrated with a feast on June 24 and St. John the Evangelist with a feast on December 27. Election and installation of officers was often planned around these dates.
District Meeting & Oyster Stew in Parker tonight (December 6). Carpool from Hudson at 5:00 P.M.
Monday, December 10, from 5:30 to 7:00: Elk Point Lodge Friends Feast for Brothers and Ladies. Contact Ken Snedeker or Ron West if interested.
Committees were set for Santa’s visit to Hudson on December 15 from 12:30 to 2:00 P.M. Brothers should meet by 11:15 A.M. to address Christmas cards to our non-local members and to sack the candy/peanuts for the kids. Duties that you volunteered for or someone volunteered you for:
Town Sign Board — Brian Sohl
Juice — Brian Sohl
Gift for Santa to hand out — Brian Sohl
2 gallons cider — Tom Lewis
Newspaper ads and posters — Tom Lewis
Peanuts — 15 lbs. — Randy Smith
Plates — Randy Smith
Letter to non-local Brothers — Randy Smith
Camera and film — Joe and Ron West
Santa — Allen Eide
Bags for toys, sacks for candy, labels to go on sacks, candy, and small toys — Les Spies
Postage and Mailing Labels — Dave Hansen
Craft Helpers (thank your husband!) — Erin Hansen, Bette Spies, Elaine Eide, Debbie Jansen, Denise Van’t Hof, and Judy Lewis
2 Dozen Cookies — Randy Smith, Allen Eide, Ron West, and Duane Van Noort
Decorating Tree — Aggie Snedeker and Sue West
Fellowcraft Degree work sometime in January — no details yet.
December 8, 2012
Dear Brothers:
The snow has finally arrived and Thanksgiving is behind us so I guess this signals the “official” start of the holiday season. I hope this letter finds you and your family safe, warm, and well.
We’ve kicked off my first term as Master and have accomplished many things so far with much more planned for next year. In our first meeting we held our installation of officers and since then, have walked the ditches, entered the Lodge float in the all-school reunion parade, and hosted our annual oyster stew and chili supper. Many were able to attend this year’s supper with over 30 hungry Brothers satisfied!!! During this event, we presented to MWB Les Spies the “Grand Lodge Mason of the Year” award, an honor well-deserved! WB Joe West was also presented with the District #2 “Lodge of the Year” award and a special presentation was made to WB Lamont Cain by making him an “Honorary Life Member of Jeptha Lodge.” WB Lamont Cain is the creator of the beautiful hand carved Square and Compass sign located behind the Master’s station. The evening was completed with another challenging round of Masonic Jeopardy, hosted by WB Allen Eide.
This brings us to events yet come. First up will be Santa’s visit on Saturday, December 15th. We are already preparing gifts of toys, candy, and peanuts for the children. Cookies and cider along with games and crafts are planned. This should be another joyous event. Next we will honor and remember our widows on Valentine’s Day with fresh cut roses. The celebration of George Washington’s birthday will be on Sunday, February 17th starting at 6:30 P.M. Cards and board games are planned and of course plenty of cherry pie. Our 2nd meeting in March will be our “man’s” pot luck starting at 6:30pm. Make sure you bring your special dish and join in the fun. Also in March, the annual Easter Bunny visit will start at 10:15 A.M. on the 30th, at the city park. Our annual Recognition Banquet will be held this year on Sunday May 5th starting at 6:00 P.M. MWB Les Spies has lined up an exciting speaker for us this year.
We will confer the Master Mason Degree on December 18th to Brother Duane Van Noort and we will provide courtesy degree work for Elk Point Lodge on January 5th. Fellow Craft Degree work is also planned during January.
Well, Brothers, that’s about it for our activities planned for this year. I hope the New Year finds you healthy and prosperous.
Randy Smith, Worshipful Master

December 18, 2012
The M.M. Degree was conferred on Brother Duane Van Noort.
Sixty-four children had their pictures taken with Santa Claus during his visit to our Lodge. Special thanks to our wonderful wives who helped with the crafts and food!
Thirty-five Brothers attended the District Meeting in Parker, including MWB Les Spies, WBs Ron West, Allen Eide, Brian Sohl, Arlan Verburg, Dave Hansen and Bro. Mike Stead. Les, Ron, and Allen were excellent in their speaking rolls.
MWB Les Spies and WB Ken Snedeker attended the Oyster Stew meeting in Hurley.
In his “Random Thoughts on the 3rd Degree,” Education Officer Allen Eide described some of the layers of meaning contained in the Degree; how the Degree highlights the importance of staying true to your word; the difference between the oblong and the perfect square; the Trowel Lecture and how it condenses much of the teachings of this Degree; the ancient purpose of planting an acacia at the head of a grave to prevent inadvertently crossing a gravesite, and more.
January 15, 2013
Les Spies, Joe West, Ron West, Duane Van Noort, Arlan Verburg, Allen Eide, Tom Lewis, Brian Sohl, Randy Smith and Dave Hansen helped confer courtesy Master Mason Degree work for five candidates in Elk Point on January 5.
F.C. Degree work is planned for our February 19 meeting.
Jeptha Lodge will put on a CHIP event on May 30 from 4 to 8 P.M. at Rock Valley (Iowa) High School. Please mark it on your calendar as these events require a lot of help.
Thanks to WB Ken Snedeker for delivering Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge.
Arlan and Mark Verburg were pictured at a meeting in Hudson in a Sioux Falls Argus Leader on-line article about small towns.
Education Officer Allen Eide discussed the works of famous Mason and Scottish poet Robert Burns. He was born in 1759 into a tenant farm family including seven children. He was home schooled and began his career as a poet at age 15. He became a Mason at age 22 and died in 1795 at age 37. The hundreds of poems and songs which he penned emphasized traditional Scottish culture, celebrating love, friendship, work and drink, often with a touch of humor. Concluding the program was one of his famous poems “John Barleycorn.”
February 5, 2013
F.C. Degree work is scheduled for our March 5 meeting.
Possible re-introduction of the Life Membership program was discussed.
WB Ken Miller will receive his 70 Year Mason pin at the nursing home in Canton on March 10 at 1 PM.
Brothers Ken Snedeker, Galen Jansen, Tom Lewis, and Tony Halbur will deliver roses to our local Masonic widows on Valentines Day.
Thanks to MWB Les Spies for locating three bulbs for our antique slide projector.
Final plans were made for the George Washington Party on Sunday, February 17, at 6:30 P.M.
Education Officer Allen Eide began a program on Operative Masons.
February 19, 2013
We will confer the Fellowcraft Degree at our regular meeting on Tuesday, March 5, at 7:30 P.M. for Brother Mike Stead.
We will recognize W.B. Ken Miller for being a 70-Year Master Mason at the nursing home in Canton on Sunday, March 10, at 1:30 P.M.
Two new Petitions were read for the first time.
Education Officer Allen Eide compare the opening and closing prayers in the 1867 edition of Mackey’s Masonic Ritualist with those commonly used today.
March 5, 2013
Two petitions were read for the second time and were balloted on favorably.
Best wishes to WB Hobie Cole and Brother Don Horner as they recover from surgery.
F.C. Degree will be conferred during the March 19 meeting.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented a program on the proper way to ballot.
We finalized several important events at Tuesday’s meeting.
Sunday, March 10 at 1:30 P.M. in the Canton nursing home we will present Brother Ken Miller with his 70-Year Master Mason Award. Please wear appropriate attire for this honor. Coffee and cookies will be served afterwards. Don’t forget to “spring forward” an hour with your clocks Saturday night.
Tuesday, March 19 at 6:30 P.M. will be our annual Men’s Potluck Supper before the regular meeting. Come and sample the cooking skills of your Masonic Brothers, allegedly without female assistance. During the regular meeting we now have confirmation that we will confer the Fellowcraft Degree for at least one, and possibly two, candidates.
Reminder to the cooks:
Bringing a Main Dish: Tracy Homandberg, Duane Van Noort, and Brian Sohl
Bringing a Side Dish: Randy Smith, Ken Snedeker, Les Spies, Joe West, and Dave Hansen
Bringing a Dessert: Galen Jansen, Tom Lewis, and Allen Eide
Bringing Bread: Allen Eide
Bringing Drinks: Doug Van’t Hof
Saturday, March 30 is the Easter Egg Hunt in the Hudson City Park before the pancake feed to benefit the Community Center. Meet at 9:00 A.M. to organize and set up the three hunt areas, the registration area, and the prize drawing tables. Registration is from 10:00 to 10:45 A.M. at the park shelter house. First hunt begins at 11:00 A.M. Experience tells us we should have at least 25 of us there to help with parking, directing traffic, registration, marking off hunt areas, hiding eggs, distributing prizes, and general crowd control and visibility. It is also a blast, so please help if you can! Thank You to our many generous contributors!
Items donated or still needed include:
Need at least 200 small/medium toys to be handed out at the drawing during the feed. Toys or cash donations can be dropped off at the Hudson City office.
Bicycle Grand Prizes: Donn and Linda Larson; Tom and Judy Lewis and Doug and Denise Van’t Hof
Big Wheel Grand Prize: Galen and Debbie Jansen
TV for Egg Toss Grand Prize: Tracy and Barb Homandberg
Candy: Les and Bettie Spies
Portable Sound System at Park: Les and Bettie Spies
Rope for Egg Toss: Les and Bettie Spies
5-6 Dozen Eggs: Ron and Sue West
Easter Bunny: Diana Spies
Yellow Hazard Tape and Spray Paint: Brian and Vicki Sohl
Plastic Eggs, Bags, Registration Signs, Double Tickets, Ticket Boxes, Sound System for Drawing, Masonic Badges, Paper Towels: All on hand.
Please let me know if you see anything I forgot!
Thursday, May 30 CHIP (Child Identification Program) Event with Hegg Memorial Hospital at the High School in Rock Valley. Four or five are needed at 3:00 to set up. We help the kids from 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. We need a head count as soon as possible of the Jeptha Lodge members and wives who will be helping out at the various stations. Please send an email to me if you will help.
Only a Lodge with so many great Brothers can do all of these good works!
March 19, 2013
Twenty Brothers enjoyed our delicious annual Men␁s Potluck Supper.
The Fellowcraft Degree was conferred on Brother Mike Stead. Congratulations Mike!
Thanks to Randy Porter, Randy Smith, Arlan Verburg, Bob Fitch, Allen Eide, Ken Snedeker, Steve Wickre, and Joan Barr for generous donations to purchase toys for the Easter drawing.
Arlan Verburg was recognized as a 10-Year Master Mason and Brian Sohl as a 15-Year Master Mason.
Education Officer Allen Eide gave a program on the Biblical references in First Kings and Second Chronicles to the two brazen pillars described in the Fellowcraft Degree.
April 2, 2013
One hundred fifty-two children participated in our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to all the Brothers who helped!
Preparations for our May Recognition Banquet were discussed.
Education Officer Allen Eide delivered a program entitled “Tied to Masonic Apron Strings.”
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 5, 2013.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person, which will help cover the cost of complementary meals for our guests.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers, recognize an area student, and enjoy the thoughts of our guest speaker.
We hope you and your Lady will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
PLEASE RSVP BY APRIL 30 to assist our caterer.
Dave Hansen, Secretary
Randy Smith, W.M.
April 16, 2013
The Entered Apprentice degree will be conferred for two candidates at our Tuesday, May 7, meeting.
The Secretary request early RSVPs to our Sunday, May 5, Recognition Banquet. Please email dehansen@mtcnet.net or call (712) 476-9376.
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams consisting of Les Spies, Ken Snedeker, Galen Jansen, Brian Sohl, Ron West, Joe West, Randy Smith, and Dave Hansen did a fine job at the Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton.
Ditch Walking will be Tuesday, April 30, at 6:00 P.M., weather permitting.
Education Officer Allen Eide gave a very informative program detailing the “25 Landmarks of Freemasonry.”
May 7, 2013
Fifty-two enjoyed great food and fellowship at our annual May Recognition Banquet, with numerous Master Mason anniversaries recognized:
Mike Ingebrigtson: 5 Years;
Tom Lewis 30 years;
Robert Fitch: 35 Years;
Allen Eide 45 years.
We will hold Election of Officers next meeting.
Twenty-one Jeptha Lodge Brothers were present as Matt Hansen and Josh Hansen received the E.A. Degree.
Brother Cal DeRuyter was honored as a 10-Year Master Mason.
Education Officer Allen Eide explained numerous terms which may be unfamiliar to new Masons.
May 21, 2013
The result of our election of officers:
Worshipful Master: Joe West
Senior Warden: Allen Eide
Junior Warden: Brian Sohl
Secretary: Dave Hansen
Treasurer Tom Lewis
Proposed amendments and elections at the upcoming Grand Lodge session were discussed.
The Education Program was presented by WB Allen Eide: the Rights of an Entered Apprentice:
to own, wear, and be buried in a Masonic Apron;
to be instructed in ritual, history, meanings, and symbols of Freemasonry by a well-informed Brother;
to appeal to other E.A. or a Lodge of E.A. when truly in need; and,
to attend a Lodge of Entered Apprentices.
The wages of a Fellow Craft:
Corn of nourishment, meant any cereal grain, and symbolizes rebirth and renewal as it is buried and then produces a new plant;
Wine of refreshment is symbolic of spiritual transformation like the grape into wine; and,
Oil of joy representing comfort as used in medications to heal wounds. Physical comfort was blended with spiritual comfort because oil was burned in lamps to produce light and bring comfort to the night.
June 4, 2013
One hundred fifty-three children participated in our SDCHIP event, aided by Allen and Elaine Eide, Ron, Sue and Joe West, Ken and Aggie Snedeker, Les and Bettie Spies, Mike and Vicki Stead, Tom and Judy Lewis, Brian and Vicki Sohl, Ric and Cynthia Porter, Dave and Erin Hansen, Galen Jansen, Randy Porter Greg Westra, and Duane Van Noort.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented a program on St. John the Baptist.
June 18, 2013
Congratulations to Mike Stead on becoming our newest Master Mason.
Ken Snedeker delivered Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge.
2013 - 2014
September 3, 2013
The Installing Team of Ron West, Ken Snedeker and Galen Jansen conducted the Installation of Officers. Installed were:
WM Joe West
SW Allen Eide
JW Brian Sohl
Sec Dave Hansen
Chaplain Galen Jansen
SD Doug Van’t Hof
JD Duane Van Noort
SS Arlan Verburg
Tyler Steve Wickre
Marshall Mike Stead.
Treasurer Tom Lewis and JS Tracy Homandberg will be installed at a later date.
The outgoing Master was presented with the +1 Award for increasing membership and his past Master’s pin.
Les Spies, Allen Eide and Oscar Loe attended the June Grand Lodge session and we reviewed happenings and changes that occurred.
WM thanked Brian and Lane Sohl, Allen Eide, Arlan Verburg, Duane Van Noort, Ric Porter, Mike Stead, Randy Smith, Ron and Joe West, and Dave Hansen for helping at the Lodge cleanup day. Also Ken Snedeker for Meals on Wheels deliveries and Tracy Homandberg for taking care of the Lodge lawn. Education Officer Allen Eide gave a program explaining what is or is not a regular Mason and a regular Lodge. Discussion included how it is controlled and supervised by Grand Lodges in conjunction with each other.
September 17, 2013
Our 4th and 21st Scottish Rite Degree Teams consisting of Ken Snedeker, Ron West, Joe West, Brian Sohl, Galen Jansen, and Dave Hansen participated in the reunion held in Mitchell.
The same Brothers travelled to Alcester as WB Galen Jansen delivered a fine Masonic service for WB Lloyd Johnson. The charter was draped and a moment of silence observed in honor of our departed Brother.
Brother Ken Nicholas will receive his 60 Degree Mason pin during the November 19 meeting following our annual Oyster Stew & Chili Supper.
Education Officer Allen Eide used The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry chapter entitled “A Field Guide to Masonic Symbols and Jewelry.” The square represents the WM and teaches us to square our actions in life by the square of virtue. The compasses to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds, or, exercise self-control. The level represents the Senior Warden and reminds Masons they are traveling on the level of time to that undiscovered country from which there is no return. And the perpendicular line of the plumb symbolizes the Junior Warden and admonishes Masons to walk uprightly in their several stations before God and men.
October 1, 2013
We received a communication from Brother Jeremy Huls, greeting the Brothers and updating us on his how he is doing and possible duty changes in his career.
Brothers Duane Van Noort and Mike Stead reported on their first District meeting which they attended in Centerville with W.B.s Ron West, Joe West, and Dave Hansen.
W.B. Randy Smith invited the Bros. to his ’50s-to-’80s Band performance at Rocktoberfest in the Shrine Temple in Sioux Falls on Saturday, October 19 at 7 P.M. Tickets $5 at the door. Open to the public.
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, October 8. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 P.M.
The education program continued on the symbolism of the Masonic working tools taken from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry. The 24-inch gage teaches Masons to divide the day into 3 equal parts with 8 hours for service of God and relief of distressed, worthy Brothers, 8 for our usual vocations, and 8 for refreshment and sleep. The common gavel teaches a Mason to divest his heart and conscience of the vices and superfluities of live, thereby fitting us as livings stones for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. The trowel teaches us to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which units us into one sacredband, or society of friends and brothers, among whom no contention should exist, but that noble contention of who can best work and best agree.
Brother Spies,
Would you be so kind and inform the Brothers at Jeptha Lodge #121, that I will be joining the Nobles at the Sioux Falls Shrine on November 2, 2013, Fall Ceremony. I would be honored if any of my lodge brothers could be present.
Please be so kind and inform them and your dad as Mr. Les Spies is dear to my heart.
I wish all my brothers good health. Hope to see everyone soon.
Your Brother,
Benjamin Duran (605) 212-8243 |
October 15, 2013
Brian and Layne Sohl, Abbie Homandberg, Steve Wickre, Ron and Joe West, and Dave Hansen did the semi-annual Ditch Walk on behalf of the Lodge.
WB Dennis Gildemeister sent his greetings to his Jeptha Lodge Brothers and said he misses living close enough to attend meetings.
Education Officer Allen Eide gave a very informative program discussing the 25 Landmarks of Masonry contained in the South Dakota Masonic Code.
MWB Les Spies is home resting following back surgery and rehab. Please call before visiting.
From the Inbox... |
October 17, 2013 Dear Brothers: Another year is upon us and while the weather held out long enough to walk the ditches it has now turned to fall. We have our standard events coming up: ditch walking (10/8 and 4/22), oyster stew (11/19), Santa’s visit (12/14), Valentine Roses for the widows (2/14), the George Washington Card Party (2/16), Pot Luck night (3/18), the Easter Bunny (4/19), and the Recognition Banquet (5/4). One special note is our Oyster Stew on November 19th. We will start as normal at 6:00 P.M. with the meeting to follow. The special note is that at this meeting we will have our District Master’s official visit as well as a visit from the Grand Master. It’s also looking like we’ll have many other green coats in attendance and I hope we can show them just how proud we are of our Lodge through our attendance and our ritual work. The most important thing happening this night, however, is the presentation of a 60-year award. I hope we can fill all our seats and then some to honor our recipient.
Another change is the time of the George Washington card party on February 16th. Last year at the meeting following the card party attendance was commented on and ideas were floated as to what we could do to possibly change it. As nothing was decided upon I went with the time of the party. It is still on Sunday, but instead of starting at 6:30 P.M. it is going to start at 2:00 P.M. The idea behind the change in time is it is easier for the older members of the community to get around during the daylight hours and they’re also more willing to. We also have one addition to the schedule this year and that is a Table Lodge that we are going to host one evening in late March. We have yet to nail down a date and time but all you need to do is keep an eye on your email and visit the website to find out when it will be. I want to close this letter with a gentle reminder. I want each of you to think back to three specific nights. The nights you were initiated, passed, and raised a Master Mason. Think about the brothers who were there doing the work. Were there a lot of last minute substitutions? Were there a lot of brothers reading the work? How many brothers there had no part in the work but were still there, for you? As you think of the answers to these questions think of the brothers going through the work now. How do the answers compare from then to now? For our younger members I say this, it is up to US to carry on the legacy of those members who made this lodge one to be proud of and one that we wanted to join. Sincerely, Joseph D. West, Worshipful Master
November 5, 2013
A new Petition was read for the first time. Communications from Grand Lodge included a new Master Mason Obligation Award to be presented to Masons with less than five years in the Craft. Details available from the Lodge Secretary. Committees were set for our November 19 Oyster Stew & Chili Supper before the regular meeting. Education Officer Allen Eide began his education program with a review of the 25 Landmarks of South Dakota Masonry:
The Modes of Recognition.
The division of symbolic Masonry into three Degrees.
The legend of the Third Degree.
The government of the fraternity by a presiding officer called a Grand Master, who is elected from the body of the Craft.
The prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft, whatsoever and whenever held.
The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring Degrees at irregular times.
The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for opening and holding Lodges.
The prerogative of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight.
The necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges.
The government of every Lodge by a Master and two Wardens.
The necessity that every Lodge when congregated should be duly tiled.
The right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft and to instruct his representatives.
The right of every Mason to appeal from the decision of his brethren in Lodge convened, to the Grand Lodge.
The right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge.
That no visitor not known to some Brother present as a Mason can enter a Lodge without undergoing an examination.
That no Lodge can interfere with the business or labor of another Lodge.
That every Mason is amendable to the laws and regulations of the Masonic Jurisdiction in which he resides.
That every candidate for initiation must be a man, free born and of lawful age.
That every Mason must believe in the existence of God as Grand Architect of the Universe.
That every Mason must believe in a resurrection to a future life.
That a book of law of God must constitute an indispensable part of the furniture of every Lodge.
That all men in the sight of God are equal and meet in the Lodge on one common level.
That Freemasonry is a fraternal society in possession of secrets that may not be divulged to the uninitiated.
That Freemasonry consists of a speculative science, founded on an operative art.
That the Landmarks of Masonry can never be changed.
He then concluded with a review of the Grand Lodge line of succession, taken from the Masonic Code.
November 19, 2013
Eighteen Jeptha Lodge members, ten visiting Brothers, and one Candidate enjoyed our annual Oyster Stew & Chili Supper.
Our charter was draped in honor of WB Arthur Swanson, a life member in perpetuity.
MWB Charles Gilson, Grand Master of South Dakora Masons, RWB Don Gray, Grand Orator Scot Mannschreck, Sr. Grand Steward Larry Clark, and District Master Richard Foltz were all received in the East.
Congratulation to Brother Ken Nicholas on receiving his 60-Year Mason pin! He gave a fine talk on his Masonic career.
WB Lamont Cain displayed his knowledge on Masonry in winning the ever-popular Masonic Jeopardy.
December 5, 2013
Dear Brothers:
The snow is holding off, but the carols are playing loud and clear on the radio. The time has come to wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season. I hope this letter finds you and your family safe, warm, and well.
We’ve been slower off the ground this year than the last time I was master in 2010 but we're still getting loads of things done. We had a very good showing at the District meeting and ditch walking went VERY quickly this year. As I write this we are gearing up for an EA degree at the first meeting in December and, as always, looking forward to Santa coming to visit on the 14th!
We hosted another great Oyster Stew (& Chili feed) this year. In attendance were 28 people for the stew, unfortunately not all of them were able to stay. Even with the reduced turn out we had some great visitors, including our official visitation from our District Master and the Grandmaster himself. I congratulate our brothers on impressing the visitors with our ritual work as I heard a few visitors commenting on the good job we did. We also had a 60-Year Pin that was presented to Brother Ken Nicholas. As I looked at the last Christmas letter I wrote in 2010 I noticed that we also had a 60-Year Pin then. I’m honored that at both my Oyster Stews I was able to present a 60-Year Pin and hope this is a tradition that continues. Let’s just hope the snow from 2010 isn’t a tradition for me in the Master’s Chair as well!
I want to be sure to point out a change in the time of the George Washington card party on February 16th. Last year at the meeting following the card party attendance was commented on and ideas were floated as to what we could do to possibly change it. As nothing was decided upon I went with the time of the party. It is still on Sunday but instead of starting at 6:30 P.M. it is going to start at 2:00 P.M.. The idea behind the change in time is it is easier for the older members of the community to get around during the daylight hours and they're also more willing to.
We also have one addition to the schedule this year and that is a Table Lodge that we are going to host on March 25th (a Tuesday) at 6:30 P.M. Keep an eye on your email and this Web site to find out more information on this and other future events!
Joseph D. West, Worshipful Master
Dear Brothers,
Santa comes to our Lodge on Saturday, December 14 from 12:30 to 2:00. Brothers should meet by 11:30 to address Christmas cards to our non-local members and to sack the candy/peanuts for the kids. Her are the duties that you “volunteered” for:
Santa’s Craft Elves: Erin Hansen, Elaine Aide, Vicki Stead, Cheryl Kruid, and all others willing to help
Les Spies: Small toys for goodie sacks, sacks for the candy and toys
Mike Stead: 15 lbs. of candy
Ken Snedeker: 10 lbs. of peanuts, 2 dozen cookies, decorate Christmas Tree (Aggie)
Ron and Joe West: camera and film for pictures with Santa
Ron West: 2 dozen cookies, coffee, decorate Christmas Tree (Sue)
Brian Sohl: Town sign board, toy from Santa
Tom Lewis: Newspaper notice and posters, 2 gallons cider
Randy Kruid: 2 gallons juice
Allen Eide: Santa! 2 dozen cookies
Duane Van Noort: 2 dozen cookies
Thank you, Brothers and Wives! Hope to see you there.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
December 3, 2013
Congratulations to newly made Brother Randy Kruid on receiving his Entered Apprentice Degree!
We made our annual donation to the Children’s Home Society in Sioux Falls.
Duties were assigned for Santa’s visit on Saturday, December 14, from 12:30 to 2:00.
Thanks to WB Ken Snedeker for again delivering Meals on Wheels for the Lodge.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented a program catering to newly made Masons and as a refresher for the not-so-new, including the Masonic meaning of the East, West, South and North; the hat worn by the WM; and the terms Cowan, Golden Fleece, Star & Garter, Oblong Square, Whence & Worshipful.
December 17, 2013
Thanks to all the of Brothers and their wives who helped make Santa’s visit to Hudson a fun time for many local children and their parents.
Best wishes to WB Hobie Cole who is celebrating his 90th birthday.
Congratulations to WB Mike Miller, Bro LeRoy Ross, and Bro Duane Van Noort as new Life members.
Education Officer Allen Eide presented a program called “Nine Things You didn’t Know About Freemasonry,” which was shown on the CBS Sunday Morning Show:
When meeting Masons do not discuss religion or politics.
Freemasonry is not a religion.
The Catholic Church once condemned Freemasonry.
Atheists are not welcome.
Most of the Founding Fathers were not Freemasons.
There are NO secret Masonic symbols on the U.S. dollar bill.
Shriners are Freemasons.
The secret Masonic passwords originated as a job tool.
There is no hidden Masonic code on the Rolling Rock beer bottles.
January 7, 2014
Education Officer Allen Eide used his new Masonic watch, with various Masonic symbols in place of the numbers, to give a review of the Masonic meaning. They included the plumb, the setting maul, the square & compasses, the compasses, the Tyler’s sword, the All-Seeing Eye, the twenty-four inch gage, the square, the two bronze pillars, the trowel, and the level.
January 21, 2014
Brother Duane Van Noort is having some of our officer aprons repaired.
Members of the F.C. Degree Team should begin preparing for Degree Work in March.
Education Officer Allen Eide used the “Old Past Master’s Masonic Almanac” for his program on our two patron saints, “St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist.” He also shared the section on the “Value of a Membership Card” to a Mason.
February 4, 2014
We will confer the F.C. Degree at our February 18 meeting. Practice will be February 9 at 2:00 P.M. Our quest to win the Mark Twain Award a second time has ended. We are the only South Dakota lodge to have won this prestigious award and have learned that it has been discontinued. Mike Stead, Ken Snedeker, and Tom Lewis will deliver Valentine roses to our local Masonic widows. February 16 George Washington Party plans and March 25 Table Lodge plans were discussed. Education Officer Allen Eide gave a program from The Old Past Master’s Masonic Almanac telling about King Solomon’s Temple, Zerubbabel’s Temple (the second temple in Jerusalem), and Herrod’s Temple (the final temple).
February 18, 2014
Thirty-four energetic card and game players enjoyed the new afternoon time for our George Washington’s Birthday Party. Congratulations to Brother Randy Kruid on receiving his Fellow Craft Degree! Education Officer Allen Eide used his time to explain the Masonic meaning of a Fellow Craft, Operative vs. Speculative, what a Guild was, and other terms relating to this Degree.
In Memoriam |
I regret to inform you of the passing of a long-time member of our Lodge, Worshipful Brother Oscar Loe.
Born September 25, 1932, in Sioux County, Iowa, WB Oscar R. Loe is a Life Member in Perpetuity of Jeptha Lodge. He served as Grand Pursuivant and Grand Organist of the Grand Lodge, Associate Bethel Guardian of Bethel #38, Associate Grand Guardian of South Dakota Job’s Daughters, Supreme Director of Music for the International Order of Job’s Daughters, and Venerable Master of the Sioux Falls Valley of the Scottish Rite. He received his 33rd degree in 2001. He was Orient Chairman for Public Relations & Americanism. Worshipful Brother Loe was active in the Masonic Service Association at the VA Hospital.
On February 23, we were informed that Brother Oscar had suffered a broken hip, and had been admitted to Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls. We learned that his health had taken a bad turn and that he passed away on the morning of February 28, surrounded by his family. He had requested a Masonic service by Jeptha Lodge.
Kari Janak, Brother Oscar’s daughter, provided this update:
My dad’s funeral services will be Friday, March 7, at 10:30 A.M. at First Congregational Church, 300 S. Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls. Immediately following the service there will be a Masonic service. Lunch and fellowship will follow the Masonic service with burial at the Hudson Cemetery at 2:00 P.M. A memorial fund in Oscar’s name will be set up with donations going to the Scottish Rite Foundation.
Please know Oscar loved the Masons and the lodge...it was very near and dear to his heart...sure wish he could have been here for his 60 year pin in May.
Kari Janak
| Wayne Spies, Web Master |
March 4, 2014
Our Charter was draped and a moment of silence observed in memory of our departed WB Oscar Loe. He was a Life Member in Perpetuity of our Lodge and a 60-Year Mason. He will be greatly missed.
Duties were set for the March 25 Table Lodge. Suggested attire is jacket and tie. Please let Secretary Hansen know as soon as possible if you will attend.
Allen Eide, Galen Jansen, Duane Van Noort, Randy Smith, Ron West, Joe West, Randy Kruid, Les Spies, Brian Sohl, and Mike Stead are the chefs for the Men’s Potluck supper before our March 18 meeting.
March 18, 2014
Blizzard-like conditions prevented some from enjoying the tasty meal before the night’s meeting which was prepared by the Brothers themselves.
We will confer the Master Mason Degree at our April 1 meeting. Practice will be Sunday, March 30, at 2:00 P.M.
Practice for the March 25 Table Lodge will be Sunday, March 23, at 2:00 P.M.
Dear Brothers:
Saturday, April 19, is the Easter Egg Hunt in the Hudson City Park before the pancake feed to benefit the Community Center. Meet at 9:00 A.M. to organize and set up the 3 hunt areas, the registration area, and the prize drawing tables. Registration is from 10:00 to 10:30 A.M. at the park shelter house. Experience tells us we should have at least 25 of us there to help with parking, directing traffic, registration, marking off hunt areas, hiding eggs, distributing prizes, and general crowd control and visibility. It is also a blast, so please help if you can!
We need at least 200 small/medium toys to be handed out at the drawing during the feed. Toys or cash donations can be dropped off weekday mornings at the Hudson City office. We don’t have too many yet, so please help out if you can. It is definitely worth it when the kids hear their number called and you get to see them look the prizes over and pick out the one they want. Also, invitations will soon be going out for our annual banquet on Sunday, May 4, at 6:30 P.M. Mark it on your calendar to plan to attend so we can get a head count to the caterer as soon as possible. Thanks Brothers! Dave Hansen
April 1, 2014
Congratulations to WB Curtis Cole as he turns 100! He was raised in Jeptha Lodge along with his brothers Rolfe and Hobie in 1947. Congratulations to Randy Kruid on receiving his Master Mason Degree! Forty-seven Brothers and wives enjoyed an excellent meal and the fun of the first Table Lodge to be held in Hudson. Final plans were made for our 6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held April 19. Due to the length of the evening, our Education Officer gave a brief program touching the various signs, words, and passes of the M.M. Degree, the Civil War Friend to Friend Statue, and why the Mormon Church, led by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, is not a fan of Masonry — all to be explained in depth at future meetings.
Dear Brothers:
Here is a list of who brings what:
Plastic Eggs — Tom Lewis and Dave Hansen
Candy to fill eggs — Les Spies
2 bikes for Grand Prizes — Tom/Judy Lewis, Doug/Denise Van’t Hof and Donn/Linda Larson
Hot Wheels Grand Prize — Galen/Debby Jansen
Toys/Money for Drawing — We still need a lot more.
TV for Egg Toss — Tracy/Barb Homandberg
Portable Sound System, a rope — Les Spies
Masonic Badges, magic markers — Dave Hansen
Spray paint, measuring tape — Brian Sohl
2-3 dozen eggs — Ron West
Everything else we need is on hand.
Tuesday, April 15 — any Brothers able to get to the meeting a little before 7:00 P.M. will fill eggs.
Saturday, April 19 is the Easter Egg Hunt in the Hudson City Park before the pancake feed to benefit the Community Center.
Meet at 9:00 — 9:15 A.M. to organize and set up the three hunt areas, the registration area, and the prize drawing tables.
Registration is from 10:00 to 10:30 A.M. at the park shelter house.
Experience tells us we should have at least 25 of us there to help with parking, directing traffic, registration, marking off hunt areas, hiding eggs, distributing prizes, and general crowd control and visibility.
We need at least 200 small/medium toys to be handed out at the drawing during the feed. Toys or cash donations can be dropped off weekday mornings at the Hudson City office.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Dear Brothers,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 4, 2014. The price of the dinner will be $10 per person.
Following the dinner the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the widows of our deceased Brothers, recognized some person or persons, and hear the thoughts of our guest speaker.
We hope you and your Lady will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
Please RSVP by April 30.
Joe West, W.M.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
April 15, 2014
A Petition for Affiliation was read for the first time. WB Ken and Aggie Snedeker and WB Hobie Cole visited WB Curt Vipond for lunch and a game of Whist. Thanks to our many businesses, friends, and Brothers who donated toward our Easter Egg Hunt and Drawing to benefit the Hudson Community Center. Ron West, Joe West, Randy Smith, Brian Sohl, Tom Lewis, Ken Snedeker, Les Spies, and Dave Hansen participated in the Spring Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton. Lineup for the May 4 Recognition Banquet was set. Education Officer Allen Eide’s program was a discussion of Mormonism and Freemasonry. Founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith came from a family of Freemasons and was a Mason himself. The religion originated in New York State in the 1920s. This coincided with the time of the Morgan affair, causing them to be lumped together in an anti-Masonic, secret society sentiment that damaged our fraternity for many years.
May 6, 2014
We welcome Bob Sannes as the newest member of Jeptha Lodge!
199 Children enjoyed the Easter Bunny’s visit to Hudson. Thanks to Poet Ethanol, Larson Sales, the Fillin Station, Galen and Debbie Jansen, Tom and Judy Lewis, Doug and Denise Van’t Hof, and all who contributed time, material, and prizes for the event.
Ron and Joe West, Doug and Denise Van’t Hof, Ric Porter, Randy Kruid, and Brian Sohl did the semi-annual ditch walk.
Forty-eight Brothers and Ladies enjoyed our annual May Recognition Banquet.
Election of Officers will be next meeting.
Grand Lodge voting issues were reviewed.
Education Officer Allen Eide continue his program on Mormonism and Freemasonry. The Grand Lodge of Illinois was formed by the Mormon Patriarch, Judge and General James Adams in 1840. The first five presidents of the Church, including Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, were all made Masons in Nauvoo, IL Lodge. In 1550 there were over 2,000 Masons in the 3 Nauvoo Lodges and the 2 nearby Iowa Lodges. Smith was assassinated in 1844 amid religious antagonism of the time. Legend has it that he attempted an escape by leaping out of a second story window and had begun verbalizing the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress when he saw Masons in the assembled mob as he was cut down by a volley of musket balls.
May 20, 2014
MWB Les Spies presented WB Robert Ullom with his 60-Year Masonic pin at Brookings Lodge. Bettie Spies and WB Allen Eide were also in attendance.
Congratulations and thank you to our newly elected 2014-2015 officers: WM Allen Eide, SW Brian Sohl, JW Ron West, Treas. Tom Lewis, and Sec. Dave Hansen.
Education Officer Allen Eide began with information on the 70th Anniversary Celebration of D-Day to be held in Valley Spring, SD, on June 1. He continued by displaying and telling about around 50 various Masonic items he collected from many states over the years.
Brother Allen gave the final installment of Mormonism and Freemasonry as the move to Salt Lake City, Utah, was made under the leadership of Brother Brigham Young. Many pictures of Young show him wearing Masonic pins. He talked about the importance of King Solomon’s Temple in both Mormonism and Freemasonry. The beehive, the Masonic emblem of Industry, was adopted by Young as a symbol of the community and church, and included in his personal seal.
June 3, 2014
Ken Snedeker and Dave Hansen will travel to Elk Point Lodge on June 6 where Ken will deliver the history lecture in the E.A. Degree.
SW Allen Eide will attend Grand Lodge in Oacoma and Secretary Dave Hansen will attend the Masonic On-Line Registry Interface (M.O.R.I.) training session there.
W.M.-elect Allen Eide tentatively plans to hold an open Installation of Officer before our September 2 regular meeting.
Our education program was a Masonic word search puzzle which was won by W. B. Brian Sohl in a landslide.
2014 - 2015
August 15, 2014
Dear Brother:
You may have read on our Lodge’s website that I have been elected to serve as your Worshipful Master for the upcoming Masonic year. Hopefully you will be able to attend the Public Installation of Officers prior to our September 2 meeting. Installation will occur at 5:30. About 6:00 your new W.M. will provide a light supper of meat/cheese sandwiches, chips, beverages, and dessert. Family members and other interested persons will be welcome at the installation and supper.
We look forward to you staying for the regular meeting at 7:30. We may have some visitors from out of town and I expect a good turn-out of our own members. Having you there will only make it better.
I will be talking about my hopes and plans for this year, but in case you are not able to be at the meeting, here is an outline:
All of the recent special activities of the Lodge will continue, including:
Walking the ditches of the roads east and west of town in the fall and spring.
Oyster stew (and chili for those so inclined) before our meeting on November 18, with Masonic Jeopardy played during the meeting.
Santa’s visit on Saturday, December 13.
Present flowers to the widows of deceased members for Valentine’s Day.
George Washington Birthday Party with card and board games, cherry pie and ice cream on Sunday afternoon, February 15.
The pot luck dinner prepared by the brothers for the brothers, probably before our meeting on March 3.
On April 4, the Lodge will host the Easter Egg Hunt.
On Sunday, May 3, the annual recognition banquet will be held in the evening.
Delivering Meals on Wheels in Hudson on a rotating basis.
Recognizing brothers whose 5th, 10th, 15th, 45th, 50th etc anniversary of their Master Mason degree has come around.
Improving the education program of the Lodge with a new, but well-experienced, Education Officer.
Maintaining the best website of any Lodge in South Dakota.
Last year, at the request of Grand Lodge officers, we held a Table Lodge, which was open to spouses and significant others. It was successful, so I will be asking the brothers if we want to do it again. It could be held on Tuesday, March 24, or March 31, as there are five Tuesdays in March, which will cause an extra week between our regular meetings.
There are nine Lodges within 53 miles of Hudson that meet on nights other than our meeting nights of first and third Tuesdays (see below). We will discuss whether we want to promote more contact with those Lodges, by sending a car-load or two of brothers to visit each of them sometime during this Masonic year.
Some brothers who live within a reasonable driving distance of our Lodge do not attend Lodge often, or at all. If you are one of them, what can we do to make it easier for you to attend at least one meeting this year?
If you have an idea about how to improve Jeptha Lodge, and especially how we might better serve the Hudson area, please contact me, so we can discuss it.
See you at Lodge,
Allen J. Eide, Worshipful Master-elect
PO Box 903
Brandon, SD 57005
aeide@alliancecom.net |
Canton | Silver Star #4 | 1st Wed. | 7:30 | 17 mi. |
Centerville | Myrtle #91 | 1st Thu. | 8:00 | 27 mi. |
Elk Point | Elk Point #3 | 1st Thu. | 8:00 | 43 mi. |
Harrisburg | Zonta #215 | occasional | ? | 34 mi. |
Hurley | Joppa #120 | 1st Wed. | 8:00 | 43 mi. |
Parker | Parker #30 | 1st Thu. | 8:00 | 53 mi. |
Sioux Falls | Minnehaha #5 | 1st Thu. | 7:00 | 42 mi. |
| Unity #130 | 2d & 4th Thu. | 7:00 | 42 mi. |
| Trinity #200 | 1st Mon. | 7:00 | 42 mi. |
September 2, 2014
We got the year off to a good start on September 2, with our open installation of officers and supper, and then a new petition read at the meeting.
Speaking of degree work, we have been asked to put on the MM Degree for three or four candidates on Saturday, September 27, starting at 3:00 P.M. We need to know that it will work for the degree team so I can give Elk Point an answer ASAP. Specifically, that work [will] be Les Spies, Galen Jansen, Joe West, Brian Sohl, Cal DeRuyter, Ron West, Randy Smith, Ken Snedeker, Tom Lewis, Mike Stead, Carter Horner, and Duane Van Noort. I know some answered last night, but I would appreciate it if you would email. And everyone is welcome to come along!
Scottish Rite in Yankton is Friday, October 3, and Saturday, October 4. Those teams need to start brushing up on their parts so we can line up a practice at our September 16 meeting.
Thanks to Mike Stead for volunteering to enter the Lodge float in the parade this coming Saturday.
Education Officer Ron West presented a program reviewing some of the early history of our Lodge.
Past Grand Master Spies and His Lady, Bettie, Honored
On September 2, Grand Master Doug McFarland traveled to Jeptha Lodge #121 in Hudson to be a part of the Lodge’s Installation of Officers. GM Doug also made a special Grand Lodge presentation to MWB Les Spies and lady Bettie for their “Exemplary Service to Masonry.” They both were presented plaques for their many years of service to and for the fraternity and a short, detailed account of their many accomplishments was noted. Also in attendance, representing the Grand Lodge, were RW Don Gray Deputy Grand Master; MW Denny Robinson PGM, GrandTreasurer/Secretary; and PGM Virgil Andersen. Both MWB Les and Bettie were very surprised and moved by their awards.
Back: Grand Treasurer-Secretary Denny Robinson, PGM; Deputy Grand Master Don Gray; Grand Master Doug McFarland; and Past Grand Master Virgil Andersen honor Past Grand Master Les and Bettie Spies
September 16, 2014
New Candidate! We will confer the E.A. Degree at a Special Meeting in our Lodge on Thursday, October 9, at 7:00 P.M. Practice time is to be determined. Brother Mike Stead entered the Lodge float in the all school reunion parade. MWB Les Spies and WM Allen Eide reported on Grand Lodge and the District Meeting. Ways to increase visibility were discussed, including a large banner for the outside of the Lodge building, advertising possibilities using “Did you know” questions and answers on Masonry in general and our Lodge in particular, and Masonic apparel. WB Aaron Zahn, Grand Standard Bearer, WB Scott Mannschrect, Grand Orator, and District Master WB Richard Foltz were recognized and spoke. Education Officer Ron West presented a program on Past Masters. They no longer wield any power, but should have the respect of their Brothers for their efforts for the good of the fraternity over a long period of time and for the ritual knowledge they possess.
October 7 (Regular Meeting) and 9 (Special Meeting), 2014
Congratulations to Isaac Van Noort on receiving his E.A. Degree!
W.B. Joe West received his Past Master card.
A Grand Lodge handout entitled “The Mason’s Lady” is available to anyone who wants a copy. Contact Secretary Hansen.
Our 4th and 21st Degree Scottish Rite Teams consisting of Galen Jansen, Ron West, Joe West, Brian Sohl, Randy Smith, Tom Lewis, and Dave Hansen conferred these degrees in Yankton on October 3.
Our Master Mason Degree Team traveled to Elk Point on September 27 to do courtesy degree work. In addition to the regulars, new team members Duane Van Noort, Mike Stead, and Cal DeRuyter should be recognized for their fine work.
Education Officer Ron West shared interesting Jeptha Lodge history event from the 1920s through the 1950s, including:
August 1922: Our 25 oak chairs plus three officers chairs were purchased for $176.01.
1927: C. A. Vipond, Jay Juisman, and R. E. Iverson donated the large metal dimmer switch we still use.
1930: Only three meeting were held during the year.
February 1935 : the first George Washington's Birthday Party was held.
November 1947: C A Vipond provided a Moose meat supper.
June 28, 1956: Our current Lodge building (a former Methodist Church and then funeral parlor) was purchased for $500 plus $159 back taxes.
October 21, 2014
Our semi-annual Ditch Walking was done by Allen Eide, Ron West, Brian Sohl, Steve Wickre, Mike Stead, and Dave Hansen. The committees for our Tuesday, November 18, Oyster Stew & Chili Supper were set. We will begin eating at 6:00 P.M. Education Officer Ron West shared Jeptha Lodge history highlights from the 1960s through the 1980s, including:
1960 - Corn crop project netted $1,215.80
1961 - new Lodge roof cost $555.16
June 1971 - WB David Graham received his 50-Year Pin.
1973 - Annual dues raised to $15.
1975 - Our current carpet was laid for $678.55.
1976 - WB Curt Vipond was named District Master.
1981 - Major remodeling of the Lodge interior at a cost of $1,500.
1981 - Began delivering Meals on Wheels on a regular basis.
1985 - Soybean crop netted $793.44.
June 1989 - MWB Les Spies installed as Grand Master and WB Ken Snedeker as Sr. Grand Deacon.
November 4, 2014
Best wishes to WB Mike Miller as he recuperates and regains strength.
A letter of greetings from Brother Ken Nicholas was shared.
WM Allen Eide, WB Brian Sohl, WB Dave Hansen, and Brother Duane Van Noort attended Lodge in Sioux Falls and saw 8 new Master Masons raised.
WM Eide presented a banner purchased from Grand Lodge based on the new petition to be used at various events as part of his program to increase Lodge visibility.
Education Officer Ron West began his program recognizing the 75th anniversary of departed Brother Donald Brundeen, a Memorial Life Member of our Lodge, becoming a Master Mason. MWB Les Spies sponsored Brother Brundeen in becoming a Memorial Life Member. The program continued with a discussion of many prominent Masons throughout American history, such as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones, fourteen presidents, Davy Crockett, Buffalo Bill Cody, Lewis and Clark, Charles Charles Lindbergh, and John Glenn to name a few.
November 26, 2014
We had a busy meeting Tuesday night and there are several events to give you details on. I’ll do it in chronological order:
Wednesday, December 3 - Hurley Lodge Oyster Stew & Chili Supper. We will discuss departure time for those interested at our December 2 meeting.
Thursday, December 4 - Parker Lodge Oyster Stew & Chili Supper - Discuss departure time at our Dec. 2 meeting
Saturday, December 13 - Santa comes to our Lodge from 12:30 to 2:00. Brothers should meet by 11:45 to address Christmas cards to our non-local members and to sack the candy/peanuts for the kids. Duties that you volunteered for or someone volunteered you for:
Town Sign Board & Santa Banner: Brian Sohl
Juice: Brian Sohl
Gift for Santa to hand out: Brian Sohl
2 gal. Cider: Tom Lewis
Newspaper Ads & Posters: Tom Lewis
Peanuts 10 lbs.: Doug Van’t Hof
Letter to non-local Brothers: Allen Eide
Santa: Allen Eide
Bags for candy and toys: Les Spies
Small Toys: Les Spies
10# of Candy: Les Spies and Randy Kruid
Labels to go on bags: Dave Hansen
Postage and Mailing Labels: Dave Hansen
Craft Helpers: Erin Hansen and Elaine Eide
2 Dozen Cookies: Allen Eide, Randy Kruid, Mike Stead, and Duane Van Noort
Decorating Tree: Ken and Aggie Snedeker
Camera and Film: Joe and Ron West
Tuesday, December 16 at 7:30: “Dress For Christmas Night.” Wear your favorite (most interesting?) Christmas attire.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
November 18, 2014
Our annual Oyster Stew & Chili Supper was enjoyed by 16 Brothers from Hudson, four from Hurley, and two from Elk Point.
Brothers should keep in mind the December 3 visit to Hurley and December 4 visit to Parker for their Oyster Stew meetings.
Final preparations for Santa’s visit to the Lodge on December 13 from 12:30 to 2:00 were made.
Our December 16 meeting will be “Dress for Christmas Night.” Join us in your favorite Christmas attire.
Ken and Aggie Snedeker, Hobie Cole, and Curt Vipond enjoyed lunch together, followed by a few games of Whist.
Brian Sohl and Ken Snedeker tied for the top spot in this year’s edition of Masonic Jeopardy.
December 16, 2014
In the last meeting of the year:
Hungry Jeptha Lodge Brothers and wives attended Oyster Stews at Hurley, Parker, and Sanborn plus Elk Point’s Friends Feast.
Curt Vipond will be recognized for his 65 years as a Mason on Saturday, December 27, starting at noon with a meal at The Attic restaurant in Sioux Falls. All Brothers, their wives, and friends are welcome. RSVP to Secretary Hansen as we need to give at head count.
Education Officer Ron West presented a program on “The Legend of Hyram, King of Tyre.”
After the meeting, all present gathered for group pictures. Highlighted were those dressed in “interesting” Christmas attire, including Mike Stead as the world’s tallest elf!
January 6, 2015
Bad weather trumps the schedule.
January 20, 2015
Allen Eide, Ken Snedeker, Duane Van Noort, and Dave Hansen attended the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper at Elk Point Lodge.
Curt Vipond was recognized for his 65 years of exemplary service to Jeptha Lodge and Masonry at a luncheon in his honor on December 27 at Callaway’s Restaurant in Sioux Falls. A total of 26 Masons, wives, and family members enjoyed a wonderful meal and program in Curt’s honor.
Committees were set for our annual George Washington’s Birthday Party to be held on Sunday, February 15, at 2:00 P.M. Please note the duties got volunteered for if you weren’t there:
 2 Pies each - Duane Van Noort, Allen Eide, Brian Sohl and Dave Hansen
 Coffee - Allen Eide
 6 Baskets - Les Spies
 Ice Cream - Les Spies
 Check the Playing Card - Ken Snedeker
 6 Prizes - Galen Jansen
 Grass for the Baskets - Galen Jansen
 Bring Games - Galen Jansen and Dave Hansen
 Invites and Tallies - Dave Hansen
 Town Sign Board - Brian Sohl
 Poster Advertising - Tom Lewis
 Juice - on hand
Dave and Brothers,
The certificate recognizing my 60 years as a member of Jeptha Lodge arrived last week and it has taken its place as one of our valued possessions. Thank you very much!!
Frank Myers
February 3, 2015
WB Ken Snedeker and his lady Aggie paid visits to WBs Mike Miller, Hobie Cole and Curt Vipond.
Jeptha Lodge nominated our WM Allen Eide for a position on the Grand Lodge Jurisprudence Committee.
Education Officer Ron West began with a reading of important events in history for January 1980 and presentation to WB Ken Snedeker to recognize his 35 years of active participation in Masonry, and for being an important member of Jeptha Lodge, helping to keep us proficient in our ritual work.
He continued by sharing a poem entitled “The Old Master’s Wages.”
He concluded with a piece called “What is different about a Mason” taken from the 1823 Farmers Almanac:
The real Freemason is distinguished from the rest of mankind by the uniform unrestrained rectitude of his conduct. Other men are honest in fear of punishment that the law might inflict; they are religious in expectation of being rewarded, or in dread of the devil in the next world. A Freemason would be just if there were no laws, human or divine, except those written in the heart by the fingers of his Creator. In every climate, under every system of religion, he is the same. He kneels before the throne of God in gratitude of blessings that he has received; and in humble solicitations for his future protection. He venerates the good men of all religions; he disturbs not the religion of others. He retains his passions because they cannot be indulged without injuring his neighbor or himself. He has no offense because he does not
choose to be offended. He is honest upon principle.
February 17, 2015
Allen Eide, Ken Snedeker and Dave Hansen enjoyed a visit to Worthing Lodge last Thursday.
Thirty-two Masons, their Ladies, and friends enjoyed playing cards and games and eating cherry pie and ice cream at our annual George Washington Party.
We hope to do outdoor Degree Work in May or June at the Spies Farm picnic area.
Tom Lewis, Ken Snedeker and Allen Eide delivered Valentine roses to our local Masonic widows.
Cooks were determined for our annual Men’s Potluck Supper will be at 6:30 before our March 3 meeting.
Education Officer Ron West began a program on WB Ben Franklin taking from a Short Talk Bulletin.
March 3, 2015
The possible date for Outdoor Degree work in May and June appear to be May 2, May 9, and June 6 (with June 6 already hitting a snag). Thanks to Donn Larson, Tom Lewis, Doug Van’t Hof, and Galen Jansen for offering to donate bikes for the drawing following our Easter Hunt. This benefits the Hudson Community Center and we also need to start accumulating toys to be given away during the drawing at the breakfast which follows. WM Eide thanked the Brothers who furnished the great food we enjoyed before the meeting at our Men’s Potluck Supper. The only problem was there were not enough of us there to enjoy it, forcing those who were to over eat! Education Officer Ron West gave an excellent program on Examination of Visitors. First, they must show their dues card. Second, take the test oath. Third, they must answer test questions and WB Ron called on the three Masters for the three degrees, WBs Dave Hansen, Tom Lewis abd Galen Jansen, to do this. Included were the passwords and grips for the degrees, and a few questions relating to each degree. A lot discussion followed, including WB Ken Snedeker and MWB Les Spies telling of the extensive examinations they underwent in Arkansas Lodges.
March 17, 2015
We hope to have a Lodge potluck/picnic for the Brothers and their families sometime this summer. Final preparations made for the Saturday, April 4 Easter Egg Hunt. Outdoor F.C. Degree Work is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, at the Spies picnic area. Education Officer Ron West shared “Boring Our Members to Death, ” from by Freemasonry for Dummies author Chris Hodapp, suggesting good ways to prevent this from happening.
April 7, 2015
Allen and all of the Masons,
A special thank you to all that the Masons do for this event. I have been a part of the planning committee for this event since the beginning. As I have said to many — I am not sure how this happens but it does.
This fundraiser somehow has all of the right factions that it just works. Not just this year but has worked for many years. How we attract the people that we do, when there is a lot of neighboring competition, still amazes me. We have all the right things at the right time and the right groups and people doing it evidently. So again I say thanks, you are a vital part of this event and the community. Congratulations and keep it up!
Donn Larson
April 7, 2015
A potluck picnic with family members will be combined with our outdoor F.C. Degree work at the Les Spies farm on June 6.
184 children participated in our 6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt to benefit the Community Center.
WB Ric Porter was recognized as a 30-Year Master Master. Congratulations Ric!
Dear Brother,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 3, 2015.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person, which will help cover the cost of complementary meals for our guests.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers and enjoy the thoughts of our guest speaker.
We hope you and your Lady will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
PLEASE RSVP BY APRIL 30, 2015, to assist our caterer.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
(712) 476-9376
Allen J. Eide, Worshipful Master
(605) 360-7374
April 14, 2015
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams consisting of Galen Jansen, Brian Sohl, Ron West, Joe West, Randy Smith, Tom Lewis and Dave Hansen participated in the Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton last week.
Secretary Hansen needs to send a head count of Brothers who will attend the Table Lodge in Worthing at 6:30 P.M. on Friday, May 15, no later than our next meeting date. Let him know if you are going.
Finally preparations were made for our Recognition Banquet on Sunday, May 3, at 6:30 P.M. Please RSVP to Secretary Hansen or WM Allen no later than April 30.
Our next three lunch donations will go to the MSAT Program, the George Washington National Masonic Memorial, and the SD CHIP Program.
Table Lodge at Worthing will be on May 15 at 6:30 P.M. Please let Secretary Hansen know if you intend to attend. He needs to give them a head count after our May 5 meeting
Outdoor F.C. Degree work is a go for Saturday, June 6. Study up if you have a part. There will be a picnic/potluck with our families following the degree work — more details to follow.
We will Walk Ditches on Tuesday, April 28. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 P.M. Bring gloves and a few trash bags. Any and all family members are welcome!
Education Officer Ron West presented “America’s Symbol — To Have and to Hold.” This is a “first person” account given by Old Glory herself of remembrances over her lifetime. It was an excellent reminder of the respect Americans used to have for our flag and our country and, hopefully, still do. However, it seems that many do not feel the same patriotism as in days gone by. Hopefully, this trend is reversed soon.
May 5, 2015
Grand Lodge proposals and nominees were discussed in detail.
Forty-three attended a very successful May Banquet. Ken and Aggie Snedeker and Duane and Isaac Van Noort were recognized by Vicki Stead for their contributions to the Hudson nursing home.
Table Lodge in Worthing is Friday, May 15, at 7:00 P.M. Six Brothers and three wives plan to attend so far. Carpool leaves Hudson at 6:00 P.M. Please let Secretary Hansen know if you wish to be added to the list.
Outdoor F.C. Degree work on Saturday, June 6: Brothers will need to help with mowing and moving the necessary paraphernalia to the site. Bettie Spies will plan the meal and contact others if she desires help with this meal for Masons and their families which will follow the degree work.
WM Eide thanked Duane Van Noort, Ron Chenault, Ron West, Joe West, Ric Porter, Randy Kruid, and Brian Sohl who helped him with ditch walking last Tuesday.
WM Eide gave an education program on the “Friend to Friend” Monument in the Gettysburg Cemetery. The statue honors the terrible price paid by soldiers in this conflict and how Masonry intervened as a common bond of Brotherly Love for the opposing sides of the Civil War.
June 1, 2015
On Saturday, June 6, at 3:30 P.M., Jeptha Lodge will be conferring the Fellowcraft Degree at the picnic area on the farm of MWB Les Spies. Following the work, there will be a picnic supper in the shelter house there. Please let WM Allen Eide or MWB Les know you are planning to attend so they can judge how much food to have on hand. Do not answer to me as I will be away all next week and will not see your emails.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
June 6, 2015
Brothers, the Low Vale meeting was held this afternoon at the Spies farm, with 22 brothers, both ours and visitors, in attendance. Brother Isaac Van Noort was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft as planned.
Afterwards, Bettie Spies served a delicious Swiss steak dinner, with a multitude of excellent salads and several tasty desserts.
WB Bob Ullom of Flandreau, who filled in as Chaplain today, was proclaimed a lifetime honorary member of Jeptha Lodge. WB Jeff Buchman of Sioux City did a masterful stair lecture, Iowa-style. It is close to ours, but not exactly the same. Thanks to WB Galen Janssen and Bro. Ron Chennault for taking pro-tem positions.
However, not all was well. MWB Les came home from a short stay in the hospital, just as the meeting started. Before the evening was done, he was back in the hospital, after his blood pressure spiked. We have not had further word since we left the Spies home about 8:00 PM.
Our prayers are with MW Bro. Les and Bettie in this time of concern.
Allen J. Eide, Worshipful Master
P.S. There is one more stated communication before the Lodge goes dark for the summer. 7:30 on Tuesday June 16. Please attend if you can.
June 2, 6, 16, 2015
Jeptha Lodge is pleased to welcome John Eide to the membership roll.
Isaac Van Noort received the F.C. Degree in the outdoor, low vale setting of the Spies farm picnic area, followed by a wonderful meal prepared by Bettie.
Education Officer Ron West gave a program on some do’s and don’ts in Masonic ritual and shared a Short Talk Bulletin called “The Seven Deadly Cynics” who can cause disharmony in a Lodge.
Best wishes from all of the Brothers of Jeptha Lodge to MWB Les Spies as he continues to battle various health issues.
The results of the election of officers:
Brian Sohl WM
Ron West SW
Duane Van Noort JW
Dave Hansen Sec.
Tom Lewis Treas.
We are organizing a Masonic Fantasy Football League. We will hold an offline draft next Sunday Aug. 23 at 3:00 in the Civic Center (American Legion Building) downtown Worthing. We will order pizza and have snacks and refreshments available. The draft will be an auction style and will be hosted through Yahoo. If you are interested please reply with a Yahoo email address that we can use to invite you to the league. If you haven’t played through Yahoo or Fantasy Football before but have a general knowledge of the game this will be an easy league and one of the other Brothers will help you through the draft.
Our intention is to make this another fun way to get Masons together. If you just want to come for the pizza and BYOB (if you desire other than soda or water) we invite you to just come and enjoy the fellowship and the excitement of a Fantasy Football draft. We could use some help also just to enter data into the computer as we go or maybe even a referee! Either way even if you’re not in the league you’ll still have fun at the draft
We would like to keep it to Masons only for now. Please forward this on to other Brothers in your lodge or other Masons you think would be interested. Aaron Zahn, Secretary / Treasurer Worthing Lodge 141, Worthing, SD
August 18, 2015
Dear Brothers,
With the end of summer fast approaching, the start of the new Lodge year will soon begin, and even faster than usual.
Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 1 at 7:30 PM.
I think this is an important year for our Lodge. Attendance has become a little “sketchy” in recent years as some former regulars have become part-timers, some part-timers come even less, and others disappear almost entirely. I say this not to point fingers, but out of concern for the future of a Lodge that is more visible, and has more activities for the good of Hudson, than ever. And I think we do more event planning and learn more on a variety of interesting Masonic related topics than when I first joined.
Somehow I’ve become one of the “old guys” and maybe I haven’t noticed that Jeptha Lodge needs a little “tweaking” to be more fun. If so, please come and share any ideas to make the experience more interesting!
I do not think Masonry has become irrelevant. To the contrary, just take a look around and it is pretty obvious that the country and the world needs Masonry more than ever!
Dave Hansen, Sec.
2015 - 2016
September 1, 2015
WM Brian Sohl and his 2015-2016 Officers were installed by Randy Smith, Installing Officer, Allen Eide, Installing Marshall, and Galen Jansen, Installing Chaplain with 16 members in attendance.
The Lodge Charter was draped in honor of departed Brother Gerald Dow, may he rest in peace.
Thanks to Brother Tracy Homandberg for the fine job taking care of the Lodge's lawn again this year.
Education Officer Ron West presented WB Galen Jansen with a certificate recognizing his 20 years as a Master Mason. Galen stated he remembers that night well and has great enjoyment from his Masonic experience.
August 2015 Short Talk Bulletin entitled “Where Have All The Past Masters Gone?” was shared. It describes a Masonic pyramid of new Master’s building up new levels after the Past Masters. If some of the lower Past Master “blocks” disappear, the entire pyramid can come tumbling down. It is a visual example of why it is necessary that Past Masters continue to stay involved and contribute their experience for the good of the Lodge.
WB Allen Eide assembled his officers from this past year for a photograph session.
September 15, 2015
Duane Van Noort attended the Masonic Leadership Conference in Oacoma, SD.
Brian Sohl and Steve Wickre, with the help of 5 grandchildren, entered the Lodge float in the all-school reunion parade.
Immediate PM Allen Eide presented WM Brian Sohl with the +1 Award received at Grand Lodge for an increase in membership this past year.
Ken and Aggie Snedeker attended Installation of Officers at Elk Point Lodge.
Education Officer Ron West shared some of the ancient history of Masonry as it was in England and the American Colonies.
October 16, 2015
Our 4th and 21st Degree Scottish Rite Teams — Galen Jansen, Randy Smith, Brian Sohl, Ron West Joe West, Tom Lewis and Dave Hansen — participated in the Fall Reunion in Yankton.
MWB Les Spies attended a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Iowa in Sioux City.
WB Ken Snedeker reminded the Brothers how much our Brothers in various nursing homes enjoy it when we take the time to stop and visit them.
Ditch Walking will be Tuesday, October 13. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.
Education Officer Ron West described the first Presidential Inaguration Ceremony, concentrating on the rolls of our first President George Washington and Robert Livingstone of New York.
November 3, 2015
WM Brian Sohl and WB Allen Eide attended the District Meeting in Vermillion.
WB Eide completed a proposed rewrite of the Lodge by-laws which will be emailed out to members before a vote at the Nov. 17 meeting (It can also be downloaded here.) Changing meeting times from 7:30 PM to 7:00 PM is one of the major items.
All is ready for our Annual Oyster Stew and Chili Supper before our Nov. 17 meeting. Begin serving at 6:00 PM.
WB Curt Vipond appears in the commercial for Stony Brook Suites in Sioux Falls.
WB Allen Eide gave an education program on his recent trip to Scotland and Ireland. Highlighted were his tour of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh and the Glengoyne Whiskey Distillery in the Scottish Highland. It is left to your opinion which drew greater interest and discussion!
November 17, 2015
We had a busy meeting last Tuesday night and there are several events to give you details on. I’ ll do it in chronological order: 1. Santa comes to our Lodge on Saturday, December 12 from 12:30 to 2:00. Brothers should meet by 11:30 to address Christmas cards to our non-local members and to sack the candy/peanuts for the kids. Duties that you volunteered for: Town Sign Board and Santa Banner — Brian Sohl
Juice — Brian Sohl
Gift for Santa to hand out — Brian Sohl
Letter to non-local Brothers — Brian Sohl
Christmas Cards - Brian Sohl
2 gal. Cider — Tom Lewis
Newspaper Adsand Posters — Tom Lewis
Peanuts 10 lbs. — Doug Van’ t Hof
Santa — Allen Eide
Bags for Candy and Toys — Les Spies
Small Toys — Les Spies
10# of Candy — Tracy Homandberg and Mike Stead
Labels to go on bags — Dave Hansen
Postage and Mailing Labels — Dave Hansen
Craft Helpers — ??
2 Dozen Cookies — Allen Eide, Randy Kruid, Mike Stead, and Ron West
Decorating Tree — Ken and Aggie Snedeker
Camera and Film — Joe and Ron West
2. We will confer the E.A. Degree on Tuesday, December 15, open at 7:00 PM. Practice will be on Saturday, December 15 after Santa’ s visit to the Lodge. Please study up and be ready for practice and the actual degee if you have a part in the work.
December 15, 2015
WB Allen “Santa” Eide, Elaine “Mrs. Claus” Eide, and Santa’s helpers Diana “the Penguin” Hansen and Vicki Sohl gave the Hudson area children a fun time on Santa’s visit to Hudson. We welcome Charles Smith to Jeptha Lodge on receiving the E.A. Degree! We will co-sponsor a C.H.I.P. event at the Union Co. Fair with Elk Point Lodge. New Lodge By-Laws were discussed, voted on, accepted, and submitted to Grand Lodge for approval.
January 19, 2016
Jeptha Lodge welcomes Michael Bjelland on beginning his journey in Masonry!
Education Officer Ron West presented a program explaining many of the terms heard in the E.A. Degree.
February 16, 2016
There was no meeting on February 2 because of the weather.
WBs Ken Snedeker, Allen Eide, Ric Porter, and Tom Lewis delivered Valentine roses to our local Masonic widows.
We made final preparations for our annual George Washington Party on February 21 at 2:00 PM and our Men’s Potluck Supper to be held at 6:30 PM before the March 1 meeting.
We began preparing for the Saturday, March 26 Easter Egg Hunt & Raffle to benefit the Community Center.
Education Officer Ron West gave a program on “The Handicapped Brother.”
March 1, 2016
The new By-Laws have received Grand Lodge approval. Effective March 15, 2016, all regular meetings will start at 7:00 PM.
Our Men’s Potluck Supper before the March 1 meeting was the best ever with lots of great food to chose from.
Annual George Washington’s Party was enjoyed by 30 card and game players. Cherry pie and ice cream capped off a fun afternoon.
Final plans were set for the Saturday, March 26, Easter Egg Hunt and Drawing to benefit the Hudson Community Center.
Education Officer Ron West used a Short Talk Bulletin to describe “The Ideal Lodge.” It is not one with a big bank account but few active members. It fully informs new petitioners. It has Teams, not Committees, where a Chairman does all of the work. It considers fellowship and lunch time very important in addition to the ritual.
Brothers, Several important items in the works for you: First, we will meet at the Lodge to walk ditches Tuesday, March 22,at 6 PM. We decided to do it a little early this year because the forecast is pretty nice and before the grass starts growing. Bring a pair of gloves and a few trash bags. It should take us about an hour. Second, the Easter Egg Hunt on next Saturday, March 26. Meet at the City Park at 9:30 AM to hide egg, rope off the hunt areas, and get the raffle prizes set up in the Community Center. Registration is from 10:00 to 10:30 AM. Hunt begins at 10:45 AM. It goes great if we have 20 to 25 Brothers on hand. Lastly, it looks like we will be conferring the F.C. Degree at the April 19 meeting. Please be preparing if you have a part. I’m sure we will be talking about a practice at the April 5 meeting. Thanks! Dave Hansen, Secretary |
March 15, 2016
We’ll walk ditches Tuesday, March 22, at 6:00 PM.
At lunch we filled 1,500 plastic eggs for Saturday’s hunt.
MWB Les Spies shared “The Stolen Car,” a semi-tongue-in-cheek short story about a man with Masonic bumper stickers on his car who was stopped by a police officer for behaving in a very unMasonic manner because the officer thought he must have stolen the car.
WB Ron West presented “5 Things You Might Not Know About the Washington Memorial.”
Continental Congress voted to erect a monument to Washington in 1783, but it was not begun until 1848.
The original plan called for pantheon with stone columns and statues, with the obelisk we know in the center.
In 1982 a Navy veteran held the monument and those inside at the time hostage, threatening to blow it up. It turned out he had no explosives.
The monument was damaged in a 2011 earthquake. No one was injured, but it was closed while $15 million in repaired were made.
Numerous other lesser-known tributes to Washington are scattered around the country.
April 5, 2016
WB Allen Eide presented three Brothers with Master Mason anniversary certificates: Bro. Tracy Homandberg - 5 Years, Bro. Doug Van’t Hof - 5 Years, and MWB Les Spies - 45 Years.
At the annual Easter Egg Hunt, 167 children toughed it out on a cold morning to fill their baskets.
Tom, Judy and Tyler Lewis, Ron and Joe West, Steve Wickre, Tracy Homandberg, Brian Sohl, Duane Van Noort, Randy Kruid, Galen Jansen and Dave Hansen were the semiannual ditch walker crew for the Lodge.
Final plans were made for the Sunday, May 1, Recognition Banquet.
Education Officer Ron West shared a Grand Lodge of Louisiana piece entitled “When Is a Man a Mason?”
April 19, 2016
Jeptha Lodge 4th and 21st Degree Teams consisting of Brian Sohl, Randy Smith, Galen Jansen, Ron West, Joe West, Tom Lewis and Dave Hansen participated in the Yankton Scottish Rite Spring Reunion.
We will confer the F.C. Degree at our May 3 Meeting.
Education Officer Ron West shared the Masonic Messenger article on Mt. Rushmore.
Dear Brother,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 1, 2016.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person, which will help cover the cost of complementary meals for our guests.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers and enjoy the thoughts of our guest speaker.
We hope you and your Lady will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
PLEASE RSVP as soon as possible or BY APRIL 26, 2016 to assist our caterer.
Brian Sohl, W.M.
Ph. (605) 984-2032
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Ph. 712-476-9376
May 3, 2016
Congratulations to Brother Michael Bjelland on receiving his FC Degree!
Visiting Brothers Chuck Yates, Past Grand Master of Iowa, and Guy Posey, Past Grand Marshall of Iowa were recognized.
Fifty-one Masons and Ladies attended a successful Recognition Banquet.
Education Officer Ron West reviewed the life of Law Wallace. He is an important, but little remembered Mason who was an attorney, served as an officer in the Mexican and Civil Wars, served in the Indiana State Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, was Governor of New Mexico, Ambassador to Turkey, and also somehow found the time to write the classic Ben Hur.
May 17, 2016
The election of officers will be done at the June 7 meeting. Ron Chenault’s famous baby-back ribs prepared in a smoker should entice a big turnout.
When reviewed Grand Lodge nominees and issues to be voted on.
WB Allen Eide filled in as Education Officer and shared “Ritual Education” from the February 2014 Short Talk Bulletin. It emphasized that we need to understand what the ritual actually means, not just memorize the words.
June 7, 2016
Bro. Jeremy Huls, a Lt. Commander in the Navy, sent heartfelt greetings to his fellow Jeptha Lodge Brothers as he deploys to the Middle East with the Eisenhower Strike Group.
Election of Officers was held:
WM Ron West
SW Duane Van Noort
JW Doug Van’t Hof
Treas. Tom Lewis
Sec. Dave Hansen
Education Officer Ron West shared “Top 10 Scandalous Freemason Secrets” by ANONYMOUS. When we heard some of the laughable and untrue reasons in the list, we knew why it was anonymous. We also realized that we must continue fighting the sometimes uphill battle to show what a wonderful force for good in the world Masonry is.
June 21, 2016
We will plan to confer the Master Mason Degree on Tuesday, July 12, at 7:00 P.M. Practice will be Sunday, July 10, at 2:00 PM.
WB Allen Eide reported on happenings at the Grand Lodge session.
WB Ron West received the Education Officer of the Year Award at Grand Lodge.
We discussed taking down the old trees on the Lodge lawn and will check on some options to have it done.
Tonight’s education program was “Dispelling Myths About Masons.”
2015 - 2016
September 6, 2016
The old trees around the Lodge were taken down in July after deciding they were getting too messy and possibly dangerous.
WB Galen Jansen delivered a fine Masonic Service for a Brother of a neighboring Lodge.
We sponsored a CHIP event at the Union County Fair in Alcester with the Elk Point Lodge.
Installation of Officers was done by WB Allen Eide, Installing Officer, WB Randy Smith, Installing Marshall and WB Galen Jansen, Installing Chaplain. Officers for the 2016 — 2017 Masonic Year are WM Ron West, SW Duane Van Noort, JW Doug Van’t Hof, Treas. Tom Lewis, Sec Dave Hansen, SD Joe West, JD Michael Bjelland, SS Arlan Verburg, JS Tracy Homandberg, Chaplain Galen Jansen, Tyler Brian Sohl , Marshall Steve Wickre and Educ. Off. Joe West.
A 95th birthday celebration for WB Bob Iverson will be held in our hall on Saturday, October 22, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. It is open to the public.
WB Allen Eide presented WB Ron West with the 2015 — 2016 Grand Lodge Education Officer of the Year Award for his fine programs this past year.
New Education Officer Joe West distributed a crossword puzzle to all of the Brothers entitled “Master, Officers, and their Installation.” It dealt partly with Jeptha Lodge in particular, Grand Lodge in general, and duties of some of the Lodge officers.
September 20, 2016
WB Brian Sohl attended the Mt. Rushmore 75th Anniversary Ceremony. Congratulations to WB Russ Sorenson on being recognized as a 35 Year Master Mason! Education Officer Joe West presented the November 2013 Short Talk Bulletin “Death of a Craftsman” about the Apprentice tasked by a Master Mason, who possibly wanted him to fail, with carving the Apprentice Pillar at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland with little or no instruction. When the jealous
Master Mason saw the beautiful result, he struck the Apprentice dead with a setting maul. As punishment, other Masons carved a stone likeness of the murderer’s head and placed it to forever gaze upon the Apprentice Pillar. This teaches 3 lessons: 1) It is every Mason’s duty to help others succeed. 2) We must circumscribe our passions and keep them within due bounds. 3) Finally, do the best we can, regardless of the consequences.
October 4, 2016
WBs Randy Smith, Galen Jansen, Ron West, Joe West, Brian Sohl, Ken Snedeker, and Tom Lewis conferred the 4th and 21st Degrees for four Candidates at the Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton. Education Program was The Short Talk Bulletin “The Importance of Degrees — A Viginette.” It compared the reactions of new Lodge Candidates and current Lodge Brothers in vibrant, active Lodges to those of Lodges with very little activity or excitement of any kind. Jeptha Lodge is definitely the former!
October 18, 2016
This Saturday, October 22, there will be a 95th birthday party for Bob Iverson in the Lodge lunchroom from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. This is open to the public with Bob and his family present. Stop in and greet Bob and enjoy some refreshments!
We will walk ditches next Tuesday, October 25. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM. Bring a pair of gloves and some bags. It should take less than an hour if we have a good showing.
We will confer the E.A. Degree at our meeting on Tuesday, November 1 opening at 7:00 PM. Practice for the Degree Team will be Sunday, October 30 at 2:00 PM. Please be ready if you have a part in the work. Let WM Ron West or me know right away if you cannot be there to do your part.
Oyster Stew & Chili Supper be start at 6:00 PM before the November 15 meeting. If you can help get things ready around 4:00 or 4:30 that afternoon, that would be great. Good food and Masonic Jeopardy!
Lastly, WB Curt Vipond has been hospitalized. Not sure at this point what his time table will be, but I’m sure he would love a card or to hear from us.
November 1, 2016
Sixteen Brothers were on hand to welcome Joe Swanstrom to Jeptha Lodge! SW Duane Van Noort, JW Doug Van’t Hof, and JD Michael Bjelland did a fine job in their first degree work at these positions.
Ditches were walked by Ron West, Joe West, Mike Stead, Ric Porter, Brian Sohl, Steve Wickre, Duane Van Noort and Dave Hansen.
Education Officer Joe West gave a program explaining many of the terms used in the EA Degree.
November 15, 2016
Eighteen members and four visiting Brothers enjoyed our annual Oyster Stew & Chili Supper.
Santa will visit the Lodge on Saturday, December 10, from 12:30 to 2:00 PM.
Education Officer Joe West presented the latest additional of Masonic Jeopardy, won by our well-informed WB Allen Eide.
Santa will visit the Lodge on Saturday, December 10 from 12:30 to 2:00 P.M. We will meet at the Lodge at 11:30 AM to prepare Christmas cards, sack the candy, etc. Here is what you volunteered for:
Santa — Allen Eide
Toys — Les Spies
Bags — Dave Hansen
Peanuts — Doug Van’t Hof
Candy — Ron West, Brian Sohl, and Joe Swanstrom
Label and stamps — Dave Hansen
Camera and film — Ron and Joe West
Blue Juice — Brian Sohl
Town sign and inform Fire Dept. — Brian Sohl
Christmas letter to Brothers — Ron West
Decorate — Ken Snedeker
2 gal. of cider — Tom Lewis
2 dozen cookies each — Duane Van Noort, Allen Eide, Tracy Homandberg and Dave Hansen
December 6, 2016
We are ready for Santa’s visit to the Lodge on Saturday.
Excerpts of a letter from Brother Jeremy Huls regarding his Masonic activities while serving our country in the military were shared.
Happy 90th birthday to Brother Ken Nicholas!
WB Allen Eide viewed the Grand Lodge of South Dakota Christmas tree at the State Capitol in Pierre.
Education Officer Joe West shared the Short Talk Bulletin entitled ”Virtues to Live By.” A virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to ”do good.” The four cardinal virtues, temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice, can be practiced by everyone and represent a moral foundation. They are often intertwined with one leading to another. The serve as a daily framework for daily living and are introduced in the Entered Apprentice Degree.
December 20, 2016
We removed the drape in memory of departed Bro. Neil Broscha from the Lodge charter. May he rest in peace.
A big thank you to Lesley and Ron Pedde for their contribution to Jeptha Lodge in memory of WB Dale Smith.
WB Allen “Santa” Eide received a hearty applause for making 43 children happy as they visited with Santa on his annual trip to the Lodge in Hudson.
Education Officer Joe West put our minds in overdrive with a word seach consisting of Masonic songs, composers, and singers.
January 3, 2017
We draped the Lodge charter and had a moment of silence in honor of our departed Brother Ken Miller. May he rest in peace.
We practiced the F.C. Degree opening, closing, and parts of the second section.
Education Officer Joe West presented ”10 Quotes by Freemasons That Will Make You a Better Man”:
- Bro. Benjamin Franklin: ”The things which hurt, instruct.”
- Bro. Winston Churchill: ”Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”
- Bro. Henry Ford: ”Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us better, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”
- Bro. Mark Twain: ”If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”
- Bro. José Rizal: ”There can be no tyrants where there are no slaves.”
- Bro. Manly P. Hall: ”What nobler relationship than that of a friend? What nobler compliment can man bestow than friendship? The clasp of hands of comradeship unite in a bond eternal — the fellowship of spirit.”
- Bro. Ralph Waldo Emerson: ”Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
- Bro. George Washington: ”Associate with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.”
- Bro. Winston Churchill: ”If you are going through hell...keep going.”
- Bro. James Naismith: ”Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.”
January 17, 2017
MWB Les Spies attended the Sioux City Scottish Rite Reunion.
FC Degree work is planned for our February 21 meeting. Please study up if you have a part!
Education Officer Joe West shared the first half of a piece by Brother Ben P. Rosenfield, P.M. on how to find Candidates, develop and inspire them, and retain them as active members.
February 7, 2017
The drape was removed from our charter and a moment of silence observed in honor of departed Brother Ken Miller.
FC Degree will be conferred at our February 21 meeting. Practice will be February 16 at 7:00 PM.
Valentine rose delivers for our local Masonic widows were planned.
Duties were set for our annual George Washington’s Birthday Party on Sunday, February 19, at 2:00 PM.
Education Officer Joe West completed the piece by Bro. Ben P. Rosenfield, P.M., on how to find Candidates, develop and inspire them, and retain them as active members.
We scheduled a number of things at the meeting Tuesday night. If you were not at the meeting and are unable to take care of a job listed for you below, please let me know and we will make other arrangements.
Valentine Roses for Masonic Widows:
Tom Lewis - Dorothy Skogman
Ric Porter - Helen Van Wyhe
Allen Eide - Peggy Steinfadt
Keni Snedeker - Ramona Schlup
George Washington Birthday Party (2:00, Feb. 19 at the Lodge):
Check playing cards - Ken Snedeker
Bring Games - Galen Jansen and Dave Hansen
6 Prizes - Galen Jansen
Grass - Galen Jansen
Baskets - Dave Hansen
2 Pies each - Ron West, Tracy Homandberg, Doug Van’t Hof and Dave Hansen
Ice Cream - Ken Snedeker
2 Juice - Tom Lewis
Town Sign - Brian Sohl
Posters - Tom Lewis
Talies and Invites - Dave Hansen
Coffee - on hand
Fellowcraft Degree Work will be Tuesday, February 21, open at 7:00 PM. Practice for the Officers and Degree Team will be on Thursday, February 16 at 7:00 PM.
In Memoriam |
Dear Brothers,
I regret to inform you that WB Robert “Bob” Iverson passed away this morning. He helped make Jeptha Lodge strong for many years and will be greatly missed.
There will be a Masonic Service for Bob at the Porter Funeral Home in Hawarden, Iowa on Monday night, February 20, at 7:00 PM.
For those who wish to carpool, we will meet at the Lodge at 6:15 to go to Hawarden. Suggested attire is dark slacks and a white shirt. Coat and tie optional. The funeral service for WB Bob will be Tuesday, February 21, at 10:30 AM, in the Hudson Lutheran Church.
| Dave Hansen, Sec. |
Robert Earl “Bob” Iverson passed away peacefully surrounded by his family at Mica Hill Estates in Hawarden, Iowa on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. He was 95 years of age.
Funeral Service will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 21, 2017, at the Hudson Lutheran Church in Hudson, South Dakota, with Rev. Nathan Hanson officiating. Burial with military rites will follow in the Eden Cemetery at Hudson. Visitation will begin at noon Monday, with a Masonic Service open to the public beginning at 7:00 p.m. and a time of sharing and visitation following at the Porter Funeral Home in Hawarden, Iowa. Condolences may be sent to www.porterfuneralhomes.com. In lieu of flowers, please honor Bob’s legacy with donations to Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Bob was born October 25, 1921 to Raymond “Kelly” and Inez (Anderson) Iverson in Hudson, South Dakota, where he was raised and graduated from high school.
Bob enlisted in the US Army Air Corps on August 6, 1942 and served in the 94th Bomb Group during WWII. Bob’s unit was responsible for first installing Radio Detection and Ranging or RADAR on B-17’s. He served in England until the end of the war in Europe. Bob’s journey home brought him to Chicago on October 11, 1945, or VJ Day, where he met the love of his life, Elly Greta Kuhnert.
Bob and Elly lived in Hudson after their marriage on October 12, 1946. Bob managed the Red and White Grocery Store for a time in Hudson, and eventually became Hudson’s Postmaster for about 30 years.
Bob was active in town and county politics during his life in Hudson, and was an enthusiastic member of the Jeptha Masonic Lodge and El Riad Shrine. Bob enjoyed being in the Shrine’s Clown Unit, but his true passion was children, especially those treated at Shriner’s Crippled Children Hospitals, sponsoring five youngsters during his adult life. Bob was an avid philatelist, teaching stamp collecting to school age children, as well as South Dakota State Fair attendees. Bob participated in clown activities and parades in many parts of North America, and always included his bride of 61 years and their children in their travels. When Hudson annually actively celebrated its town, Bob was in charge of some pretty awesome parades through the years. Bob was a 70-year member of Bergstrom Bodeen American Legion Post 128, the Hudson First Congregational Church of Christ, and professional and civic groups. He loved being outdoors, whether camping, fishing, gardening, mowing lawn, or pulling his granddaughters on a toboggan around Hudson’s snowy streets behind his car.
Bob is survived by his son, R.E. “Gene” (Joy) Iverson of Seattle, Washington; two daughters, Vicki (Mike) Stead of Hudson and DeeAnn Hendricks of Chatsworth, Iowa; two “adopted” children, Ken and Aggie Snedeker of Hudson; 4 grandchildren, Kelly (Jeremy) Huls of Yorktown, Virginia, Katie (Chris) Anderson of Hawarden, Iowa, and Russell and Joshua Iverson of Seattle; 6 great-grandchildren, Rianne, Austin, and Carter Huls and Kasadee, Cooper, and Swayze Anderson; and one sister, Phyllis Winterfeld of Ireton, Iowa.
Bob was preceded in death by his parents; and his wife, Elly on October 12, 2007.
February 21, 2017
Masonic Service for WB Bob Iverson was attended by 30 Masons, including over 20 from Jeptha Lodge. WB Galen Jansen did a fine job delivering the service our Brother.
Attendance at our annual George Washington's Birthday Party was very poor this year.
Congratulations to Brother Joe Swanstrom on taking his second step in Masonry!
Education Officer Joe West shared “Masonic Civility and Personal Opinion in the Age of Social Media” by WB John Lawson, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Washington.
April 4, 2017
Duties were reviewed for the Easter Egg Hunt to be held Saturday, April 15.
Ten Brothers traveled to Elk Point on April 1st to help them raise two new Brothers.
We will walk ditches Tuesday, April 11. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.
Congratulation to Joe Swanstrom on being raised as a Master Mason and newest member of Jeptha Lodge!
Dear Brothers,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson on Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 6:30 P.M.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and Widows of our deceased Brothers.
The highlight of the evening will be a special program featuring Bro. Theodore ”Teddy” Roosevelt, as portrayed by Bro. Darrel Draper of Omaha. Draper’s appearance is co-sponsored by the South Dakota Humanities Council.
We hope you and your Lady are able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends. PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 1.
Ron West, WM
(712) 470-5486
Dave Hansen, Sec.
(712) 476-9376
May 16, 2017
Forty-seven Brothers, wives, and friends attended our annual Recognition Banquet. Brother Darrel Draper from Omaha kept us spellbound with his portrayal and telling of the life story of Brother Theodore Roosevelt.
WB Allen Eide presented the Lodge with a Square & Compass lacework he received from a Florida Mason he aided. Brother Don Horner did a great job framing it so that it can be displayed in the Lodge.
Education Officer Joe West gave a 20-question quiz on the Master Mason Degree.
June 6, 2017
Congratulation to Brother Charles Smith on taking his second step in Masonry!
We will confer the Master Mason Degree at our June 20 meeting.
Education Officer Joe West used Freemasonry for Dummies as source for FC Degree facts, concentrating on the Flight of Winding Stairs and the Working Tools of a FC.
Our newly elected officers for next Masonic year are:
- WM Duane Van Noort
- SW Galen Jansen
- JW Joe West
- Treas. Tom Lewis
- Sec. Dave Hansen
June 20, 2017
Congratulations to Charles Smith on becoming our newest Master Mason!
WB Allen Eide presented a program he crafted entitled “The 300th Anniversary of Organized Masonry (Or Is It?)” He described the competing Grand Lodges found in England and their resulting effect on Masonry in the United States, particularly South Dakota.
Brother Huls Makes Waves...
A Hawarden native is making waves nearly 10,000 miles away on the small island of Diego Garcia. U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Jeremy Huls became the officer in charge in May of the computer and naval support facility in the British Indian Ocean.
Brother Huls oversees 95 people at the communications support facility which serves 3,500 people. It is a unique assignment far away from family.
He says you can ask for a second year on the island, but that is rare due to its distance away from everything. Huls has been in the Navy for 16 years and prior to this assignment he was on the Dwight D. Eisenhower in Norfolk, Virginia. Huls says their goal is to improve the communications, facilities and operations on the island that includes a project for the Department of Defense.
Huls is a 1999 graduate of West Sioux Community High School and a 2006 graduate of the University of Kansas. His wife Kelly is a 1998 graduate of West Sioux.
Jeremy Huls (L) takes over from previous commander Brian Baker
2017 - 2018
September 5, 2017
Installation of Officers was conducted by Ron West, Installing Officer; Randy Smith, Installing Marshal, and Randy Porter, Installing Chaplain.
Congratulations to new Worshipful Master Duane Van Noort, Senior Warden Galen Jansen, Junior Warden Joe West, Treasurer Tom Lewis, Secretary Dave Hansen, Senior Deacon Brian Sohl, Junior Deacon Mike Ingebrigtson, Senior Steward Arlan Verburg, Junior Steward Tracy Homandberg, Chaplain Galen Jansen, Marshal Doug Van’t Hof, Tyler Ron West, and Education Officer Joe West.
The Lodge charter was draped in memory of departed Brother Roger McKellips.
Our District meeting will be in Worthing on Sunday, September 17 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Those wishing to carpool meet at the Lodge in Hudson at 1:00 PM.
Education Officer Joe West presented a humorous verbal exchange between Mahatma Gandhi and a law professor at the University College in London were he was studying.
September 19, 2017
WM Duane & Becky Van Noort and WB Ken & Aggie Snedeker attended the District meeting in Worthing.
WM Duane Van Noort entered the Lodge float in the Hudson parade.
Education Officer Joe West recognized Memorial Life Member Ken Miller on the 75th anniversary of his becoming a Master Mason. He followed with a very informative quiz on Masonic Symbols taken from all three Blue Lodge Degrees.
Masons, wives, and friends are invited to attend a 90th birthday party for WB Curt Vipond on Sunday, November 5, from 2:00-4:00 PM at StoneyBrook Suites, 4501 E. Pampas Place, Sioux Falls. I know he would love to see as many as possible!
October 17, 2017
Tthe 2017-2018 Lodge of the Year Program was reviewed.
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams participated in the Yankton Scottish Rite Fall Reunion.
We will confer the E.A. Degree at our November 7 meeting.
Our annual Oyster Stew & Chili Supper is planned for the November 21 meeting.
Education Officer Joe West Shared ” Ideals of a Freemason” by MWB Otto Klotz and we had fun guessing the answers while playing ”Masonic Hangman”.
November 7, 2017
Jeptha Lodge will hold our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper on Tuesday, November 21. We will begin eating at 6 PM with the regular meeting to follow.
The highlight of the evening will be a 70-Year Mason Pin presentation to WB Hobie Cole.
Now for the “Something New.” Several of our Ladies and others have expressed an interest in being present. We have decided to do the presentation in our lunchroom following the supper and invite anyone interested to join us for supper and stay to watch Hobie receive his honor.
Now, this gives us a new twist in deciding how much food we will need. So, we are asking that you RSVP this year with how many will be coming with you or your group. That way we can make sure no one goes home hungry.
Following the meal and presentation, we will have our regular tiled meeting including Masonic Jeopardy.
Non-Mason guests are welcome to stay in the lunchroom. We’ll try to keep the meeting as short as possible.
November 21, 2017
Jeptha Lodge welcomes Brother Philip Wynia on taking his first step in Masonry! Our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper with honored member WB Hobie Cole receiving his 70-Year Mason Pin was attended by 31. In addition to the 21 Masons, were Mike Cole, Don Cole, Laurie Cole, Bettie Spies, Aggie Snedeker, Mychelle Ingebrigtson, Barb Homandberg, Deb Jansen, Samantha Wynia, & Becky Van Noort. Following the meal, WM Van Noort had SD Brian Sohl present our honored guest to the front of the lunchroom. Secretary Hansen read our esteemed Brother’s Masonic record. District Master Brad Hazuka presented the 70 Year Award on behalf of Grand Lodge. Hobie’s sons and daughter-in-law joined him for the pinning. Hobie gave some heartfelt words on his life as a Mason and received a warm hand from all present.
Education Officer Joe West then did his best to educate us with the latest version of Masonic Jeopardy with the following catagories: Installation of Officers; Entered Apprentice Degree; Masonic Christmas Music; Masonic Presidents; and Masonic Symbols. WB Ken Snedeker took home this year’s first prize.
Santa will come to Jeptha Lodge on Saturday, December 9, from 12:30 to 2:00 PM. Meet at the Lodge at 11:30 AM to address Christmas cards to non-local members and sack candy.
Santa comes to our Lodge on Saturday, December 9, from 12:30 to 2:00. Brothers should meet by 11:30 to address Christmas cards to our non-local members and to sack the candy/peanuts for the kids. Duties that you volunteered for:
Santa — Ron West
Town Sign Board & Inform Fire Department — Brian Sohl
Decorating Tree — Ken Snedeker & Duane Van Noort
Posters — Tom Lewis
Master’s Letter to non-local Brothers — Duane Van Noort
Small Toys — Les Spies
Bags for Candy & Toys — Dave Hansen
Peanuts 10 lbs.— Doug Van’t Hof
Candy — Ron West, Duane Van Noort & Mike Ingebrigtsen
Blue Juice — Brian Sohl
2 gal. Cider — Tom Lewis
2 dozen Cookies — Duane Van Noort, Dave Hansen, Ken Snedeker & Galen Jansen
Labels to go on bags — Dave Hansen
Postage & Mailing Labels — Dave Hansen
Camera & Film — Joe West
Print Pictures — Duane Van Noort
Christmas Cards — on hand
Craft Helpers — ??
Please make note of any duty with your name.
December 5, 2017
Ron West agreed to learn Oyster Stew cooking duties from Ken Snedeker. We need one or, better yet, two more Brothers to join and make it like the old days with Clarence Nygaard, Dale Smith, Hobie Cole & Cole Vipond in charge.
Having the Ladies join us for the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper went so well that we are considering opening it up to the public and doing the same with our May Banquet.
Made final preparations for Santa’s visit to the Lodge on Saturday, December 9, from 12:30 — 2:00.
Education Officer Joe West shared the poem, ”The Lamb Skin,” which told what it can and should mean to a Mason.
Hobie Cole receives his 70-Year Pin at our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper. His son Mike is pinning it on, as son Don and a daughter-in-law Laurie look on.
December 19, 2017
Santa had another successful visit to the Lodge. Next year we will at a children’s Christmas movie showing in the Lodge room.
Education Officer Joe West shared a poem entitled ”The 10 Master Masons” telling of a Lodge membership dwindling from 10 down to 1 and then how to build it back up to 10 again.
Dear Brothers,
Happy New Year to all. Due to the extreme cold temperatures meaning no one should be out traveling after dark, the Lodge will remain dark tomorrow night, January 2. Our first regular meeting in 2018 will be on January 17. Be safe.
| Dave Hansen, Sec. |
January 16, 2018
Our sympathies to the families of Mary Miller and Dorothy Skogman.
Get well wishes to Bro. J.C. Harrison as he recovers from a broken hip.
Happy Birthday to M.W.B. Les Spies!
W.B. Allen Eide’s letter regarding his duties as a professional Santa Claus was shared.
We plan to confer the F.C. Degree at our Feb. 20 meeting.
Education Officer Joe West presented WM Duane Van Noort with his 5 Year Master Mason Certificate from the Lodge.
WB Duane thanked the Brothers for the help and encouragement they have given him.
The Program continued with the December 2017 article ”Going to Lodge Could Extend Your Life” taken from the Freemasons For Dummies website. It discussed the tendency of individuals today having fewer friends and fewer personal contacts than in the past, and the effects it can lead to for communities and society as a whole.
February 6, 2018
WBs Randy Smith and Ric Porter made Valentine rose delivers to area Masonic widows.
Duties were set for our George Washington Party to be held on Sunday, February 18 at 2:00 PM.
FC Degree will be conferred at our Tuesday, February 20 meeting. Practice will be Tuesday, February 13 at 7:00 PM.
Congratulations to Bro. Craig Loe on becoming a 50-Year Master Mason!
Education Officer Joe West invented a game combining Hangman with Wheel of Fortune with the common theme being the EA Degree. Our newest member Phil Wynia won two games, Ken Snedeker also won two, and Ron West won the final round.
We have a LOT of things coming up in the next little while, some of which we still need help with. Here is the list of what we have covered and what we still need help with:
ITEM 1: Men’s Potluck Supper on Tuesday, March 20 at 6 PM:
Main Course: Ron West, Randy Porter, and Galen Jansen
Side or Salad: Dave Hansen, Joe West, and Phil Wynia
Dessert: Brian Sohl and Duane Van Noort
Drinks: Ken Snedeker
ITEM #2: Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 31.
Meet at the Lodge at 9 AM to fill eggs, then to the park at 9:30 to rope off the hunt areas & hide eggs. Registration from 10 to 10:30 AM. Hunt starts at 10:45 AM. As of Tuesday, we did not know if there will be any kind of a meal during the drawing which follows the hunt.
1500 Eggs — on hand
1500 Pieces of Candy total: Brian Sohl &
Bike for 0-4 ages: Galen Jansen
Bike for 5-7 ages: NEED VOLUNTEER
Bike for 8-10 ages: NEED VOLUNTEER
Toys or Cash for Toys: NEED ABOUT 100 MORE TOYS
EGGS for both Egg Toss: NEEDED
TV for 18 & older Egg Toss: NEEDED
20-25 Brothers on hand to help: NEEDED
ITEM #3: Recognition Banquet on Sunday, May 6 at 6:30 PM:
Cashier: Arlan Verburg
Welcome by WM: Duane Van Noort
Prayer by Chaplain: Galen Jansen
Tribute to Ladies: Allen Eide
Memorial & Anniversary Awards: Joe West
Introduction of Guest Speaker: NEEDED
Guest Speaker: Virgil Andersen
Benediction: Galen Jansen
ITEM #4: Finally, I think we are all proud of the fact that Jeptha Lodge #121 remains proficient with ritual, is able to fill all of the chairs and can put on all three Degrees without help. We walk ditches twice a year, deliver Meals on Wheels, participate in the parade, and sponsor Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for the kids. BUT, we have some signs that cause many of us to fear that this may not remain the case. This requires numbers. In keeping with this line of thought, Education Officer Joe West asks that this excellent thought be added:
Interactive Education Program: Homework
The education program on March 20th will be a little different. Instead of listening to the education officer talk we’re going to try having everyone answer a question or two. The homework comes in that we’re giving you the questions ahead of time so that you can think about your answer.
Picture a prospective member asking you these questions. Think how you would answer them. Is it worth it? It being a member of the Lodge. Why? Or What makes it worth it to you?
These are subjective questions. There is no right answer. What makes it worth it to one member will be different than what makes it worth it to someone else.
I will keep you up to date as needs are filled and anything new that comes up.
Thank You Brothers!
Dave Hansen, Sec.
March 20, 2018
Final preparations were made for the Easter Egg Hunt & Drawing on Saturday, March 31, at the Hudson Park. We will meet at the Lodge at 9:00 AM to fill eggs, move to the park at 9:30 to hide eggs and rope off hunt areas. Registration will be from 10:00 to 10:30 AM, and the hunt starts at 10:45 AM. The meal and prize drawing will follow at the Hudson Community Center. A HUGE thank you to the many Brothers and Ladies who help coordinate and donate to make this possible!
Education Officer Joe West asked all Brothers to come to tonight’s meeting having considered the question: ”Is Masonry really worth it and why”? This turned out to be one of the best and most discussion filled programs we have ever had. Every Master Mason present rose and spoke on why they enjoyed the Craft. The ideas presented centered on the camaraderie with good and like-minded Brothers of all ages, both in our Lodge and in other Lodges. It was followed by a good deal of reminiscing and much laughter. Great idea for a program Joe!
Dear Brother,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 6, 2018.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person, which will help cover the cost of complementary meals for our guests.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers and enjoy the thoughts of our guest speaker.
We hope you and your Lady will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
PLEASE RSVP as soon as possible or BY May 1, 2018 to assist our caterer.
Duane Van Noort, W.M.
(605) 659-0709
May 1, 2018
Ken & Aggie Snedeker attended the annual Elk Point George Washington & Widows Night.
Final Recognition Banquet plans were discussed.
We will hold Election of Officers at the May 15 meeting.
Master Mason Degree work in planned for our June 5 meeting.
We discussed the Grand Lodge Session starting June 15 and will determine our positions on proposals after members have had a better chance to review them in their latest issue of the Masonic Messenger. Numerous Brothers expressed an interest in having a carload or carloads of Brothers attend and vote.
June 1, 2018
Results of Election of Officers: WM Galen Jansen, SW Joe West, JW Brian Sohl, Sec. Dave Hansen, Treas. Tom Lewis
We will confer the MM Degree at our June 19 meeting.
We will review Grand Lodge proposals next meeting.
Education Officer Joe West presented ”What Masonry Teaches Me!” taken from the December 1870 issue of The Gavel and Freemasonry’s Journal, as reprinted in The Tracing Board, G.R.S. March 1976.
June 19, 2018
Congratulations to Brother Phillip Wynia on receiving his Master Mason Degree!
Arlan Verburg, Ken Snedeker, Allen Eide, Ron West, Brian Sohl, and Dave Hansen represented Jeptha Lodge and the Grand Lodge session in Rapid City.
Joe West received the Grand Lodge of South Education Officer of the Year Award for his fine programs and dedication to the Craft. He joins Curt Vipond, Ken Snedeker, Allen Eide, and Ron West as a winner of this prestigious award.
2017 - 2018
September 4, 2018
WB Ken Snedeker visited with MWB Les Spies and WB Curt Vipond recently.
A letter and information from MWB DaNiel Wood, our Grand Master, was read and discussed, as was an invitation to an informational meeting at Resurgam Lodge in Mitchell.
Installation of Officers conducted by Installing Officer Ron West, Installing Marshall Randy Smith, and Installing Chaplain Arlan Verburg.
Installed were WM Galen Jansen, SW Joe West, JW Brian Sohl, Sec. Dave Hansen, SD Mike Ingebrigtson, JD Randy Porter, JS Phil Wynia, Chap. Ron West, Marshall Ron Chenault, and Tyler Duane Van Noort. Treasurer Tom Lewis and SS Tracy Homandberg to be installed at a later date.
Ditch Walking is scheduled for Tuesday, September 25 at 6:00 PM.
WB Duane Van Noort was recognized for his fine job leading the Lodge this past Masonic year and presented with his Past Master’s card.
Education Officer Joe West gave a program entitled “Seeing the Good Is a Choice” by Angel Millar.
The article discusses how easy it is to take a negative view about anything and everything. The last paragraph offers a concise cure for this: ”It is not a matter of fooling ourselves or lacking the ability to discern between good and bad. It is a matter of training our consciousness to focus on what gives us joy and, as such, what strengths us and fortifies us against that which would drag us down.
We were also given this “homework” for the next meeting: ”Imagine you are talking to a Brother that doesn’t attend Lodge despite being able to. At some point he asks: ”What’s good about going to Lodge?" He’s not asking in a rhetorical way, but in an honest “convince me” way. He’s not asking for a general “you get to help with Santa,” but more of a “what keeps you going to every, or nearly every, meeting?” kind of answer. Come up with an answer(s) to his question. If you can’t make it to the next meeting but want to share, please contact Brother West or Secretary Hansen.
September 18, 2018
Ken Snedeker, Allen Eide, Ron West, Duane Van Noort, and Phil Wynia were among 21 Brothers who attended the Masonic meeting held in Mitchell.
With Lodge Brothers busy with other activities, WM Galen Jansen’s sister Connie graciously entered the Lodge float in the Hudson parade.
Brother Mike Stead reported his time away from Hudson, including working on his home in the Florida Keys following Hurricane Irma.
Education Officer Joe West gave the Brothers the following”homework" question at our previous meeting:”Imagine you are talking to a Brother that doesn’t attend Lodge despite being able to. At some point he asks: “What’s good about going to Lodge?“ He’s not asking in a rhetorical way, but in an honest“convince me” way. He’s not asking for a general “you get to help with Santa,” but more of a “what keeps you going to every, or nearly every, meeting?” answer. Here is a sampling of the heartfelt responses Brothers offered:
- for the camaraderie.
- to live up to our Masonic obligation.
- to help with community activities like the Easter Egg Hunt and Santa.
- it’s good for our mental health and makes me feel better.
- to participate in something that is good.
- to spend time with a group that is quietly confident, humble, and strives to do ritual well.
- to keep our long time tradition going.
- to be able to visit other Lodges and get to know other good and welcoming people.
- to get to help to teach Masonic ritual and traditions to others.
- lunch!
- to spend time with people who help your feeling of well-being.
Joe’s program brought some excellent discussion. I hope it encourages some Brothers to attend.
October 2, 2018
Education Officer Joe West shared “Communicating Masonry or Some Things I Never Heard in Lodge, But Wish I Had” by MWB Conrad Hahn, PGM-CT, from the September 2018 Short Talk Bulletin. It described how the ”television generation” is used to sitting back passively and letting the TV ”stir the blood, but never the intellect.” The ”rat race” of today and increase urbanization and mobility mean the modern Mason is no longer tied to a single community or Lodge. Masonic charity is less personal, but instead organized through a Grand Lodge.
Involvement with distressed Brothers and Masonic widows may be more impersonal with just a contribution to a Masonic charity with the dues check. He concluded with his view that Masonry is “fundamentally an educational institution” and “has to appeal to the intellect, not to the blood, where passions that a civilized man must learn to subdue.”
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, October 23. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM with a few garbage bags and the appropriate footwear if the ditches are damp.
On Sunday, October 28, at 2:00 PM, Brothers and wives are invited to travel to Stoney Brook Suites in Sioux Falls to celebrate Brother Curt Vipond’s birthday. I NEED to have you RSVP to me if you can go so that we can let them know how large an area is needed for the get-together.
At our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper on November 20, we will be presenting Brother John Gubbrud with his 50-Year Mason Award.
November 6, 2018
Thirteen Brothers and six Ladies attended a birthday gathering for WB Curt Vipond. Curt gave a very nice, heartfelt speech.
Brother Darrel Draper, who presented a fantastic program as Theodore Roosevelt at our 2017 May Banquet, will appear again at our 2019 Banquet as a member of the Lewis & Clark Expedition.
Galen Jansen, Ron West, Brian Sohl & Dave Hansen walked the ditches for the Lodge.
WB Ken Snedker delivered Meals on Wheels for the Lodge.
Brother John Gubbrud will be recognized as a 50-Year Mason at our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper meeting on Tuesday, November 20. We will begin serving at 6:00 PM.
Education Officer Joe West shared a poem entitled “The Real Mason” by an unkown author.
Here are the particulars and duties you volunteered for. Santa Claus will visit the Lodge on Saturday, December 8, from 12:30 to 2:00. Meet at the Lodge at 11:30 to address Christmas cards and sack candy.
- Santa Claus: Galen Jansen
- Town Sign and inform fire department: Brian Sohl
- Decorate Tree - Ron & Sue West and Duane and Becky Van Noort
- Posters - Tom Lewis
- Letter for Christmas card - Galen Jansen
- Small Toys for bags - Les Spies
- Bags for Candy/Toys - Dave Hansen
- 10 lbs. of Peanuts - Doug Van’t Hof
- Candy - Mike Ingebrigtson, Brian Sohl and Ron West
- Blue Juice - Ken Snedeker
- 2 gal. Cider - Tom Lewis
- 2 dozen cookies each - Galen Jansen, Mike Ingebrigtson, Duane Van Noort, and me
- Postage and Mailing Labels - Dave Hansen
- Camera and Film - Joe West
- Take Pictures with Santa - Ron West
- Christmas Cards - on hand
Following Santa, we will visit Mike Miller at the nursing home at around 3:00 PM. Ken Snedeker will let them know.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
In Memoriam
Kenneth L. Snedeker, 80, of Hudson, passed away on Monday, November 26, 2018 at his residence.
Services for Ken will take place on Friday, November 30, 2018, at the Hudson Community Center. Visitation with the family will begin at 9:30 a.m., followed by the Memorial Service at 11:00 a.m. with Rev. Kevin Jensen officiating. The Masonic Burial Rites conducted by the Jeptha Lodge 121 of Hudson will follow, and lastly the Military Rites conducted by the Bergstrom Bodeen American Legion Post 128 of Hudson. A light luncheon will follow the services. The inurnment will be at 3:30 p.m. Friday at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Canton, South Dakota. The Porter Funeral Home is assisting the family. Condolences may be sent to porterfuneralhomes.com.
 Ken was born October 4,1938, to Bryan and Helen (Homandberg) Snedeker in Canton, South Dakota. He attended country school outside of Hudson during his elementary years and gaduated from Hudson High School in the spring of 1955.
He enlisted in the United States Air Force after high school. He spent four years in active service and two others. He was honorably discharged in 1961. He met Sarah Lancaster in March 1959, and they were married in April of that year. They moved an astounding 28 times in their first four years of marriage. At the time, he was employed by Northwestern Bell as an installer. For example, they would be in Eastern South Dakota on a Friday evening, and Ken would tell Aggie that they had to be in Rapid City on Monday morning, and they would hit the road, They were married for 59 years.
Kevin was born in September 1960. They continued to move because of Ken’s job. Keni was born on the same day as Kevin, in September 1964. They never moved again, after Keni was born.
Ken enjoyed bowling earlier in life. He had worked at the bowling alley in Hudson for a few years. He won numerous trophies by himself, but when you added Aggie, they were spectacular in bowling. They were two-time state champions and have a wall dedicated to their accomplishments.
Ken took courses from Devry College and earned a degree in electrical engineering in the early ’70s. There was quite a mess of electronics, including a TV, in the basement for a while.
Another accomplishment that Ken was proud of was the fact that he graduated from SECO, in Hawarden, in 1978 with a degree in accounting.
Ken worked at the Bank in Hudson for over 35 years, as it went by a couple of names during his career — State Bank of Hudson and Hudson State Bank.
Ken was an active member of Jeptha Lodge #121, in Hudson. He was initiated in the E.A. degree Noivember 6, 1979, raised to F.C. degree on December 18, 1979 and raised to the M.M. degree on January 15, 1980. He was a 32-degree Mason in the Yankton Scottish Rite. He served many different positions in his life as a Mason and Scottish Rite member. He received numerous awards in Masonry. Once again, he has a wall dedicated to his accomplishments in Masonry.
In the ’80s and ’90s, Ken was an EMT and an active member of the Hudson Ambulance Service.
Ken enjoyed fishing in the ’80s, ’90s and even the 2000s. There were many stories about fishing that are not ones that will be forgotten by anyone that was present or heard them.
Ken was an intelligent man and perhaps that was why he enjoyed watching Jeopardy and doing crossword puzzles.
Ken was an avid sports fan. He liked the Boston Celtics, He liked the Detroit Lions and the Pittsburg Steelers, but he LOVED the Los Angeles Dodgers and the STUPID Duke Blue Devils. He liked college basketball the best of sports these last 10 years, because he would make bets with certain individuals and when he would win, he thought he was so smart...but these were just some of the topics of conversation he enjoyed.
Ken is preceded in death by his father, Bryan Snedeker and his mother, Helen (Homandberg) Snedeker and a brother, Mike.
Surviving relatives are his wife, Sarah Agnes Snedeker, of Hudson; two sons, Kevin (Sherry) Snedeker of Old Fort, North Carolina, and Keni Snedeker of Boyden, Iowa; a brother, Lloyd (Judy) Snedeker of Beresford, South Dakota; a sister, Marcia (James) Singer of Merrill, Iowa; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Ken had some interesting additions to his family later in life, which he acknowledged as his ADOPTED KIDS: David Larson (Indian Dave), Roger Bartlett, Dee Hendricks, Tony Gigaroa and Penny Parson Boltz. He loved you guys like you were his own kids and loved every minute you were around.
Here is the information regarding services for W.B. Ken on this Friday, November 30, at the Hudson Community Center:
- Visitation with the family beginning at 9:30 AM
- Memorial Service at 11:00 AM
- Masonic Service will begin at approximately 11:25 AM
- Military Rites will begin at approximately 11:45 AM
- Lunch to follow
- Burial in Canton, SD
Ken was a great mentor and friend to many of us. I do hope that we have an excellent turnout of Brothers for him.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
November 20, 2018
WBs Galen Jansen, Ron West, Randy Smith, Brian Sohl, Joe West, Randy Porter, and Dave Hansen conferred the 4th and 21st degrees at the Yankton Scottish Rite Reunion.
Congratulations to Brother John Gubbrud on receiving he 50-Year Masonic recognition during our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper night.
WB Ron West won the 2018 edition of Masonic Jeopardy put together by Education Officer Joe West.
Final plans were made for Santa’s visit to Jeptha Lodge on Saturday, December 8, from 12:30 to 2:00 PM.
A couple things:
It has come to our attention that Brother Frank Myers passed away in Ohio on November 19. May he rest in peace. Although he has been away from Hudson for some time, he sent messages on many occasions and kept up with Jeptha Lodge happenings.
Also, this coming Saturday we will not go to the nursing home after Santa to visit Mike Miller because Mike is going to join us at the Lodge instead!
Stay safe on these cold days and slippery roads.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
In Memoriam
Frank Myers, age 85, passed away November 19, 2018, following years of illness with C.O.P.D. Dr. Myers was a leader in Osteopathic Family Medicine, co-founding the Nordonia Hills Clinic in 1960. There he helped to establish the first Osteopathic family residency in the country in 1973.
Frank was a member of the choir at the First Congregational Church of Hudson.
In 1976 he moved to Athens to assist in the creation of the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine and became dean in 1977.
Dr. Myers’ voice was known listeners of the Family Health radio show, heard on stations around the United States as well as the Armed Forces Radio Network. Following retirement he continued his service, providing health care at Planned Parenthood and sharing his talents at the UU Fellowship of Athens.
Frank grew up in Hudson, South Dakota, the son of Kathleen Myers and M. W. Myers, D.O. A long-time member of Jeptha Lodge #121, he was raised to the degree of Master Mason on December 21, 1954. He graduated from the College of Osteopathic Medicine in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1959. He will be remembered fondly by his wife Lorraine of Akron, Ohio; daughters Hallie Bowie; Keya Myers Alkire; and grandchildren Hannah and Aaron Bowie and Dean Alkire. A memorial service will be held in Athens in January.
In lieu of flowers, you may make a contribution in Frank Myers’s name to Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio or the Ohio Osteopathic Scholarship Fund, PO Box 8130, Columbus, OH 43201.
December 4, 2018
The Lodge Charter was draped and a moment of silence observed for departed Brothers Ken Snedeker and Frank Myers.
WB Galen Jansen delivered a fine Masonic Service during the funeral for WB Ken Snedeker. Twenty-seven Masons, including 20 members of Jeptha Lodge attending this final tribute to one of the pillars of our Lodge.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Ritual: Who Needs It?” by Brother Jim Tresner.
December 8, 2018
WB Dennis Gildemeister went through an unbelievably harrowing experience, as reported in the Dickinson County News.
Santa visits Jeptha Lodge! Special thanks to Duane Van Noort!
Mike Miller chats with Santa.
December 18, 2018
The Lodge made the annual donation to the Children’s Home.
Duane Van Noort did a fine job as Santa Claus on his annual visit to the Lodge for the Hudson area children. A BIG thank you to Ellery Jansen, Santa’s helper elf. Brothers were also please to be joined by Mike Miller for the Christmas festivities.
WM Galen gave the Brothers an assignment for next meeting: ”Think of ways to get our local Brothers to attend Lodge more.”
Education Officer Joe West shared a reddit post from a Brother who returned to Lodge after not attending for 5 years. He had been elected Secretary and then changes in his life made it impossible to attend like he should. He still sent communications out, but felt he had let the Lodge down. He was apprehensive about returning to Lodge, expecting sly comments or more indifference than Brotherly warmth. Instead his reintroduction was pleasant and low key. In short, after being away for five years and leaving on, what to him, were not good terms, he was welcomed back as the Brother he was.
In Memoriam
It is with heavy heart that I inform you WB Mike Miller passed away. There will be a Masonic Service at the Porter Funeral Home in Rock Valley next Monday, January 21. When the time is set, I will let you know.
On a personal note, I remember well that Mike was Master of the Lodge AND the third Ruffian when I joined Jeptha Lodge. I was also fortunate to share many a cup of coffee with Mike when I was working in Hudson.
Our best wishes to the Miller family.
Vistation with the family for W. B. Merlyn “MIke” Miller will be on Monday, January 21, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM at the Porter Funeral Home in Rock Valley.
The Masonic Service will begin at 7:00 PM or shortly thereafter.
Please be there by 6:30 so that we get be organized.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
January 15, 2019
The Lodge Charter was draped and a moment of silence observed in memory of W.B. Merlyn“Mike” Miller.
The George Washington Party date is changed to Sunday, February 24 at 2:00 PM.
Education Officer Joe West shared comments from the November 2018 Short Talk Bulletin by RW Brother Mack Sigmon on his election as Grand Master of North Carolina. He discussed the importance of the lessons taught in Masonic ritual in our extremely divided world. He stressed that true Masonry is hard work and important work that can make a very positive influence on the world if these lessons are followed.
We spent a lot of time the last two meeting talking about how to increase meeting attendance. Dave Hansen was given the task of sending an email a little before the February 5 meeting containing these thoughts and hopefully encouraging one more extra Brothers to start attending.
February 5, 2019
The Masonic Service for WB Mike Miller was delivered by WB Galen Jansen with 18 Jeptha Lodge Brothers present.
Duties were set for our Annual George Washington Party, which will be held on Sunday, February 24, at 2:00 PM.
Duane Van Noort, Brian Sohl, Randy Smith, and Ric Porter will deliver Valentine Roses to area Masonic widows.
An “SOS letter” to try to encourage better meeting attendance was reviewed and approved.
Brother Wayne Spies was recognized for the fine Masonic website he maintains for Jeptha Lodge. It has helped delivered news and preserve our Lodge history for more than 20 years.
Education Officer Joe West gave “An Explanation of the Degrees” from The Master Mason Book from the Grand Lodge of Florida.
Dear Brothers,
At the last couple Lodge meetings there has been a lot of discussion on attendance and what we can do to increase it. I was asked to put these thoughts into words.
Contributing to this trouble is the fact that”The Greatest Generation", the one that got most of us involved with Masonry, is nearly gone or unable to participate as they would like. At the same time, this is a busy life and many regulars have become part-timers, some part-timers come less, and others have disappeared almost entirely.
We say this NOT to point fingers. We just plain miss seeing many Brothers. It is simply not as much fun doing our numerous activities seeing the same faces and having the same Brothers doing the same tasks year after year.
Obviously there are things that need to be tweaked and we have been trying. This is another reason we need more and fresh input.
To close, it can be hard to head to a meeting after dark and after a day at work. As one of the few organizations left, the Hudson area needs us. For that matter, the country and the world need men like us. The couple nights each month is not meant to take us away from our families. It is to help make us better when we are with them.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 19 at 7:00 PM.
Fraternally and More,
Dave Hansen, Sec.
February 19, 2019
Ron West, Alan Miller, Doug Van’t Hof, Brian Sohl, Arlan, Mark, Jenna & Mitchel Verburg, and Dave Hansen helped MWB Les and Bettie Spies prepare for their move to Touchmark At All Saint in Sioux Falls. Brothers are encouraged to stop for a visit when in the city:
Les & Bettie Spies
111 W. 17th Street, #227
Sioux Falls, SD
It’s one block west of Minnesota Avenue. Stop at the desk to get directions to their room.
Due to the bad winter weather forecast our George Washington party is postponed until further notice.
Brother Allen Eide and his wife Elaine aerved as greeters for the 2019 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America, recently held in Rapid City.
March 5, 2019
Cooks were determined for our annual Men’s Potluck Supper at 6:00 PM before the March 19 meeting. Now we need a lot of Brothers to come and eat!
Jeptha Lodge nominated WB Allen Eide for a position on the Grand Lodge Jurisprudence Committee to be determined at the June Grand Lodge session.
Jeptha Lodge voted to second several Grand Lodge Constitution and By-Laws amendments at the June Grand Lodge session.
WB Brian Sohl delivered Meals on Wheels for the Lodge.
Education Officer Joe West used the December 2018 Short Talk Bulletin, “Masonic Civility” by MWB John Marinucci of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, for his presentation. Marinucci states that we are living in a time marked by increasing hate and intolerance. Americans seem more divided in their views with rhetoric increasing offensive. People have even resorted to violence. Masons, he says, can help heal the country by practicing outside the Lodge the Masonic Civility we enjoy within a Lodge. Life is about relationships and how we treat people. We can disagree without being disagreeable. History has many examples of Masons guiding societal change and we can help to reverse this current trend.
The annual Easter Egg Hunt & Drawing on will be on Saturday, April 20. Meet at the Lodge at 9:00 AM to fill eggs, then to the park at 9:30 to rope off the hunt areas and hide eggs. Registration from 10:00 to 10:30 AM. Hunt starts at 10:45 AM.
1,500 Eggs - on hand
1,500 Pieces of Candy total: Ron West, Mike Ingebrigtson, and Alan Miller
Bike for 0-4 ages: Galen Jansen
Bike for 5-7 ages: Bob Fitch
Bike for 8-10 ages: Tom Lewis & Doug Van’t Hof
Toys or Cash for Toys: NEED ABOUT 150 TOYS TOTAL IN AROUND THE $2 - $10 RANGE. (If you want to help purchase the toys, but are unable, cash contributions can be left with Roxanne in the City Office or with me)
Easter Bunny: Ellery Jansen
EGGS for both Egg Toss: Ron West
TV for 18 and older Egg Toss: Tracy Homandberg
20-25 Brothers on hand to help: NEEDED
Dave Hansen, Sec.
March 19, 2019
Bob Iverson, Robert Schaber, and Charles Vipond were recognized as Memorial Life Member of Jeptha Lodge.
Alan Miler (40 years), Dave Hansen (35 years) & Ron West (25 years) were on hand to be recognized on their five-year anniversaries and each spoke on what Masonry meant to him.
Mike Ingebrigtson is building a new Masonic funeral wreath to replace our current wornout wreath.
We decided to forego the George Washington Party this year and replace it with a family picnic sometime in May or June.
Education Officer Joe West used the February 2019 Short Talk Bulletin, “A Panergyric to George Washington” for his program. Washington was a humble, mostly self-taught man in many fields, with the dedication and courage to do what was needed.
Our regular meeting is Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. Here are a couple important reminders.
The annual Easter Egg Hunt & Drawing on will be on Saturday, April 20.
Meet at the Lodge at 9:00 AM to fill eggs, then to the park at 9:30 to rope off the hunt areas & hide eggs. Registration from 10:00 to 10:30 AM. Hunt starts at 10:45 AM.
- 1500 Eggs - on hand
- 1500 Pieces of Candy total: Ron West, Mike Ingebrigtson and Alan Miller
- Bike for 0-4 ages: Galen Jansen
- Bike for 5-7 ages: Bob Fitch
- Bike for 8-10 ages: Tom Lewis & Doug Van't Hof
- Toys or Cash for Toys: Should be enough
- Easter Bunny: Ellery Jansen
- EGGS for both Egg Toss: Ron West
- TV for 18 & older Egg Toss: Tracy Homandberg
- 20-25 Brothers on hand to help: NEEDED
The Annual Recognition Banquet is on Sunday, May 5, at 6:30 PM. Those of you who attended two years ago will remember that “Theodore Roosevelt,” aka Brother Darrel Draper, was our special guest. He looked and sounded like the real thing as he reviewed the life of an American hero. This year we are fortunate to again have Brother Draper joining us as “George Drouillard — Hunter, Interpreter, and Indian Sign-Talker for the Lewis & Clark Expedition.” If you love history or just a good show this is CAN’T MISS! You will leave convinced that you spent the evening with someone who stepped out of the pages of a history book.
Dave Hansen, Sec.

The public is invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 5, 2019.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person, which will help cover the cost of complementary meals for our guests.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers and enjoy a 50-Year Master Mason presentation.
We are once again privileged to have Brother Darrel Draper as our featured speaker. Two years ago, you may recall, Brother Draper captivated us by portraying Theodore Roosevelt so convincingly you forgot it wasn’t really Teddy. This year he joins us as George Droulliard, an important member of the Lewis & Clark Expedition (read about him by clicking the following link www.draperhistory.com).
We hope you and your Lady will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your friends in the community (THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!).
PLEASE RSVP as soon as possible or by May 1, 2019, to assist our caterer.
Dave Hansen, Sec.
May 5, 2019
We will be conferring the Entered Apprentice Degree at our May 21 meeting. If you have a part in the work, please be ready.
This includes the WM, Wardens, Deacons, Stewards and anyone else with a part in the Degree Work.
Practice for the Degree Team will be on Sunday, May 19, at 2:00 PM.
WB Allen Eide received his 50-Year Pin from PGM Virgil Andersen with Allen’s wife Elaine looking on.
Here are some scenes from Jeptha Lodge #121’s annual Recognition Banquet.

May 7, 2019
We will confer the E.A. Degree at our May 21 meeting.
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams, consisting of Galen Jansen, Randy Smith, Brian Sohl, Ron West, Joe West, Tom Lewis, and Dave Hansen, did a fine job of representing Jeptha Lodge at the Spring Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton.
Forty-two people enjoyed an eventful Recognition Banquet. WB Allen Eide received his 50-Year-Pin presented by MWB PGM Virgil Anderson. Brother Darrel Draper was our speaker for a second time with a spot on portrayal of George Drouilliard, an important member of the Lewis & Clark Expedition.
Over 120 children participated in our annual Easter Egg Hunt & Drawing.
The Lodge Charter was draped in memory of WB Terry Groth.
Election of Officer results: WM Joe West; SW Duane Van Noort; JW Mike Ingebrigtson; Treas. Tom Lewis; Sec. Dave Hansen
Education Officer Joe West concluded a busy evening with the poem "I See You Travel Some" by author unknown.
May 21, 2019
Congratulations to Patrick Sullivan on beginning his Masonic journey with all officer and 21 in all on hand for E.A. Degree work.
Brother Arlan Verburg reported on numerous eye surgeries, all of which have been successful to date.
We need to set times for several events: a visit to MWB Les & Bettie Spies at Touchmark at All Saints in Sioux Falls; a family picnic to replace the George Washington Party which was cancelled due to bad weather; and a Masonic golf outing. Stay tuned, these should be determined within a month.
Education Officer Joe West began his program with a Memorial Recognition Award for deceased Life Member W.B. Oscar Loe, Jr. He then explained a number of unusual terms and phrases found in the E.A. Degree.
June 18, 2019
We have made tentative plans to visit MWB Spies in Sioux Falls on the afternoon of Sunday, July, with WBs Hobie Cole and Curt Vipond along if possible.
Pending the date being open, the first Jeptha Lodge golf outing will be Wednesday, July 17, at 6:30 PM in a “best shot” format.
Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge next week.
We voted to make a donation to the nursing home for an “anti-rabbit” fence around the garden.
Carpooling plans were made to attend Grand Lodge this coming weekend in Sioux Falls.
Election of Officers was held with the following results:
Joe West W.M.
Duane Van Noort S. W.
Mike Ingebrigtson J. W.
Tom Lewis Treasurer
Dave Hansen Secretary
July 17, 2019
The first Jeptha Lodge golf outing was held Wednesday, July 17, at 6:30 PM in a “best shot” format.
Left to right, front row: Doug Van't Hof, Greg Westra Back row, left to right: Galen Jansen, Ron West, Tom Lewis, Tom Miller, Dave Hansen, Ron Chenault, Robert Schlup, Steve Wickre
July 21, 2019
Thirteen Brothers gathered to visit WB Curt Vipond and MWB Les Spies.
September 3, 2019
Installation of Officers for the 2019-2020 Masonic Year was conducted by Ron West, Installing Officer, Randy Smith, Installing Marshall & Galen Jansen, Installing Chaplain.
Thirteen Jeptha Lodge Brothers plus a number of wives made the journey to Touchmark at All Saints in Sioux Falls for a Sunday afternoon visit with MWB Les Spies.
Joe West repeated as the Grand Lodge of South Dakota Lodge Education Officer of the Year.
The Lodge Charter was draped and a moment of silence observed in memory of WB Curt Vipond, who passed away on August 29. Twenty-two Brothers attended the Masonic Service.
Education Officer Ron West tested the Brothers with a Masonic terms word search.
September 17, 2019,
Just wanted to express a sincere thank you to any and all Brothers who participated in dad’s Masonic Service in Sioux Falls. I really appreciate all of you making the trip to Sioux Falls to do this.
Dad was a proud Mason and would certainly be proud to have these Masonic rites that you provided so well. Jeptha Lodge held a very special place in his heart!
Thanks again,
Joel Vipond
September 17, 2019
Tom Miller and daughter Morgan entered the Lodge float in the annual Hudson parade.
Departed Life Member Donald Brundeen was remembered on the 45 Year anniversary of becoming a Master Mason.
Education Officer Ron West shared "A Mason’s Charity" by Brothjer Stephen Suratos. Masonic charity is more that just giving money. It requires having a pure heart and charitable heart. It should inspire Masons to do better than we might otherwise do.
October 1, 2019
Several Brothers have indicated an interest in joining the Scottish Rite at the October 26 and 27 Reunion in Yankton.
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, October 8, at 6:00 PM.
Education Officer Ron West used a program by Brother Alexander McNabb from the Grand Lodge of Virginia Committee on Masonic Education entitled “General George Douglas McArthur — the Man, the Freemason, the American Hero.” Included was how he started his Masonic career while serving in the military in the Philippines, his leadership during and immediately after WW II in the Asian theatre, his relationship with Major — and Brother — Henry Claussen who went on to become the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, and his on and off relationship with President (and Brother) Harry Truman.
October 15
Two of our Lodge Brothers used their skill to craft fine additions for Jeptha Lodge: Randy Porter used wood from the old Henry Groth house, built in the early 1900s, to make a new apron box for the Lodge. His son Josh then used his commercial laser to burn a Square & Compasses into the top of the lid and the story of where the wood came from on the underside of the lid. He will present the prototype to MWB Les Spies. Mike Ingebrigtson made a new Masonic Funeral Wreath for the Lodge, with the help of Kim Sogn at “The Garden Shed” in Canton. It consists of a wooden Square & Compass, with a blue background and gold border and red, white and blue flowers below.
Galen Jansen will be honored with the Scottish Rite K.C.C.H. “Red Hat” at a ceremony in Deadwood on November 2.
Duane Van Noort and Mike Ingebrigtson will join the Yankton Scottish Rite at the Fall Reunion.
Education Officer Ron West tested the Brothers with a 20-question quiz based on the E. A. Degree slide lecture.
Here is a picture of Duane Van Noort (directly below Pike) and Mike Ingebrigtson after taking Degrees 4 through 32 in Yankton.
Mike Ingebrigtson with the terrific new Masonic funeral wreath he made. Thanks, Brother Mike!
Randy Porter and the superb new apron box he had made. He visited his son in Colorado, who has a machine which he programed to do the etching. The wood used is the same wood as is in the old Groth (now Spies) cement block house where Ron West lives. Thanks, Brother Randy!
November 5, 2019
Our 4th and 21st Degree Scottish Rite Teams had the privilege of conferring these Degrees for our own Brothers Duane Van Noort and Mike Ingebrigtson at the recent Reunion. Congratulations Brothers!
Galen Jansen received the KCCH Red Hat from the Scottish Rite. It was a well-deserved honor!
We voted to purchase a new and better Santa suit for his annual visit with the kids at the Lodge.
Final preparations were made for our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper, to be held before the November 19 meeting.
Education Officer Ron West presented a program on President and Brother James K. Polk. Brother Polk was known for the personal traits of honesty, calm under pressure, and hard work, and he demanded the same of his subordinates. He re-established structure to the Treasury Department and oversaw the acquisition of more territory than any president except Thomas Jefferson. He kept his promise to run only one term and, with the passing of time, has come to be ranked as a top ten president by historians.
November 19, 2019
Sixteen Brothers enjoyed our annual Oyster Stew & Chili Supper. Special thanks to Ron West, who did a fine job as first time head chef!
Duane Van Noort reported on taking the Scottish Rite Degrees in Yankton.
Ron West, Joe West, Galen Jansen, and Dave Hansen traveled to Yankton last Saturday to help confer the Master Mason Degree.
Education Officer Ron West, with the assistance of Galen Jansen, presented the 2019 version of Masonic Jeopardy.
Preparation list for Santa’s visit from 12:30 to 2:00, Saturday, December 14:
Santa Claus - Ron West
Toy from Santa - Ron West
Advertising - Already Done
Decorate tree - Mike Ingebrigtson and others meet at 10:00-10:30 that morning
Sack candy and prepare Christmas cards - Meet at the Lodge at 11:00 to 11:30 that morning
Letter for Christmas cards - Joe West
10 lbs. of peanuts - Doug Van’t Hof
Posters - Tom Lewis
Small toys for bags - on hold
Bags - Dave Hansen
Candy - Brian Sohl, Mike Ingebrigtson, and Duane Van Noort
Blue juice - Brian Sohl
2 gal. of cider - Tom Lewis
2 dozen cookies - Duane Van Noort, Ron West, Galen Jansen, and Mike Ingebrigtson
Postage and mailing labels - Dave Hansen
Camera and picture printer - Joe West
Photographer - Greg Westra or others
Box of Christmas cards - Dave Hansen
December 2, 2019
Dear Brothers:
The time has come to wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season. I hope this letter finds all of you safe, warm, and well. As I write this letter there’s not much snow on the ground and what is there is melting. With a nice dry week in the forecast here’s hoping the weather will remain nice for our upcoming activities.
Our Masonic year got off to a start at our first meeting where we tried something different and held the installation before opening lodge. This seemed to go rather well and could be something we’ll see again in the future but, as always, when installation happens is up to the incoming master.
My luck as master holds and we were unable to get the ditches walked this year. Both the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in October were wet. Once November rolled around it was decided we’ll just walk them more thoroughly in the spring. Here’s hoping the weather cooperates.
We held our Oyster Stew at the usual 2nd meeting in November. This marked the first time the stew was prepared by Worshipful Brother Ron West. While I didn’t personally partake, opting for the chili instead, the comments from the brothers indicates Ron did a good job.
Coming up this month we have Santa visiting on the 14th. This is always a fun time for the kids and for the brothers who help with the event. Personally, I enjoy watching the kids grow each year as I print their picture. Even as long as we’ve held this event almost every year we have someone ask how much the pictures are and they’re always surprised when they find out they’re free.
Beyond December I ask you to remember the George Washington party on February 16th, the Easter Bunny on April 11th, and our recognition Banquet on May 3rd. Remember, all our upcoming events are on the trestle board and on our website jepthalodge.org and our secretary always sends reminder emails.
Lastly, I would like to remind you that you are always welcome to attend the meetings. Whether you’ve been coming to every one or haven’t been to one in years, you will be welcome back as though you never left. That said, as the weather turns, please keep in mind that while we’d like to see you at the meetings, we’d rather you be home and safe than in an accident because of unfavorable travel conditions.
Joseph D. West, Worshipful Master
January 7, 2020
WB Hobie Cole is at the VA Hospital in Sioux Falls following several falls; WB Duane Van Noort is slowly recovering from back surgery.
Memorial Life Member recognition was given for Frank Myers (65 Years) and Curt Vipond (70 Years).
Fifty-seven kids enjoyed the visit by Santa Claus to Jeptha Lodge, where they received candy, cookies, small toys, pictures with Santa, and things to do at the craft table.
Education Officer Ron West gave “The Masonic Altar” by WB Henry Perrault. The article first discusses the use of an altar by numerous other past and present institutions. In Masonry, this most important piece of furniture is used as a symbolic altar of sacrifice. “On it a candidate is directed to lay his passions and vices as an oblation to the Deity, while he offers up the thoughts of a pure heart as a fitting incense to the Grand Architect of the Universe.”
Duane Van Noort reported on taking the Scottish Rite Degrees in Yankton.
Ron West, Joe West, Galen Jansen, and Dave Hansen traveled to Yankton last Saturday to help confer the Master Mason Degree.
Education Officer Ron West, with the assistance of Galen Jansen, presented the 2019 version of Masonic Jeopardy.
January 21, 2020
We agreed to be interviewed for an article in the Hudsonite regarding Jeptha Lodge before our February 18 meeting.
We will confer the F.C. Degree at our February 4 meeting. Practice for the Degree Team will be Sunday, February 2, at 2:00 P.M.
Duties were set for our George Washington Party on Sunday, February 16 at 2:00 P.M.
Education Officer Ron West delivered “Joseph Rudyard Kipling, the Man and the Mason,” by Brother Sandy MacNabb.
Brother Kipling was born in Bombay, India, in 1865. He received his education in England, then returned to India in 1880 as sub-editor of a publication. He became a Mason a few years later and said, “Here I met Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, members of Araya and Brahmo Samaj, and a Jewish Tyler, who was a rabbi and butcher in his little community in the city. So yet another world was opened to me which I needed.” He wrote the instructional paper “On the Origins of
Masonry, and the First Degree in Particular.” On a trip to America, he became friends with Brother Mark Twain. He received the 1907 Nobel Prize for Literature.
“I visited Hobie late this morning and sat with him during lunch at the VA in Sioux Falls. We had a wonderful visit. He is in good spirits. He resides in Room #386.” —Brother Russ Sorenson
February 3, 2020
Sixteen Brothers, including every officer, were on hand to confer the F.C. Degree.
Valentine Rose deliveries were scheduled for our area Masonic Widows.
A representative of the local newspaper will meet with Lodge members before the February 18 meeting to get information for an article about Jeptha Lodge.
Education Officer Ron West used the Masonic Sourcebook article, “Civil War Friendship, Union and Confederate Brothers,” to give numerous examples of Brotherly kindness between the opposing forces in this bloody conflict.
February 17, 2020
Gordon Richard, of the Hudsonite, spent some time with Brothers before the meeting for an upcoming article in the newspaper.
Master Mason anniversaries were recognized for Ric Porter (35 years) and LeRoy Ross (50 years), and deceased Life Member Chic Scott (20 years).
Brain Sohl and Randy Smith made Valentine Rose deliveries to some of our local Masonic widows.
Our George Washington Party was short on attendance, but long on fun by those who did attend.
The Education Program was three short stories from the “QSA Members Forum For Masonic Research.”
March 3, 2020
Jeptha Lodge received recognition in the local newspaper with nearly a full-page article and a picture of the Brothers present for the interview.
Come and enjoy our Men’s Potluck Supper at 6:00 PM before the March 17 meeting.
We need to start collecting drawing prizes to be given away to the kids following the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 11.
Education Officer Ron West shared an article from the QSA Members Forum For Masonic Research by MWB Raymond S.J. Daniels called “A Personal Note to a Potential Candidate from an Old Past Master.” The first main topic concerned religious belief. Masonry does not conform to any specific religion, does require belief in a supreme being, and emphasizes spirituality rather than any established religion. As Dan Brown pointed out in his novel, The Secret Symbol, ”In a world where people are killing each other over whose definition of God is better, maybe the Masons have it right.” MWB Daniels also noted that Masonry is a progressive science and a life-long process.
The decision has been made to cancel the supper and meeting scheduled for March 17, due to the government recommendation regarding the Coronavirus.
We are, first of all, a people-helping organization and we would all feel terrible if our actions had a negative health effect.
Along these lines, unless there is a serious and overwhelming disagreement, there appears to be a general feeling that we must cancel the Easter Egg Hunt and Drawing this year. What if one child, parent, grandparent or friend became sick because we think we are smarter than our healthcare experts?!
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Open this link for an imporant edict from the Grand Master of Masons in South Dakota.
“In compliance with the State of Emergency declared both federally [and] in South Dakota, and the latest guidance directed by the President and CDC last evening of not more than 10 individuals meeting as a group, we must take measures to contain the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Acting under my authority as Grand Master of Masons in South Dakota, I do hereby order all Lodge activities, including all Regular and Special Communications of subordinate Lodges, ritual practices, fundraisers, and social events be cancelled or postponed until further notice...”[for the full text click here.]
As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold in our communities as restrictions and guidelines are established to better slow the spread of this deadly virus, we must all do our part as Masons to ensure the safety and well being of our families, Brothers and our communities.
Remember your obligation “to help those in need if not a danger to ourselves.” Reach out and check on loved ones and Brothers. We are in this situation together and must assist whenever possible ensuring needs are met. I solicit each of our Lodges and Brothers to check on one another and identify anyone in need. If a Brother’s needs are beyond capabilities of his Lodge, please contact the Grand Lodge Office for assistance. In times of Distress, “you are your Brother’s Keeper.”
We continue monitoring the COVID-19 situation and encourage everyone to do their part by social distancing or isolation, practicing personal hygiene, minimizing travel, and following established guidelines provided through federal, state and local authorities or visit the CDC at CORONAVIRUS.GOV for latest guidance. Current estimates state the situation may not peak until May so we must do our best to adjust as necessary. Updates will be provided as circumstances dictate and changes to our policies are required.
Reach out to family, friends, and Brothers ensuring all are safe and their needs are being met. Utilize electronic means if possible to minimize exposure as we communicate with others. Changing your method of shopping by using phone-in orders with either delivery or curb side pickup can help. Consider ways to stay safe and encourage others to do likewise.
Practice our great tradition of Brothers helping Brothers, Widows and Orphans. I encourage you to continue this theme as we go through this matter together. Your Grand Lodge is standing by to assist in any way we can. I wish all Masons and their families continued health and safety during this wearisome time.Fraternally,
Harold D. Ireland, Grand Master of Masons
March 29, 2020
Brother Dale Broscha passed away on Wednesday, March 18. He attended Lodge regularly when he was living in rural Hudson and has been living in Middletown, Connecticut for many years now. May he rest in peace.
Brother Dave Hansen came up with a semblance of a plan to help offset not being able to hold meetings which he hope to start later this week. Stay tuned!
March 1, 2020
The May 3 Banquet at the Lodge has been cancelled. In accordance with Federal, State, and Grand Lodge guidance we feel this must be done to help insure safety. Be well and do what you can to ensure the same for your family and others.
June 2, 2020
Per the Grand Master’s letter, which I emailed to you earlier today reauthorizing meetings, we will have our regular meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 2, at 7:00 PM. We will open in the E.A. Degree (to comply with social distancing more easily) and spread out in the Lodge as much as possible. The Grand Master’s letter also says all requirements for wearing masks, hand washing/personal hygiene and social distancing must be maintained. If you do not feel comfortable in a group setting yet, DO NOT feel you must attend. Also, if you are not feeling well, please do not attend. We will not have lunch after the meeting to avoid another potential point of contact. I’ll bring a container of sanitizing wipes we can use.
Past Masters, I participated in the test ZOOM meeting tonight to prepare for a remote Grand Lodge session. It went very well. There will be future test ZOOM meeting the next 2 Mondays if you want to try it. This is how Grand Lodge votes will be cast and all Past Masters are eligible and should vote.
If I missed anything, let me know ASAP.
Any of the Rock Valley Brothers who want to carpool, let me know by text (712-541-8122) or email and we’ll pick you up. I’ll probably see the text sooner.
Thanks Brothers,
June 16, 2020
Twelve Jeptha Lodge Brothers were please to meet tonight following an absence of over three months due to the Covid-19 virus which has shut down much of our country.
The Lodge Charter was draped and a moment of silence was observed in memory of departed MWB Les Spies and Bro. Dale Broscha.
We discussed the unusual remote meeting procedure for this year's Grand Lodge session and voting due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Brian Sohl reporting on seeing the Mt. Roosevelt Memorial Friendship Tower near Deadwood, SD which the Masons rededicated last year on its 100 year anniversary. Bro. Seth Bullock had it built in memory of his friend Bor. Theodore Roosevelt.
Election of Officers results:
- WM Ron West;
- SW Duane Van Noort;
- JW Mike Ingebrigtson;
- Treas. Tom Lewis;
- Secr. Dave Hansen
Education Officer Ron West shared “Nadia’s Story” from the Masonic Sourcebook. She was born in the 1930s, the daughter of a Jewish Mason in Egypt who was caught up in running guns for the Palestinians. Upon confessing to her ather, he went to the town square and gave the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. A Mason he did not know, on penalty of death, arranged for her to be smuggled out of Egypt and live out a long live in freedom.
Stay Safe and Healthy Brothers!
September 1, 2020
The evening began with Installation of Officers, adjusted slightly to increase social distancing. Joe West acted as Installing Officer and Installing Chaplain. Randy Smith was the Installing Marshall. Installed were WM Ron West, SW Duane Van Noort, JW Mike Ingebrigtson, Sec. Dave Hansen, JD Tom Miller, Tyler Joe West, and Marshall Greg Westra. Yet to be installed are Treas. Tom Lewis, SD Brian Sohl, SS Arlan Verburg, JS Tracy Homandberg, and Chaplain Galen Jansen.
WM Ron West gave the Lodge a thorough cleaning this past Saturday.
WB Joe West received his Past Master’s card.
Results of the Grand Lodge elections using a ZOOM meeting were reviewed.
Ditch Walking is scheduled for Tuesday, October 13.
Duane Van Noort and Dave Hansen cleaned out gutters for Aggie Snedeker as requested this past June.
Members of our Scottish Rite Degree Team were surprised with white gloves embroidered while the square & compass logo which WB Randy Smith’s wife Pam made for them. This is much appreciated because the team always had to sort through a jumbled mess of gloves to find something resembling a pair. They will be worn with pride. Unfortunately, it appears we won’t be able to use them for a while as we are not scheduled to enact either the 4th or 21st Degrees at the September 25-26 Orient-wide reunion in Yankton.
Brother Greg Westra, after listening to the Installation of officers, commented on what a calming and unifying influence Masonry could be at a time when our country seems so divided and wished more people could witness it. He continued by expressing pride in being part of something that goes back to the founding of our country and the problems that those patriots faced.
A second Jeptha Lodge golf outing was discussed. Secretary will contact WB Tom Lewis for him to see if the Alcester is agreeable to let us do it again.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Installation of Officers, Charges” which was delivered by MWB Paul Revere, Grand Master of Masons of Massachusetts in 1795. The piece gave the charge given to the WM, his officers, and to the other Brethren of the Lodge.
September 15, 2020
We opened in the FC Degree to help maximize social distancing as prescribed by the Grand Master.
WM ordered the Marshall to present Brian Sohl at the Altar and he was installed as SD by the WM. WM ordered the Marshall to present Galen Jansen at the Altar and he was installed as Chaplain by the WM. Remaining to be installed are Tom Lewis as Treasurer, Arlan Verburg as SS, and Tracy Homandberg as JS.
Thank you to Brian Sohl delivered Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge in September and will do so again in October.
Brian Sohl thanked the Brothers for the sympathy card in memory of his brother Mark.
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, October 13. The Secretary will let everyone know the time by email.
Mike Ingebrigtson will contact Patrick Sullivan to schedule his FC Degree work.
Our second annual golf outing is set for Saturday, October 3, at 1:00 PM. Let the Secretary know if you will take part so Tom Lewis can let the Alcester Golf Course know how many carts we will need.
Galen Jansen said the Canton nursing home is shut in due to the COVID-19 making it difficult to contact Hobie Cole.
Ron West spoke with Dianna Spies and the situation is the same for Bettie Spies in Sioux Falls.
Remember they and all of our members who can’t make it to Lodge would enjoy a phone call.
Acting Education Officer Ron West presented “My Lodge Membership Card” by Brother Frank Bartell, detailing how such a small piece of paper can mean so much.
Secretary shared an email from our Grand Master which stated that it is permissible to email Lodge minutes out to members. The Grand Master’s home Lodge does this. After a brief discussion it was decided that Jeptha Lodge should begin emailing meeting minutes to members.
Acting Education Officer Ron West presented “My Lodge Membership Card” by Brother Frank Bartell, detailing how such a small piece of paper can mean so much.
September 17, 2020
We are planning a 2nd annual Jeptha Lodge golf outing at the Alcester Golf Course on Saturday, October 3 at 1:00 PM. We need an accurate head count ASAP to make sure they have enough carts available for everyone. We had a great time last year! Let me know!
October 3, 2020, Golf Outing
October 6, 2020
WM Ron West presented his Trestle Board for the year. Numerous activities are listed as tentative due to the COVID-19 situation.
WM ordered the SD to present Tom Lewis at the Altar where he was installed as Treasurer. Remaining to be installed are Arlan Verburg as SS and Tracy Homandberg as JS.
Galen Jansen, in his usual exciting fashion, described the capture and expulsion of a bat that was found in the Lodge as the remaining Brothers closed up after the meeting!
We had our second Jeptha Lodge golf outing in Alcester on the preceding Saturday. Due to sickness, other conflicts, and lateness of the season only Ron West, Galen Jansen, Tom Miller and Dave Hansen were able to participate. You can check our fabulous website, kept current by Wayne Spies, to see some action shots from the day.
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, October 13. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM with a few garbage bags. It takes about an hour if we have a decent group.
We had a discussion of the activities listed on the Trestle Board. Due to the abnormal times, changes will occur.
We discussed holding the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper as usual, having only Jeptha Brothers attend, or canceling altogether. Since we cancelled many activities earlier in the year when few instances of COVID-19 were present in our area, we regretfully decided it was only prudent to cancel this year now that there is a considerable amount of the virus in our area. Hopefully it will pass or vaccines will become a reality soon.
Education Officer Joe West presented “ Men Who Build Bridges,” by R.W. Rev. Richard Campbell, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York.
The Secretary shared two email communications from Allen Eide on his numerous Masonic activities and on encouraging the Brothers to attend the mid-year meeting of the SD Lodge of Masonic Research in Pierre on January 23, 2021.
October 13, 2020: Ditch Walking
November 3, 2020
The Secretary spoke with Ron Chenault, and they are staying healthy, but being careful about going out.
We sent a card to Brother Arlan Verburg on the passing of his mother.
A moment of silence was observed, and the Lodge charter was draped in memory of Brother J. C. Harrison.
The Brothers sent a get-well card to WB Hobie Cole as he recovers in the Canton nursing home.
We received the new JP Luther Masonic catalog.
We received an email from Grand Lodge on the availability of face masks from Grand Lodge. For $30 you get two masks, one with the square & compass logo, and one with the seal of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota.
Ditches on the west side of town were walked on October 13 by Brian Sohl, Greg Westra, Joe West, and Dave Hansen.
We didn’t have enough daylight time to get the east side done.
2 Memorial Life Memberships were recognized: Merlyn “Mike” Miller (70 years) and M. W. Myers (85 years).
A Demit for Brother Joe Swanstrom was forwarded to Grand Lodge per his request.
WB Galen Jansen brought up the idea of a “drive by” visit with Santa next month. Weather permitting, Santa would be outside and give children some kind of wrapped candy and toy, rather than our usual indoor activities with pictures, crafts, and snacks. WB Brian Sohl will talk to the fire department and see what they are doing. We plan to make a decision next meeting.
WB Brian Sohl noticed the outside fuel barrel for the old furnace is starting to leak. He will disconnect and dispose of it.
Education Officer Joe West gave a program on balloting.
November 17, 2020
We received an email proclamation the Grand Master regarding returning Brothers suspended for non-payment of dues dated 11-16-2020. All Brothers previously suspended for non-payment of dues can be immediately reinstated by only paying current years dues.
We received email noticed that Grand Lodge has recorded the Demit requested by Brother Joe Swanstrom.
We sent a card to Brother Arlan Verburg on the passing of his mother.
There was a motion, seconded, and passed, to send $100 to the Children’s Home Society in Sioux Falls.
We again discussed the idea of having Santa and other Brothers on hand outside the Lodge on Saturday, December 12, so that children could come past in vehicles and received wrapped candy and a small gift. The Brothers feel this can keep our tradition going to have contact with the community and still adhere to Covid-19 protocols. We will make concrete plans at our December 1 meeting. Secretary will contact Grand Lodge to make sure this is approved.
The Lodge members thank WB Brian Sohl for removing and disposing of the old fuel tank on the east side of the Lodge.
WB Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels this week on behalf of the Lodge.
The new JP Luther catalog has Masonic face masks on sale for $5 each in the new catalog.
We recognized that Brother Don Horner has been a Master Mason for 35 years.
Education Officer Joe West hosted Masonic Wheel of Fortune. The category Song answer was “Happy Holiday” by Brother Irving Berlin; the Person answer was Brother John Philip Sousa; the category Thing answer was the Scythe; and the place answer was Forest of Lebanon.
Coming out on top was Mike Ingebrigtson with $5,950 fake dollars, with Tom Miller a closed second at $5,400 fake dollars and Duane Van Noort third with $4,350 fake dollars. It was a lot of fun and spurred much laughter and friendly needling of fellow Brothers.
We discussed the request by a group of the Hudson Study Club women to join them in donating gently used clothing and other unused items to a new boutique they are starting at the Hudson assisted living center. They also are asking any individual the select a "friend" at the center to take under their wing for visits, etc. You should contact Barb Homandberg or Marcie Paulson if you have questions.
Santa comes to our Lodge on Saturday, December 12, from 12:30 to 1:30. Brothers should meet by 11:30 to address Christmas cards to our non-local members and prepare for the kids. We have many changes this year. Santa will arrive on the fire truck and hold court on the top step of the Lodge. Brothers will bring and wear masks and gloves and there will be a table of toys, wrapped candy, and juice boxes for the kids to point out that they would like. The kids will be allowed to briefly stand at the bottom of the steps if their parents want to snap a picture. Duties that you volunteered for:
- Santa — Galen Jansen with his Helper Elf Ellery
- Fire Truck Driver — Justin Teunissen or Tom Miller
- Town Sign Board — Brian Sohl
- Large Blowup Snoopy Santa and red table cloth — Greg Westra
- Posters — Tom Lewis
- Master's Letter to non-local Brothers — Ron West
- Small Toys — Mike Ingebritson
- Stockings to hold Candy & Toys — Duane Van Noort
- Wrapped Candy — Mike Ingebrigtson, Ron West & Dave Hansen
- Candy - Ron West, Duane Van Noort & Mike Ingebrigtsen
- Juice Boxes — Tom Miller & Dave Hansen
- Postage & Mailing Labels — Dave Hansen
- Christmas Cards — on hand
Please make note of any duty with your name. If I missed anything, let me know.
Next, the MM Degree will be conferred at our Tuesday, December 15 meeting. Our Grand Master's COVID-19 edict will be followed. During the Degree Work, everyone will be required to wear masks, socially distance as much as possible, sanitizer will be on hand and used, and wear gloves for any contact. IMPORTANT - if you have a part in the work and have not already let us know that you are unable to participate, let me know right away so that we can make other arrangements. We all completely understand that some of us are not comfortable in groups yet.
Thanks Brothers!
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Dear Brothers,
It has sure been a hard year for everyone. We have all been unable to do many things that we wanted to do. Everyone completely understands why so many stay away from groups until the COVID-19 virus is under control.
For Jeptha Lodge #121, it has actually been a tough couple of years. Most of our “Old Guard,” those Brothers who made our Lodge great, have left us. Men like MWB Les, WBs Curt, Dale, Ken, Mike, Bob, and, now, Hobie were always there and always pitched in.
We’ve had to cancel most activities in 2020 and have made adjustments to others. A skeleton crew of Brothers has kept things going with guidance from the Grand Lodge. For example, we are very much looking forward to having a “drive by” visit with Santa Claus outside the Lodge for the children. We feel we can do it safely, that Hudson needs it, and we need it too.
With many spirits low, Masons are exactly the positive, well-meaning organization that is needed now more than ever. Please know that we need ALL of us back when it can be done
safely again! In the meantime, if anyone needs assistance, please contact any of our officers. We will try to help in any way that we can.
We wish you all the best going into this Christmas season!
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Santa Visits Hudson!
December 1, 2020
Joe West received a write-up from Allen Eide on the embroidered Masonic tapestry which he received and donated to the Lodge.
The Worshipful Master ordered the Senior Deacon to remove the drape placed over the Lodge charter in memory of J.C. Harrison.
Final preparations were set for Santa’s COVID-19 adapted visit on Saturday, December 12, from 12:30-1:30 as follows:
- Meet at the Lodge at 11:30 to fill out Christmas cards and fill stockings for the kids.
- Santa: Galen Jansen
- Santa’s Elf: Ellery Jansen
- Tom Miller will drive Santa around Hudson in the fire truck as suggested by Justin Teunissen.
- Town Sign: Brian Sohl
- Posters: Tom Lewis
- Large blowup Snoopy Santa: Greg Westra
- WM’s Christmas letter: Ron West
- Red table cloth covers: Greg Westra
- Small Toys: Mike Ingebrigtson
- Stocking to hold toys and candy: Duane Van Noort
- Wrapped Candy: Mike Ingebrigtson, Ron West and Dave Hansen
- Juice Boxes: Tom Miller and Dave Hansen
- Postage and mailing labels: Dave Hansen
- Christmas cards: on hand (we’ll need a few more next year)
Galen Jansen shared an article from a touching Canton newspaper interview of WB Hobie Cole dealing with his service during World War II.
Master Mason Degree Work: tentative plans are to confer the MM Degree at our Dec. 15 meeting IF possible. Masks will be worn and other accommodations will be taken to confer the degree safely. Secretary will inform our District Master Larry Clark as required.
Greg Westra will work on a poster we can use to try to recruit new Masons.
An email from the Hudson Ambulance was read requesting donations to help offset the cost of EMT classes to train new EMTs. Motion, 2nd, and Passes to donate $500.00.
Emails from Randy Smith and Russ Sorenson were shared on how the COVID-19 virus has affected each of them.
Education Officer Joe West shared an article on how to disagree skillfully.
Paying 2020 Dues: Greg Olson $100 to the Lodge Building Fund; Ron Chenault $100 to the Lodge Building Fund; Randy Porter $20 MSA Hospital Visitation $20 George Washington Masonic Memorial $10 MSAT and $50 Lodge Building.
December 15, 2020
Santa’s Covid-19-friendly visit to the Lodge was discussed. Thirteen Brothers were on-hand to help and enjoy some much enjoyed camaraderie. The large, blow-up Snoopy Santa was an eye catching addition. It was fun to hear the fire truck as it drove around town with Santa Galen Jansen in the passenger seat and Tom Miller driving. Around 20 children arrived to visit with Santa, his helper Ellery and received stockings full of candy, a drink and a toy or two. The leftover candy and drinks were donated to the Hudson Assisted Living. We were happy to continue this tradition and hope it can been back to normal next year.
Secretary Hansen spoke with Patrick Sullivan about the need to delay his MM Degree work due to the continuing difficulties caused by the pandemic. Patrick was very gracious and understanding.
Greg Westra brought in a sample poster we hope to use to get new members. The Brothers were very impressed and a dozen copies will be made to be posted.
Ever dependable-Brian Sohl will deliver meals on Wheels for the Lodge the week of December 28.
Tracy Homandberg was installed as Junior Steward for the Masonic year.
The required addendum to the minutes regarding the long form ritual was signed by the WM and Secretary.
We received Christmas greetings and a $100 donation from Leslie Pedde in memory of her father, WB Dale Smith. A Thank-You was sent for her continued support in his memory.
WM ordered the Senior Deacon to remove the drape placed over the Lodge charter and a moment of silence in memory of WB Hobie Cole. Galen Jansen and Tom Lewis each shared fun Hobie stories.
Dave Hansen spoke with Bro. Don Horner’s granddaughter Jen, who said he was doing pretty well.
January 5, 2021
Education Officer Joe West presented “In Token of Your Sincerity” by Mitchell L. Hensley, KCCH Executive Secretary, Albert Pike Masonic Center, Valley of Little Rock, Arkansas. It was an interesting take on the path of Brother Harry Truman to become President of the United States and some of what he faced along the way. Afterwards, we had an interesting discussion about him. Tom Miller was able to expand more on the business and political life of one of his favorite Presidents.
Brothers signed sympathy cards to Brother Wayne Spies and Dianna Spies on the passing of their mother Bettie. Her friendly enthusiasm and strong support for Jeptha Lodge will be greatly missed.
Greg Westra reported that the posters to attract new members will be ready at the next meeting.
Brian Sohl reported that Joel Vipond is retiring.
January 19, 2021
Greg Westra brought in the poster he had made to encourage men to check into joining Jeptha Lodge. Several Brothers took them to display in local businesses.
Valentine Roses for local Masonic widows was discussed. Tom Lewis will deliver to Ramona Schlup, Dave Hansen will check with Keni Snedeker on where Aggie will be, and will check with Randy Smith to deliver to Peggy Steinfadt.
Wayne Spies wrote to thank the Brothers for the sympathy card on the passing of his mother.
Our Education Program was a partly serious and partly humorous article on “Prompting.*#8221; We had a good discussion about it afterwards about how we could see much of what was discussed taking place in our own Lodge.
We talked about the George Washington party at the last meeting. It was decided that we will forego it again this year and hope that time and increased COVID vaccine availability will make it possible to resume in 2022.
We also discussed the Easter Egg Hunt. It was decided that we are again unable to hold the event as normal. However, all Brothers are asked to think about whether we can do something similar to the way we staged a “toned-down” visit by Santa Claus without any known complications. Possibly some way to hand out filled plastic eggs, small gifts, and even bike raffles without excess contact. Please bring any ideas to the next meeting or send an email to me.
Thanks, Brothers,
Dave Hansen, Sec.
We talked about the George Washington party at the last meeting. It was decided that we will forego it again this year and hope that time and increased COVID vaccine availability will make it possible to resume in 2022.
We also discussed the Easter Egg Hunt. It was decided that we are again unable to hold the event as normal. However, all Brothers are asked to think about whether we can do something similar to the way we staged a “toned-down” visit by Santa Claus without any known complications. Possibly some way to hand out filled plastic eggs, small gifts, and even bike raffles without excess contact. Please bring any ideas to the next meeting or send an email to me.
Thanks, Brothers,
Dave Hansen, Sec.
February 2, 2021
Acting Tyler, Randy Porter, did some research on the duties of the Lodge Tyler, and went over what cowans and eavesdroppers were.
The George Washington party was discussed. It was decided that we should forego it again this year with hopes that time and increased COVID vaccine availability will make it possible to resume in 2022.
We discussed the Easter Egg Hunt. It was decided that we are again unable to hold the event as normal. However, the Brothers were asked to think about whether we can do something similar to the way we staged a toned-down visit by Santa without any known complications. Possibly some way to hand out filled plastic eggs, small gifts, and even bike raffles without close contact. Bring any ideas to the next meeting or email the Secretary.
Our Education Program was entitled “The Masonic Deck of Cards.” It showed how playing cards can be used to teach many Masonic lessons. During our discussing afterwards, we did a pretty good job of remembering what each card represented. We felt most were very good examples, but a few were a stretch.
Keni Snedeker emailed news that he, Diane & his mom Aggie are doing well, invited the Brothers to call or visit anytime in South Sioux City, and said he has plans to be active in Lodge after he retires.
District Master Larry Clark inquired by email if we had done our MM Degree yet and was told that we still have several important team members unable to take part.
February 16, 2021
Randy Smith successfully made his Valentine delivery to Peggy Steinfadt. Tom Lewis told of his successful Valentine rose delivery to Ramona Schlup. Keni Snedeker sent word that the Valentine flowers from the Lodge that his mom Aggie received “absolutely made her day!”
Thank you to Brian Sohl, who will delivery Meals on Wheels for the Lodge next week.
We tabled discussing the possibility of an Easter Egg Hunt of some kind until our next meeting.
We tabled discussing the Men’s Potluck Supper until next meeting.
Our Education Program was a nice Masonic poem entitled “The Level and The Square” by Rob Morris, written in 1854.
District Master Larry Clark inquired by email if we had done our MM Degree yet and was told that we still have several important team members unable to take part.
MWB Virgil Anderson sent an email on the upcoming April 10-11 Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton.
March 2, 2021
We will make final plan for a modified Easter event for the children next meeting. Hopefully we can confidently get back to normal for this next year. The Easter Egg Hunt will be modified like we did with Santa Claus. If anyone wants to contribute toys to the event for the kids, you can leave them at the City Office, bring them to a Lodge meeting, or give it to a local member. If you want to contribute money to purchase toys, please make checks out to Jeptha Lodge and bring it to a meeting or you can send it to me (1006 Creek Blvd, Rock Valley IA 51247). We also plan to raffle off at least two bikes. If you have any questions, let me know. This isn't the way we want to run it, but we want to keep it going.
The Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton will be on April 10 and 11. The Degree Team will practice after the April 6 Lodge meeting. Some Brothers have expressed an interest in joining the Scottish Rite and are urged to let the Secretary know.
We received the annual Real Estate Assessment Notice, maintaining our tax exempt status.
We got an email from Chuck Smith on recovering from a work related accident. He plans to be back in Lodge when possible after his second COVID shot. He also mentioned his beloved Minnesota Twins!
We shared emails from Ron Chenault and Mike Ingebrigtson regarding their health.
March 16, 2021
Brother Allen Eide received a request to run for the one year remaining on MWB Don Gray’s term on the Grand Lodge Jurisprudence Committee. The motion to nominate Allen Eide for this office was nade, seconded, and passed.
The Easter event was discussed. It will be held Saturday, April 3, at the Hudson City Park from 10:30 to moon. Brothers will meet at the Lodge at 9:30 A.M. to fill the eggs and make other preparations. We are anticipating fewer kids attending. We will raffle off one boy’s bike, and one girl’s bike. 600 eggs will be filled with more on hand if needed.
Attendees will stay in their vehicles and be directed around the ball field in a counter-clockwise direction. They will be given a ticket on which to write the child’s name, age and a phone number where they can be contacted. When they get back to the entrance the tickets will be collected. The 2 winners drawn will be contacted by phone. Each child will be given a bag with candy filled eggs and a small toy.
Brothers Tom Lewis and Doug Van’t Hof will contribute a bike. Brother Galen Jansen will contribute a Hot Wheel or toward a bike, whichever is needed. Brothers Ron West, Brian Sohl and Dave Hansen will provide candy. Ron Chenault, Arlan Verburg, Randy Porter, Tom Miller, Cal DeRuyter and Dennis Gildemeister will contribute money for toys or toward bike.
Brother Dave Hansen will email Brother Brian Sohl and Roxanne Wickre about putting the details on the City news and/or their Facebook pages. Brother Tom Miller offered to start a Facebook page for the Lodge to promote this event and future events.
The Secretary reported that the IRS Form 990-N postcard has been submitted and accepted to maintain tax exempt status.
The Scottish Rite Degree Team will hold a practice after the April 6 meeting to prepare for the April 9-10 Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton. Any Brothers interested in being Candidate, please contact the Secretary or a member of the team.
Brian Sohl shared a Scottish Rite Journal article about the time President and Brother Harry Truman used old replaced beams after a White House renovation to have gavels made for the Grand Masters of every state.
April 6, 2021
Our Drive Through Easter event was attended by at least 70 children. It was a beautiful day and turned out great.
Ellery Jansen did a fine job as the Easter Bunny and the Brothers will send a Thank You card. It is very hard to find bikes in the stores right now because of COVID related shipping delays, etc., so they will be ordered on line for the 2 lucky winners. We used the last of the plastic eggs, so more will need to be ordered for next year.
We will walk the ditches on Tuesday, April 27.
Allen Eide told of the visit that he and Elaine made to the State of South Dakota Veterans Cemetery which is in the early stages of construction near Sioux Falls. The design was well thought out.
The Scottish Rite Reunion is this coming Saturday and Sunday in Yankton.
Education Officer Joe West gave a very light-hearted program consisting of Masonic jokes.
Thank-you to all the Brothers and friends who made this year’s visit from the Easter Bunny such a success!
Congratulations, Brother Ron!
Congratulations to Brother Ron Chenault, Jeptha Lodge’s newest member of the Yankton Scottish Rite.

April 20, 2021
Ron Chenault made comments on joining the Yankton Scottish Rite the previous weekend. He thanked the Jeptha
who put on the 4th and 21st Degrees and other Jeptha Brothers who attended. It was a long time goal of his and he made special mention of MWB Les Spies having encouraged him to join.
Galen Jansen reported that he had received the bicycle for Brooklyn Vande Kamp, our second Easter winner, and he would be delivering it soon.
We will walk ditches next Tuesday, April 27. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.
Secretary Hansen has confirmed MM Degree work for Patrick Sullivan at our May 4 meeting. After some discussion, it appears Saturday, May 8 will not work to assist Elk Point Lodge with some of the primary parts they need to confer a MM Degree. Secretary Hansen will contact Larry Clark to see if they want to join us on May 4 and also find out if they would like someone from their Lodge to conduct their candidate. We will hold a practice on Sunday, May 2 at 2:00 PM.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Lodge Presents Charges Against South Carolina GM and Officers”`; by Christopher Hodapp in his April 1, 2021 "freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com" article discussing an ongoing and remarkable disagreement between the Grand Lodge of South Carolina and one of its constituent Lodges, Union-Kilwinning Lodge No. 4. It will be a very interesting annual communication in South Carolina!
We received a communication from Grand Master Swindler that WB Allen Eide is filling one of the vacancies on the Jurisprudence Committee.
We received a message from our webmaster Wayne Spies that they were able to see their new grandson after all the COVID-related roadblocks. He also mentioned his beloved NY Yankees!
Treasurer Tom Lewis emailed that a bicycle was successfully delivered to Tyson Schoenwald, a winner in our Easter drawing.
Randy Smith reconnected with Ben Duran through our new Lodge Facebook page.
Secretary Dave Hansen corresponded with District Master Larry Clark on the possibility of courtesy MM Degree work for a candidate Elk Point has.
WB’s Galen Jansen and Ron West present a bicycle to one of the Easter event raffle winners.
It was great to see 18 Brothers in Lodge last night as Patrick Sullivan received his MM Degree! Even though COVID has kept us from doing any degree work for 2 years and a MM Degree for 3 years, I thought it went very well.
A Masonic Service is also now possible for WB Hobie Cole, an active member of our Lodge for over 70 years. I hope we can give him the recognition he deserves with a large group of Brothers present. Porter Funeral Home has informed me that the service for Hobie will be on Friday, May 14 at 11 AM. It will be a graveside service at Eden Cemetery beginning with the service by the minister, then the Masonic service by Galen Jansen, and finally the military service. There will be a table holding the cremation remains, etc. where the evergreens can be deposited. We will meet promptly at 10:30 AM at the Lodge for those wishing to arrive as a group. Keeping in mind that it is the middle of a work day, if possible, please try to wear dark pants and a white shirt to appear as a group.
Finally, we will try again to get the ditches walked next Tuesday, May 11. Meet at the Lodge at 6 PM.
Brian Sohl, Ron West, Duane Van Noort, Dave Hansen, Tom Miller (& Greg Westra taking the picture)
June 14, 2021
Grand Lodge ballot issues were reviewed in detail. Allen Eide, John Eide, Brian Sohl and Dave Hansen plan on attending this coming weekend in Mitchell.
Many thanks to Tracy Homandberg for the fine job he does taking care of the Lodge lawn.
Tom Lewis will contact the Alcester Golf Course to checking on the best nights of the week for a Lodge golf outing.
Meals on Wheels deliverers this week will be Brian Sohl on Monday - Thursday and Tracy Homandberg on Friday.
September 21, 2021
We will confer the E.A. Degree at our October 5 meeting.
Practice for the Officers and Degree Team will be Sunday, October 3, at 2:00 PM.
We decided to skip the golf outing for this year as none of the Brothers present that had hoped to golf were able to.
The front steps need some work. We will try to patch them up this fall and do more work on them in the spring if needed. Ron West will look at them and Duane Van Noort will help.
We briefly discussed the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper and decided that we will go ahead and plan to have it before our November 16 meeting.
Joe West was recognized as a 15-Year Master Mason.
Memorial Life Member Andrew Waterbury was recognized 126 Years after he became a Master Mason.
October 5, 2021
Tom Lewis was installed as Jr. Warden for the 2021-2022 Masonic Year.
The 4th and 21st Degree Scottish Rite Degree Teams will hold a practice after the October 19 meeting. Anyone interested in joining should contact the Secretary for a petition.
WM Duane thanked Ron West for the fine job he did repairing the front steps of the Lodge.
Thank You to Brian Sohl who will deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge next week.
The Entered Apprentice Degree was then conferred for Bobby Karau.
Dave Hansen to WM and Duane Van Noort to Jr. Steward. All other officers the same. Tom Lewis gave the Door Lecture. Galen Jansen gave the Bible Lecture. Carter Horner gave the Apron Lecture. Brian Sohl gave the Historical Lecture. Ron West gave the Slide Lecture. Duane Van Noort gave the Charge. Following the work, everyone stood and introduced themselves and numerous Brothers welcomed our newly made Brother and offered their congratulations to him and the Degree Team.
October 19, 2021
Tracy Homandberg was installed as Jr. Steward for the 2021-2022 Masonic Year. Larry Jensen was recognized as a 15-Year Master Mason and Memorial Life Member of Jeptha Lodge. Jerry Van Woudenberg was recognized as a 40-Year Master Mason and a Life Member of Jeptha Lodge.
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, October 26. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM. Bring gloves and some garbage bags.
The Oyster Stew and Chili Supper will be held starting at 6:00 PM before the November 16 meeting.
- Ron West will purchase the oysters and other food items.
- Tom Lewis, Joe West, and Dave Hansen will provide the Chili.
- Tom Miller will bring the drinks.
- Ron Chenault, Joe West, and Dave Hansen will help set up prior to the supper.
- Galen Jansen gave the Bible Lecture.
- Carter Horner gave the Apron Lecture.
- Brian Sohl gave the Historical Lecture.
- Ron West gave the Slide Lecture.
- Duane Van Noort gave the Charge.
- Education Officer Joe West will host Masonic Jeopardy at the meeting.
Neighboring Lodges, wives and friend are invited to join us for the meal.
Tom Lewis said he was contacted by the Hudson Garden Club because they want to some sort of event when Santa Claus visits children at the Lodge. Tom will let them know that Saturday, December 11, is the day. The Fire Dept. also normally has their fundraiser meal that day. WB Allen Eide will make the trip to Hudson from western SD to be Santa Claus.
We briefly discussed the May 1, 2022, Recognition Banquet. Secretary will confirm a caterer for that date.
Our 4th and 21st Degree Scottish Rite Degree Teams will leave from the Lodge for the Fall Reunion in Yankton at 6:00 AM on Saturday, October 30. All other Scottish Rite Brothers are encouraged to attend and invited to ride along. Brothers wishing to be a Candidate should contact Secretary Hansen for a Petition. The first Degree we do is at 9:00 AM.
Ron Chenault helped give and explain a ceremony on the handling of the American flag at the Netherlands Reformed Christian School in Rock Valley. The Brothers were very interested and Ron was asked to do it for our Lodge some night.
Education Officer Joe West presented “The Reasons Freemasonry Fails (Part 2)” from the redit.com website. It gave five reasons why the author felt this can occur. We discussed his views and how they related to our Lodge. Joe encouraged the Brothers to check out the Website and all the other subjects it has on Freemasonry.
November 2, 2021
Our 4th and 21st Degree Teams participated in the Fall Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton.
Ron West reported that the oysters have been ordered for our supper before the November 16 meeting.
We need to confer with Bobby Karau about F.C. Degree Work and set up times accordingly to get him proved up and have a practice. If possible, get him proved up in Rock Valley some evening after work and have a practice on Sunday, November 14, at 4:00 PM if Degree Work can be scheduled for the 16th.
November 16, 2021
Secretary reported that Tony’s Catering in Brandon, SD, has been contacted and May 1, 2022, has been reserved for our Recognition Banquet.
Education Officer Joe West noted two membership milestones: Life Member Dan Schlup has been a Master Mason for 35 years and Deceased Life Member Arnold Lund would have celebrated 70 years.
Plans were set for Santa’s visit to the Lodge on Saturday, December 11, from 12:30 to 2:00. Meet at the Lodge at 11:30 AM to set up, bag candy, and address Christmas cards.
- Santa Claus - Allen Eide
- Small Gift from Santa - Ron West
- Advertising - Tom Lewis
- Decorate - Duane Van Noort
- Letter in Christmas card - Duane Van Noort
- Small Toys - on hand
- 10 Lbs. Peanuts - Doug VanRq7;t Hof
- Bags, Postage, Labels - Dave Hansen
- Candy - Brian Sohl, Galen Jansen & Mike Ingebrigtson
- Blue Juice - Brian Sohl
- Cider - Tom Lewis
- 2 Dozen Cookies - Dave Hansen, Ron Chenault, Tom Miller & Duane Van Noort
- Camera & Picture Printer - Joe West
- Christmas Cards - Dave Hansen
Our three Brothers from Elk Point Lodge #3 rose and thanked us for the invitation to our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper meeting. Our head Chef Ron West and his helpers were thanked and received a warm round of applause.
- Education Officer Joe West then presented the 2021 version of Masonic Jeopardy with the assistance of Duane Van Noort. The Brothers gave Joe a big hand for his efforts. The closely contested game was won by . . . Dave Hansen!
December 7, 2021
Tom Lewis had an article about Santa’s visit to the Lodge on December 11. The newspaper’s reporter plans to come for the event.
We had a discussion about Life Memberships and the funds we have in our Life Membership bank account. As a Life Membership now costs $2,000, very few if any are being taken out in South Dakota. There was a motion, which was seconded and passed to increase the maximum amount a Jeptha Lodge non-Life Member can use from the account to purchase a Life Membership to $1,000, on a first-come, first-served basis. There are currently enough funds in the account to assist with the purchase of two Life Memberships on that basis. The Secretary can give details to Brothers interested.
Thank You to Brian Sohl for delivering Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge this week.
December 21, 2021
No meeting was held.
January 4, 2022
Brothers discussed holding some sort of recognition this spring or summer for M.W.B. Les Spies for all of his extraordinary contributions to Jeptha Lodge #121. We will revisit this soon.
Santa’s visit to Jeptha Lodge was discussed. After missing a year and then a drive-by Santa year, it was great to get back to normal. Even though it was a very cold and wintry weekend, 32 kids gave Santa their wishes. A huge Thank You to W.B. Allen Eide for traveling all the way across south Dakota to be Santa Claus again!
We will confer the Fellowcraft Degree at our January 18 meeting. Practice for the Degree Team and Officers will be on Sunday, January 16, at 2:00 PM.
We discussed a visit to see Don Horner when the weather gets a little better.
The George Washington Party was discussed. As there are very few Whist players attending in recent years, it was decided that this year we will try to revitalize the event by playing Bunco, as many in the area are familiar with the game.
Greg Westra has all the equipment that we need to do so. We will nail down plans and duties next meeting.
Valentine Rose deliveries will be confirmed next meeting.
Ron Chenault and some of his fellow V.F.W. members will demonstrate and explain the impressive American flag presentation ceremony for departed military at our May Recognition Banquet.
Education Officer Joe West used the December 2021 Masonic Services Association Short Talk Bulletin “The Holidays,” by Brother David Ritchie for his program.
We received a very nice letter from Ken Nicholas letting us know how he was doing.
We received greeting from Tom Miller letting us know how his new job is going and of the first Lodge meeting he attended in Morris, Minnesota.
We received a message from Mike Stead telling of the first Lodge meeting he attended in Marathon, Florida.
We received Christmas greeting and generous donation from Lesley Pedde in honor of her father, Dale Smith.
January 18, 2022
We will discuss the February 20 George Washington Party in detail next meeting.
We will set delivery of Valentine roses to local widows next meeting.
On a cold night and short handed in several positions, we proceeded to confer the Fellow Craft Degree on Bobby Karua. Examining Committee of Ron West, Galen Jansen and Brian Sohl reported that he did a fine job of proving up on the Entered Apprentice Degree and recommended that he be declared proficient. WM so declared. Secretary reported that the $20 fee had been collected.
- WM - Tom Lewis
- Letter G Lecture - SGW Aaron Zahn
- 2nd Section Lecture - Dave Hansen
- Charge - Brian Sohl
Following the work, several Brothers congratulated Bobby on his progress in Masonry, congratulated the Degree Team, Officers and all those who filled in. Bobby then thanked the members for their efforts on his behalf and received a very warm hand from all present.
Sr. Grand Warden Aaron Zahn was officially introduced and thanked for his help with the Degree Work. RWB Zahn brought greeting from our Grand Master and Grand Lodge and offered any assistance that Grand Lodge can offer us.
Education Officer Joe West gave an education program he called "Corn". It offered an explanation of how the term was used in the degree and how it had a broader meaning than it does today.
Sarah “Aggie” Snedeker, Rest in Peace
Sarah “Aggie” Snedeker, 80, of Hudson, passed away at her son Ken’s home on Friday, January 28, under hospice care.
Aggie was a long-time supporter of Jeptha Lodge and her late husband, Brother Ken, and her son, Brother Keni. She will be greatly missed.
Visitation with the family will begin at 5:30 p.m. Friday, February 4, 2022, followed by a time of sharing at 7:00 p.m. at the Porter Funeral Home in Hudson. The family prefers memorials be given to any local hospice, as the hospice staff for Aggie and her family were very caring and helpful.
Upcoming Events
1. Our George Washington Party will be Sunday, February 20 starting at 2:00 PM. Game of the day will be something new for us - Bunco. Duties as follows:
- Bunko Chairman - Greg Westra (let Galen Jansen know if you want help with prizes).
- 2 pies each - Duane Van Noort, Ron West & Mike Ingebrigtson.
- Ice Cream - Brian Sohl
- 2 gallon. juice - Dave Hansen
- Town Sing - Brian Sohl
- Posters - Tom Lewis
2. Valentine Roses delivery for local Masonic Widows (if we missed someone please let me know):
- Peggy Steinfadt - Randy Smith
- Ramona Schlup - Brian Sohl
3. February 15 Meeting Lunch Committee - Duane Van Noort
4. March 15 Meeting - Degree Team & Officers be prepared to confer the M.M. Degree!
February 1, 2022
Thank you to the following Brothers who will deliver Valentine roses deliverers to local Masonic Widows:
- Randy Smith for Peggy Steinfadt
- Brian Sohl for Ramona Schlup
Our Annual George Washington’s Birthday Party will be on Sunday, February 20 at 2:00 P.M. This year we will attempt to reinvigorate the event by playing Bunko, which has been popular of late. Duties are:
- Bunko Chairman - Greg Westra ( let Galen Jansen know for any help with prizes)
- 2 Cherry Pies each - Duane Van Noort, Ron West & Mike Ingebrigtson
- Ice Cream - Brian Sohl
- 2 Gallons of Juice - Dave Hansen
- Town Sign - Brian Sohl
- Posters - Tom Lewis
- Coffee, Plates & Plastic ware - on hand
Galen Jansen visited the Lodge Website and said he lost track of time as he reminisced about past Brothers and past events. He expressed his appreciation for our webmaster Wayne Spies and encouraged everyone to check out this excellent source of information about Jeptha Lodge.
We will confer the Master Mason Degree at our March 15 meeting. Please be ready if you are an officer or have a part in the ritual. Practice will be set at a later date.
Education Officer Joe West gave us “Perspectives on Masonic Secrecy,” which discussed whether or not there are Masonic secrets and, if so, what they may be.
Jeptha Lodge #121 Invites You to Our Annual George Washington’s Birthday Party! Open to the Public!

You are cordially invited to our annual George Washington’s Birthday Party on Sunday, February 20, starting at 2:00 P.M.
Join us for an afternoon of Bunko (for those like me, who have never played it, I have been assured that even I can figure it out with NO problem!) and fun!
There will be prizes, cherry pie, ice cream, and other refreshments! Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends! Open to the Public!
February 15, 2022
A bill for $936 from Hudson Ins. Agency for building and content insurance was received. The motion was made to pay it, which was seconded and passed. Coverage is $85,000 on the building & $20,000 on the content.
We received a check from Grand Lodge for $1,062 for the 2021 Life Membership payout.
Randy Porter told of his family reunion held in Loop City, NE. Coincidently, or perhaps not, the hotel they stayed in was next to Porter Masonic Lodge #106!
Randy Smith reported that Peggy Steinfadt was very appreciative on being remembered with the rose he delivered and that she enjoyed the chance to reminisce about departed husband and Brother Doug.
Brian Sohl reported that Ramona Schlup thanked him for the rose in memory of her husband and departed Brother Richard. She was also looking forward to playing Bunco at our George Washington Party.
Arrangement for the George Washington Party are set for Sunday, February 20 at 2:00 PM.
Practice for the Officers and Degree Team will be Sunday, March 18 at 2:00 PM. The Brothers are reminded that is the start of Daylight Savings, so set your clocks ahead!
Our Potluck Supper will be held starting at 6:00 PM prior to our March 15th meeting during which we will confer the MM Degree. Duties for the Supper:
- Main Course - Duane Van Noort, Ron West & Mike Ingebrigtson
- Side or Salad - Tom Lewis, Joe West & Randy Smith
- Dessert - Brian Sohl & Dave Hansen
- Bread - Greg Westra
- Drinks - Randy Porter
We should check the supplies for the Easter Bunny’s visit.
The Secretary reported that the IRS Form 990-N had been filed to maintain our federal tax exempt status.
Education Officer Joe West delivered “Subduing Our Passions” by Brother Michael W. Wharton. It described how Brother Wharton slowly realized it was happening without his even knowing it by his regular involvement in our Craft.
March 1, 2022
Our George Washington Party was reviewed. Twenty-one attended and the change to playing Bunco seemed like a very popular change to the event. Many positive comments were heard as we enjoyed cherry pie and ice cream when finished playing. An appreciative thanks to Greg and Beth Westra for hosting the games and to Galen Jansen for obtaining the prizes.
Galen Jansen and Dave Hansen will contact Bobbie Karau to confirm Master Mason Degree work for the March 17 meeting. Our Potluck Supper will start at 6:00 PM before the meeting. Secretary to send out reminders about the supper, degree work and practice for the degree work.
Thank You to Brian Sohl for delivering Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge last week.
We need to start gathering prizes for the Easter Egg Hunt which will be on April 16.
Practice for Master Mason Degree Work will be on Sunday, March 13, at 2:00 PM. It is important that officers and those with a part in the work attend so that we can do a good job.
The Potluck Supper will begin at 6:00 PM before the March 15 Degree Work Meeting:
- Duane Van Noort, Ron West, and Mike Ingebrigtson are bringing a main course.
- Tom Lewis, Joe West, and Randy Smith are bringing a side or salad.
- Dave Hansen, and Brian Sohl will bring a desert.
- Greg Westra is bringing bread.
- Randy Porter is bringing drinks.
We received a call from PGM Don Gray regarding the 150 Year Anniversary Celebration for Elk Point Lodge 33 on April 3 and his hope that numerous Brothers from our Lodge will attend.
March 15, 2022
The Examining Committee of Ron West, Duane Van Noort and Dave Hansen reported on the proving up of Bobby Karau on the Fellowcraft Degree and recommended that he be declared proficient. Worshipful Master so declared.
Secretary reported that the $20 fee had been collected, and the Master Mason Degree was then conferred on brother Bobby Karau.
Galen Jansen was Master for the 1st Section of the Degree. For the 2nd Section:
— Ron West was King Solomon
— Brian Sohl was King of Tyre
— 3 Ruffians — Cal DeRuyter, Dave Hansen and Galen Jansen
— Galen Jansen gave the Graveside Soliloquy
— Randy Smith was 1st Craftsman
— Tom Lewis was 2nd Craftsman
— Fellowcraftsmen were Greg Westra, Arlan Verburg, Allen Eide, Tracy Homandberg, and Randy Porter
— Tom Lewis gave the Graveside Prayer
— Randy Smith did the Craftsmen Roll Call
— Carter Horner was the Sea Captain
— Duane Van Noort was the Wayfaring Man
— Joe West gave the Historical Lecture
— Brian Sohl gave the Slide Lecture and the Charge
Following the work, numerous Brothers congratulated Bobby Karau for being a fine Candidate and the Degree Team was commended for the excellent job done performing the degree work. Bobby thanked the Brothers for their efforts on his behalf and received a warm round of applause.
Two Masonic Anniversaries were recognized: Robert Schlup, 40 Years, and Dennis Gildemeister, 35 Years. Congratulations Brothers!
Worshipful Master Duane thanked the Brothers who provided the food for another successful potluck supper. Many full plates turned into many full stomachs!
The Easter Bunny visit to the Hudson City Park will be Saturday, April 16. We will meet at 9:00 AM to fill plastic eggs at the Lodge and set up in the park. Registration will be from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Hunt begins at 10:45. Duties are:
— 500 pieces of candy each — Duane Van Noort, Ron West and Dave Hansen
— Plastic Eggs — Dave Hansen
— Bike for Ages 0 - 4 — Galen Jansen;
— Ages 5-7 — Tow Lewis and Doug Van’t Hof;
— Ages 8-10 — Mike Ingebrigtson
— Easter Bunny — Ellery Jansen
— Town Sign — Brian Sohl
— Poster — Talk to Roxanne Wickre
— Eggs for 18 and up Egg Toss — Ron West
— TV Prize for Egg Toss — Tracy Homandberg
— Under 18 Egg Toss and a Meal — Not sure at this time
— Toys — Drop them off at the City Office or bring them to a Lodge Meeting (we need 125-150 to be safe)
— Cash — If you don’t want to purchase toys yourself, Dave Hansen will buy them with any donation made ($200 authorized Stewards Fund and $100 from Hobie Cole family donation if needed)
— 20 to 25 Brothers on hand needed to run the event smoothly
Education Officer Joe West shared the poem “Last Night I Knelt Where Hiram Knelt” by Pat M. Armstrong, found on Masonic-lodge-of-ed.com
Dear Brother,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson at 6:30 P.M. on Sunday, May 1, 2022.
The price of the dinner will be $10 per person.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers, and hear the thoughts of our featured speaker.
We hope you will be able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
We are required to give the caterer a head count by April 19, so please RSVP by that date. Even if I should know you are coming so that I give an accurate count!
Duane Van Noort, W.M.
Cell Ph. 605-659-0709
Home Ph. 605-984-2408
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Cell Ph. 712-541-8122
Home Ph. 712-476-9376
April 5, 2022
We received a form from Lincoln County to be filled out for continued participation in the Adopt a Highway Program.
Bobby Karau attended the Masonic Festival in Sioux Falls and was able to participate in conferring the M.M. Degree. He said there were 39 total Candidates and that it was good for him to see so soon after he himself was raised.
Lisa Sohl enlisted the ethanol plant to put on the under 18 egg toss and also denote hot dogs. Per Roxanne Wickre, they are hoping to get a crew together to serve a lunch with a free will offering being taken to raise money for new playground equipment at the park.
Secretary will contact Tony's Catering to reconfirm the May 1st date for our Banquet and set the menu.
Ron Chenault will do and explain the meaning of the flag folding ceremony for a departed military veteran.
Bobby Karau was called to the East by WM Duane where he was presented with his Masonic Apron inscribed with the dates his 3 Blue Lodge Degrees were conferred.
Greg Westra filled in for our Education Officer and shared the article "In the Spirit of John the Baptist" by Brother Robert Fischer.
April 19, 2022
Our Easter Egg Hunt was discussed. There were 56 kids in the 0-4 age group, 46 in the 5-7 group, and 50 in the 8-10 group for a total of 152. 131 stayed for the prize drawing. Bikes were won by Jack Sprang, MayLee DeRyter, Taelyn Loges, and Dawson Robertson (if the Secretary can read the handwriting), and the TV was won by Dillon Robertson and Ellery Jansen. Commenting were Bobby Karau, Mike Ingebrigtson, Tom Lewis, Randy Porter, Ron Chenault, and Galen Jansen.
We discussed donating two baby swings left among the prizes to a local family and the possibility of dividing the 0-4 age group into two separate groups. Nine teams participated in the adult egg toss with the money going toward playground equipment.
We will sign a thank-you card to Roxanne Wickre at lunch for all of her help with making a poster, displaying the toys, and organizing a meal during the prize drawing.
We will send a thank-you card to Ellery Jansen for again doing a fine job as the Easter Bunny.
Too many Brothers to name contributed time, toys, and money to this successful event. Additional known contributions were made by Poet Energy, Roxanne Wickre, Lori Davelaar, Dianna Spies, Julie Boyer, and all who helped serve and cleanup following the meal.
We will walk ditches on Tuesday, April 26. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.
The May 1 Banquet was discussed. We reviewed the program, the meal, and the current head count. Mike Ingebrigtson will be the cashier, and Joe West will get the change that may be needed.
May 1, 2022
The military flag folding ceremony for a deceased former military member being demonstrated and explained at the Recognition Banquet.
May 17, 2022
Education Officer Joe West noted 2 Memorial Anniversaries: Hobie Cole 75 Years and Rolfe Cole 75 Years.
WM Duane Van Noort said he will visit with Dianna Spies about some of the Masonic items of MWB Les that are at the farm.
Secretary will contact Carter Horner to see if it would be possible for a group of Brothers to visit Don Horner on either the 5th or 12th of June around 2:00 PM.
Election of Officers was held for the 2022-2023 Masonic Year with these results:
- Worshipful Master - Mike Ingebrigtson
- Sr. Warden - Tom Lewis
- Jr. Warden - Galen Jansen
- Treasurer - Joe West
- Secretary - Dave Hansen
We reviewed the information for the upcoming Grand Lodge session, candidates for office, and ballot issues.
Education Officer Joe West shared an internet article titled “Masonic Engagement and the Orbit Model” by forthrighter. It describes a Lodge as a community and some ideas to improve it:
- Identify what is not working.
- Identify what positive attributes it has.
- Have a system by establishing a multi-year plan within the officer line.
- Keep lines of communication open with members.
June 7, 2022
WM Duane Van Noort showed us the numerous Masonic items which Dianna Spies brought in to him which belonged to MWB Les Spies. We will look through them more fully in the future.
Plans were set to visit Don Horner at Good Samaritan in Sioux Falls on Sunday, June 12, at 2:00 PM.
Our education program for the evening, by Education Officer Joe West, was taken from the January 2019 Short Talk Bulletin, “The Meaning of Life” by Brother Lawrence Bethune.
September 6, 2022
Prior to opening tonight’s meeting, Installation of Officers was conducted by the Installing Team consisting of Ron West, Installing Officer, Randy Smith, Installing Marshall, and Galen Jansen, Installing Chaplain. The following Officers were installed for the 2022-2023 Masonic Year:
- Mike Ingebrigtson - Worshipful Master
- Tom Lewis - Sr. Warden
- Galen Jansen - Jr. Warden
- Joe West - Treasurer
- Dave Hansen - Secretary
- Greg Westra - Sr Deacon
- Arlan Verburg - Sr. Steward
- Ron West - Chaplain
- Duane Van Noort - Tyler
- Dan Schlup - Marshall
- Joe West - Education Officer
- Brain Sohl, Jr. Deacon
- Tracy Homandberg, Jr. Steward will be installed at a later date.
Worshipful Master Mike Ingebrigtson thanked the Installing Team and the Brothers who accepted positions for the ensuing year.
It was determined that our 21st Degree Scottish Rite Team will not be able to participate at the fall Scottish Rite Reunion in Yankton as it is a complicated Degree and all team members are not able to participate. We will confer the 4th Degree with another Scottish Rite member filling in.
Tom Lewis reported seeing a group of motorcyclists taking pictures in front of our Lodge building with the square & compasses in the background.
Arlan Verburg brought in a farm magazine article about a Masonic rodeo in Georgia for the benefit of a children’s home. It routinely draws 5,000 spectators to a town of 240!
Greg Westra presented Tom Lewis with a baseball he found at a flea market in Okoboji signed by . . . Tom Lewis!
Doug Van’t Hof will enter the Lodge float sign in this Saturday’s annual parade.
Education Officer Joe West gave us “New Year, New You: 10 Quotes by Freemasons that Will Make You a Better Man.” It contained quotes delivered by Brothers Ben Franklin, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Mark Twain, José Rizal, Manly Hall, Ralph Waldo Emerson, George Washington, and James Naismith.
September 20, 2022
The Secretary will send our Lodge policy information to Brad Zomer, an insurance agent belonging to Mitchell Lodge, for a quote.
Secretary completed and sent in the Application For Continuing Property Tax Exempt Status form.
We received an email invitation from Sanborn IA Lodge to an E.A. Degree on September 21.
Brian Sohl delivered Meals on Wheels for the Lodge the first week of August.
Brian Sohl was installed as Jr. Deacon for the Masonic year.
We will plan to Walk Ditches on October 11, meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM to help. October 25 will be our backup date in case of bad weather.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Affinity Lodges: UGLE Charters Science Fiction & Fantasy Lodge 10016” by Christopher Hodapp found at http://freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com. It tells of the different specialty Lodges which are being formed in recent years for Masons who share a love for certain subjects.
October 4, 2022
Duane Van Noort reported on our 4th Degree Team which participated in the Fall Scottish Rite Reunion on Yankton. The team members were Galen Jansen, Randy Smith, Brian Sohl, Ron West, Joe West, Tom Lewis & Dave Hansen.
We answered the questions posed by Brad Zomer, an insurance agent belonging to Mitchell Lodge, to get a second quote for building and content insurance.
We will Walk Ditches on Tuesday, October 11. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.
Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge this week.
October 18, 2022
Insurance agent Brad Zomer sent an insurance quote comparable the our current coverage through United States Liability Company. The amount was $716 for $85,000 on the building & $20,000 content with a $1,000 deductible. Our current policy, which renews next February, cost us $936. Tom Lewis will look it over and report back next meeting.
We will Walk Ditches on Tuesday, October 11. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.
Dan Schlup did some checking and reported that the original Lodge building was built in 1893 and the basement was added in 1924.
The ditches were walked on October 11 by Tom Lewis, Ron West, Brian Sohl, Greg Westra, Randy Porter, Dan Schlup, Mike Ingebrigtson & Dave Hansen.
Tracy Homandberg was installed as Jr. Steward for this year.
Our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper will be November 15 at 6:00 PM before the regular meeting. Committees are:
- Ron West will purchase groceries and make the oyster stew.
- Tom Lewis, Joe West, and Dave Hansen will bring Chili.
- Bobby Karau will furnish drinks.
- Dan Schlup, Dave Hansen, etc. will help set up starting around 4:00 PM.
- Joe West will present Masonic Jeopardy.
We will invite our wives and neighboring Lodges.
Dan Schlup suggested purchasing shirts which the Square & Compass and our Lodge name for our activities out in the community (or any time). Brian Sohl will check at the CAL Shirt Company located right in Hudson to start the process.
Dave Hansen bought up incorporating some version of the game Cornhole (bean bag toss) into our Easter event or the annual school reunion.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Top-Down and Bottom-Up Leadership” found at forthright.com. It discussed differing ways a Master can lead his Lodge.
November 1, 2022
We had a discussion about ordering shirts and jackets. We decided to order royal blue shirts with gold lettering.
The jackets will be black with gold lettering as the company we are ordering from did not have a blue color we liked.
We need the initial order placed by November 9 to possibly receive them by Santa’s visit to the Lodge on December 10.
Our next meeting is our Oyster Stew & Chili Supper. Begin eating at 6:00 PM with meeting to follow.
We reviewed plans for the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper and feel we are ready to go.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Halloween: Origins, Traditions, and Masonry?”
November 15, 2022
WM Mike welcomed everyone and thanked those responsible for the wonderful meal we enjoyed.
We will discuss Santa's visit in detail next meeting. The Secretary will contact Allen Eide to see if he is available to be Santa.
We hope to have the Jeptha Lodge #121 logo shirts which were ordered to wear for Santa’s visit.
WM Mike ordered our Senior Deacon to present RWB Aaron Zahn at the Altar and then presented in the East where he received the Public Grand Honors.
RWB Aaron Zahn explained the “Groupable” emails that Brothers have been receiving in response to a Brother’s question.
Brothers all rose and introduced themselves.
December 6, 2022
A Petition for Affiliation of Ben Duran Jr. was read, recommended by Ben Duran Sr. and Dave Hansen. The adopted ballot was spread, and he was declared elected as a member of Jeptha Lodge #121, The $50 Dues fee was collected. The Secretary will inform him of his election.
We had some discussion on our building and contents insurance policy vs. our current policy. The new estimate is a little over $200 less than our current policy. Tom Lewis will speak with Hudson Ins. Agency to see if they have others options. The policy renews in February.
Santa duties for this coming Saturday were reviewed:
- Meet at the Lodge at 11:00 AM to decorate, sack candy, and prepare Christmas cards to distant members.
- Santa - Allen Eide
- Toy from Santa - Brian Sohl
- Advertising - Roxanne Wickre and Tom Lewis
- Town Sign - Brian Sohl
- Letter for Christmas Cards - Mike Ingebrigtson
- 10 lbs. peanuts - Doug Van’t Hof
- Small Toys in goodie bags - Ron Chenault
- Bags - Dave Hansen
- Candy - Mike Ingebrigtson, Galen Jansen, Ron West, Dave Hansen
- Blue Juice - Brian Sohl
- 2 Gal. of Cider - Tom Lewis
- Cookies - Dan Schlup, Mike Ingebrigtson, Randy Porter, Galen Jansen
- Postage & mailing labels - Dave Hansen
- Camera & Printer - Joe West
- Craft Items - Dave Hansen
- Photographers - Mike Ingebrigtson, Joe West
- Christmas Cards - Dave Hansen
We reviewed the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper. The combination of members and visiting Brothers made for a very fun evening. Judy Lewis sent her thanks for the leftover items donated to the local assisted living.
We received a message that our new logo shirts were shipped December 5. Brian Sohl will check on it for us.
Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge next week.
After a Motion, a second, and some discussion, we voted to be one of the Lodges to nominate Brian Pulling of Minnehaha Lodge #5 for the position of Jr. Grand Warden.
Education Officer Joe West shared “Freemasonry & Christmas” by RW Brother Jim Bennie, Southern Cross Lodge #44, Vancouver B.C.

December 20, 2022
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to donate $100 to the Children’s Home Society in Sioux Falls.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to donate $100 to the Hudson Public Library.
We received most of the logo shirts ordered today. Due to the very cold weather we will not get them all looked through tonight. We have collected payment for all shirts except $25 for one of the shirts ordered.
The children who came to visit Santa on the 10th had a really good time. They especially enjoyed the gift from Santa. A thank-you will be sent to WB Allen Eide from coming all the way from Spearfish, SD, to be Santa.
Bags handed out were: 3 for babies, 12 for boys & 20 for girls.
There was a motion, which was seconded and passed to remit the dues for a Brother who has been between jobs and only recently began a new job. The Secretary will inform Grand Lodge.
A huge Thank You to Brother Wayne Spies for giving us the best Masonic website there is!
Education Officer Joe West shared “ A Christmas Carol,” which compared some of the allegories and symbols found in that story to what we have in Masonry.
January 3, 2023
We did not have the January 3 meeting, due to bad weather.
January 17, 2023
Duane Van Noort was recognized as a 10-Year Master Mason.
Tom Lewis will speak with Jim Anema of the Hudson Insurance Agency with the thought that we should move the business if we can save 20 percent by moving.
We will discuss Valentine Rose delivery to local Masonic widows at our next meeting.
We will discuss the George Washington Party at our next meeting. The Brothers felt playing Bunco went well last year so we will do it again this year. Greg Westra will again be in charge.
Dave Hansen demonstrated how the signs of a Mason can be given on a 5 count rather than rushing through them. It was taught to members of Jeptha Lodge many years ago by Robert Ullom from Flandreu when he was a member of the Board of Custodians.
Education Officer Joe West was under the weather, but provided a poem he found on the internet entitled “Hiram (a Masonic Poem).”
February 7, 2023
Correspondence with the Yankton Valley Scottish Rite regarding our conferral of the 21st Degree was discussed. The Degree Team decided we will only confer the 4th Degree in the future as a result of the schedule order being changed going forward. We will continue to give the 4th Degree. Mike Ingebrigtson, Duane Van Noort, and Dan Schlup expressed some interest in participating should the need arise.
Delivery of Valentine roses to local Masonic widows was discussed. We knew of only two at present. Randy Smith will deliver to Peggy Steinfadt and Brian Sohl will deliver to Ramona Schlup. Thank you to those Brothers.
Our George Washington’s Birthday Party will be on Sunday, February 19 at 2 PM. We will again play Bunco. Secretary will send out email notices. Duties are:
- Bunco Chairman - Greg Westra
- 2 Cherry Pies each - Mike Ingebrigtson, Duane Van Noort & Tom Lewis
- 6 Prizes - Galen Jansen
- 6 Baskets & Basket Wrap - Dave Hansen
- Ice Cream - Brian Sohl
- 2 Gal. Juice - Dave Hansen
- Plates - Brian Sohl
- Town Sign - Brian Sohl
- Posters - Tom Lewis
We had an initial discussion on the Easter Egg Hunt. As of now there is no plan for a meal during the prize drawing that follows the hunt. Poet helped sponsor it last year. Greg Westra said Premier Bank could help sponsor it this year. The difficulty is coming up with the help to ready and serve the meal. Brian Sohl will talk to Roxanne Wickre to see if she has any ideas.
Education Officer Joe West presented “Members to Grand Master: The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You” by Christopher Hodapp at FreemasonsForDummies.blogspot.com. It is an interesting read of disunity that erupted at a public ceremony during the Grand Lodge of Texas session and what a poor light it cast on Masonry. It is exactly the kind of publicity we do not need.
March 7, 2023
The crowd for our annual George Washington’s Birthday Party was small, but we had an excellent time. Duane Van Noort noted that he did not finish last this year. That “honor” belonged to Tom Lewis who did not win a single round of Bunco! Following the game we enjoyed pie, ice cream and conversation.
Our Men’s Potluck Supper will be held at 6:00 PM before the March 21 meeting. Cooks for the evening are:
- Main Course - Mike Ingebrigtson, Tracy Homandberg and Duane Van Noort
- Side or Salad - Joe West, Dan Schlup and Dave Hansen
- Dessert - Galen Jansen and Tom Lewis
- Rolls - Greg Westra
- Drinks - Ron Chenault
Our Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 8. We need to start gathering toys for the drawing after the hunt. Secretary will contact Roxanne Wickre to see if we can collect and display the toys at the City Office and inquire about any ideas as to a food crew.
Our Scottish Rite Team which confers the 4th Degree at the Yankton Scottish Rite Reunion will practice following the March 21 meeting.
Education Officer Joe West stumped us with a Masonic Words crossword puzzle.
March 14, 2023
March Master Mason Anniversaries were acknowledged:
- Don Larson 35 years
- Ron Chenault 40 years
- Gene Iverson 40 years
- Brian Sohl 25 years
- Mike Ingebrigtson 15 years
- Arlan Verburg 20 years
- Darwin Groth 60 years
- Terry Groth (memorial) 60 years
- E. Craig Loe 65 years
Several of the Brothers were present and spoke about being a Mason and member of our Lodge.
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt & Prize Drawing will be on Saturday, April 8. We will meet and fill plastic eggs with candy and set up in the park at 9:00 AM. Registration will be from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Hunt begins at 10:45 AM. Duties are:
- 500 pieces of candy each: Ron West, Greg Westra, and Dave Hansen
- Plastic Eggs: on hand
- Bike for Ages 0-4: Galen Jansen; Ages 5-7: Tom Lewis, and Doug Van’t Hof; Ages 8-10: Mike Ingebrigtson
- Easter Bunny: Ellery Jansen
- Town Sign: Brian Sohl
- Poster: Roxanne Wickre
- Eggs for Ages 18-and-Over Egg Toss: Ron West
- TV for 18-and-Over Egg Toss: Tracy Homandberg
- Under-Age-18 Egg Toss: Brian Sohl will talk to Lisa
- Toys: Need 125 to 150 to be safe. Drop them off at the City Office or next Lodge meeting.
- Cash: If you don’t want to buy toys yourself, Dave Hansen buy them with any donations made.
- Food and Workers for Lunch: Premier Bank, with help from Roxanne Wickre, the Hudson Pink Ladies, and others.
We need 20 to 25 Brothers on hand to make this run smoothly.
Galen Jansen is going to check into new wood signs as the cardboard signs we have used since the beginning are getting to be in bad shape.
Education Officer Joe West shared “From Dying to Maxed Out” from www.reddit.com/r/r/freemasonry. It shared the experience of a Lodge that went from shrinking to growing.
April 4, 2023
We discussed replacing our current cardboard signs with wooden signs for our Easter Egg Hunt. Galen Jansen will speak with Barb Kroger who lives in Canton. There was a motion, which was seconded and passsed, to authorize $100 to pay for them.
We received an email request from Coilcraft to have a small booth in the Community Center during our toy drawing that follows the Easter Egg Hunt. They would donate a scooter, a standing basketball hoop, and possibly other prizes. The Jeptha members were informed of the request by email. The comments by return email and in open Lodge were overwhelmingly positive. The prevailing comment was that “it’s about the kids and the more for the kids the better.”
 There was a motion, which was seconded and passed to inform Coilcraft that they can participate in this manner.
Our 4th Degree Scottish Rite Team of Galen Jansen, Randy Smith, Ron West, Brian Sohl, Joe West, Tom Lewis, and Dave Hansen conferred the degree for seven candidates on April 25 in Yankton. The Degree went very well. Brian Sohl, Tom Lewis, and Dave Hansen were drafted to help in the 5th Degree as well.
Duane Van Noort donated a wooden plaque painted as an American Flag with the Square & Compass on it. It is a very nice addition to the Lodge and we will look for a prominent place to display it.
Education Officer Joe West delivered Part 1 of “Anniversary of the Death of Jacque DeMolay” by Bro. Christopher Hodapp.
April 19, 2023
Dear Brother,
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson on Sunday, May 7, 2023, at 6:30 P.M.
The price of the dinner will be $10.00 per person.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers. Instead of the traditional speaker, this year we are going to try something a little different. A short video involving Masonry, patriotism, and history will be shown.
We hope you and your Lady are able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
We are required to give the caterer a head count by May 1st, so please RSVP by that time.
Mike Ingebrigtson, W.M.
Cell Ph. 605-321-2785
Dave Hansen, Sec.
Cell Phone 712-541-8122
Home Ph. 712-476-9376
April 18, 2023
The Easter Egg Hunt was discussed. We had 128 kids participate and the hunt, the meal, the drawing, the egg toss, and the cleanup all seemed to run very smoothly. Ellery Jansen was a hit with the kids as the Easter Bunny.
The Hudson Pink Ladies did a great job with the meal. We don’t know the amount, but the free will offering should make a nice contribution toward play ground equipment for the park. Our gratitude also to Premier Bank, Poet, Coilcraft, and many others for their generosity to help make this a success.
It was brought up that a few more keys made for the Lodge.
Ken Nicholas will be a 70-Year Master Mason in June. The Secretary will obtain the award he can be presented with.
Ditch Walking, which was scheduled for April 25, will be postponed until May 9. Numerous Brothers were unable to help on the 25th and the weather forecast was not good either.
Plans for our Sunday, May 7, Banquet were discussed. It will be catered by Central Catering and start at 6:30 PM. The cost per person will remain at $10 per person. The Secretary will email/mail out invitations. Tentative program is as follows:
- Welcome by W. Master Mike Ingebrigtson
- Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag
- Prayer by Chaplain Ron West
- Meal
- Ladies Presentation - T.B.D.
- Anniversary Awards - Joe West
- Video - “Freemasonry & the American Flag”
- Benediction
- Closing
Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge this coming week.
Education Officer Joe West delivered the conclusion of “Anniversary of the Death of Jacque DeMolay” by Bro. Christopher Hodapp.
May 2, 2023
We received a message from Carter Horner that a 70th Anniversary party is being planned for his parents on May 14th from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Sioux Falls. Several Brothers were interested in attending.
Brian Sohl spoke with a local young man who continues to show some interest in Masonry and Jeptha Lodge.
Cal DeRuyter was recognized as a 20-Year Master Mason.
Arthur Swanson received memorial recognition on what would have been 75 years as a Master Mason.
Our May Recognition Banquet will be on Sunday, May 7, beginning at 6:30 P.M. The cost of the meal will be $10 per person. The Program will be as follows:
- Welcome by W.M. Mike Ingebrigtson
- Pledge of Allegiance to Our Flag
- Prayer by W.B. Ron West, Chaplain
- Meal
- Tribute to Our Ladies by W.B. Brian Sohl
- Memorial and Anniversary Awards by W.B. Joe West
- Video Presentation &8220;Freemasonry and the American Flag”
- Benediction
- Closing
We will Walk Ditches on Tuesday, May 9. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 PM.

June 8, 2023
Brother Dave,
I hope you can pass the word along again that we will have the Masonic Service for my father, Robert Ullom, on Saturday, Junw 10, at 10:30 am at the Second Presbyterian Church at 101 N Prairie St in Flandreau (corner of Prairie and E Pipestone Ave), followed by a memorial service.
I have good memories of the times I went with dad to Jeptha Lodge when I lived in Sioux Falls, and after the Lodge closed in Flandreau. It was always his preferred place to go.
I am not expecting a very good turnout from Brookings, and I think there are only four others left from the former Lodge in Flandreau, and I don’t know what their abilities to attend are.
Thank you for your efforts.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Brother Dave Ullom
“Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will rise up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31
June 6, 2023
There was no May 16 meeting to lack of a quorum.
The 70 Year Mason Award was presented to Ken Nicholas on June 4. It was attended by his son Lynn and Jeptha Lodge members Mike Ingebrigtson, Ron West, Tom Lewis, Randy Smith, and Dave Hansen. After the presentation, Ken shared some very heart felt words about becoming a Mason, his time in Hudson, and his wish that he could still be more involved in activities. Afterwards time was spent having cake, ice cream, and Brotherly conversation.
Tom Lewis was recognized as a 40-Year Master Mason with Joe West making the presentation. Tom spoke on his time as a Mason and how quickly the time had passed.
The May Banquet was reviewed. The food from Central Catering was very good and the video we showed was well received by those in attendance.
Ditches were walked by Mike Ingebrigtson, Brian Sohl, Ron West, Steve Wickre, and Tracy Homandberg.
Grand Lodge will be held in Watertown, June 15-18. Amendments to bylaws and officer nominees were reviewed. Tom Lewis, Allen Eide, and Dave Hansen plan to attend.
The Election of Officers for the 2023-2024 Masonic Year was held with the following results:
- Worshipful Master - Tom Lewis
- Sr. Warden - Galen Jansen
- Jr. Warden - Greg Westra
- Treasurer - Joe West
- Secretary - Duane Van Noort
Education Officer Joe West shared “The Gentleman in the Room” by R.W. Brother David R. Ritchie, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. It talked about a Mason’s efforts to be a better person, to imagine a small child is watching and what lesson would you want them to learn from you.
June 20, 2023
Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels on behalf on the Lodge this coming week.
Installation of Officers will be on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
Tracy Homandberg brought up planting a couple of small trees as the Lodge lawn is now quite empty.
Education Officer Joe West presented “Slowing the Sands of Time” by R.W. Brother Chad Lacek, P.M. of Dundee Lodge #190 in Carpentersville, Illinois, from the November 2022 Emessay Notes.
Brothers: The last couple of months have gone by in a hurry and it is time to start the 2023/2024 Masonic Year. Installation of officers will be at our next regular meeting which is Tuesday, September 5, at 7:30 PM. Please join us to welcome all of the new and returning officers. I believe with the support of our members and lodge officers we can look forward to a successful year.
A big change will be that Duane Van Noort will be taking over for Dave Hansen as Secretary. Dave will be able to enjoy a well-deserved rest from his many years of service to Jeptha Lodge as Secretary. It will be a learning experience but I am confident that Duane will do a fine job.
I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday night.
WM Elect - Tom Lewis
2023-2024 Officers
WM - Tom Lewis
SW - Galen Jansen
JW - Greg Westra
SD - Brian Sohl
JD - Dan Schlup
Sec. - Duane Van Noort
Treas. - Joe West
SS - Arlan Verburg
JS - Tracy Homandberg
Tyler - Mike Ingebrigtson
Marshal - Ron Chenault
Chaplain - Ron West
Education Officer - Joe West
September 5, 2023
Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels on behalf on the Lodge this coming week.
Bros. Tom, Allen, and Dave attended and reported on Grand Lodge.
Scotish Rite is coming up in November.
We discussed our parade float. Thanks, Bro. Doug Vant Hoff, for driving the float through.
Bro. Ron West brought up a concern about kids riding their bikes up the ramp and down the steps. We disussed what to do.
The brothers thanked Bro. Tracy for mowing this summer.
The Brothers also thanked Bro. Dave for 26 years of serving as Secretary.
Bro. Joe West did an education program on Officer Instalation.
September 19, 2023
We had so many sick members that we didn’t have a quorum at our last meeting. This cake that Ron Chenault had made for lunch was pretty neat!

October 3, 2023
Our tax exempt status has been filed.
Doug Vanthof drove the Masonic float in the Hudson Parade.
We sent a sympathy card to Virgil Anderson.
We met with visiting bretheran Brandon Lutz about petitioning the Lodge and did the first reading of the petition. The second reading will be October 17, 2023.
Miscellaneous items from the Lodge basement were sold.
The education program was based on the reflections from the May and June Masonic Messenger.
October 17, 2023
We discussed the golf outing for next year.
We read a petition for second time. Ron West, Dave Hansen, Tom Lewis were recommended for the committee for Branden Lutz. Tom Lewis gave his report on the candidate. Brother Brian prepared the ballet box. The Brothers voted on candidate, and vote passed.
A couple Brothers saw John Gubbrud at Waddy’s.
The chili and oyster stew was discussed and oysters ordered. Ron West agreed to be head chef.
Brian will deliver Meals on Wheels.
The education program was adapted from the Scottish Rite Journal.
There will be a Scottish Rite practice after next meeting.
November 7, 2023
On Tuesday, October 24, Brothers Tom Lewis, Dave Hansen, Greg Westra, Dan Schlup, Brian Sohl, Arlin Verberg, Ron West and Duane VanNoort walked ditches, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
The chili and oyster stew was discussed. Ron West will pick up all food items. Greg Westra will bring juice, and Duane will pick up water.
We discussed Santa’s visit on December 9. (We have a Santa.)
We had Scottish Rite Practice after lunch. Anyone that would like to ride together from Lodge should meet at 7:00 a.m.
Education Officer Joe West presented the education program, based on “ Washing Dishes,” in the Scottish Rite Journal.
November 21, 2023
Several Brothers attended Scottish Rite in Yankton. Duane VanNoort gave a report on this. Brothers Dave Hansen, Ron West, Duane VanNoort, Brian Sohl, Joe West, Randy Smith, Gahlen Jansen, and Mike Ingebrigtson did the fourth degree.
Aden Waterman was invited to the oyster stew supper.
Santa visit will be December 9 from 12:30 until 2:00 pm.
Brian will contact the fire department. Brian will visit with Roxanne Wickre. Toys are covered for Santa. We emailed Alan Eide that Santa is covered, and he replied that he will come regardless.
- We will see if we can find an elf
- We will check for Christmas cards.
- Brian Sohl will bring blue Juice.
- Tom Lewis will bring cider.
- Joe West will do pictures.
- Check to see if Doug V. can bring peanuts.
- Dave Hansen will bring bags.
- Ron West and and Dan Schulp will bring candy.
- Worshipful Master Tom will write a letter.
- Mike, Dave, Duane, and Ron will bring cookies.
- Will meet at 11:00 to sign Christmas cards and decorate.
Dues notices were mailed.
We sent a thank-you card for the donated stuffed animals.
District Master of District 1, Larry Clark. was escorted to the East where he spoke to the Brothers. MWM of Grand Lodge of South Dakota, Aaron Zahn, was escorted to the altar where the Brothers gave him a welcome of public grand honors. He addressed the Brothers and was seated.
Oyster stew supplies were submitted for $274 and the Brothers motioned to pay.
The Education Program was Masonic Jeopardy, and everyone had a good time. The house won with $8,000 points and WB Brian Polling took 2nd place.
All members introduced themselves.
December 5, 2023
WM Tom Lewis reported on the Oyster and Chili Supper. The food was great and all had a good time. The extra food was donated to the nursing home.
Santa’s visit will be December 9 from 12:30 until 2:00 p.m. We will meet at 10:00 to decorate and to address Christmas cards.
We decided that the donated stuffed animals would be saved for Easter.
The Grand Master asked that meetings be postponed for the month of December. The Worshipful Master will suspend our December 18 meeting for visiting a Brother who has been shut in. We will send out an email when this is decided.
We welcomed our newest member, Brother Brenden Lutz.
Brother Dave Hansen made a motion to donate $100 to the Children’s Home, with Brother Braden Lutz seconding it. A motion was made to give $100 to the Hudson Library, with Brother Ron West seconding it. All Brothers voted and the motions carried.
We will send a thank-you to Brother Wayne Spies for our great Jeptha Lodge Website.
I would like to thank everyone that helped with Santa’s visit on Saturday. We had several Brothers who were able to attend and lend a hand. We had a good turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Brother Allen Eide and Elaine were also able to make the long trip to join us. It was great to see them both and get a chance to visit with Allen.
Due to the busy time of the year, we will not be having a meeting on December 19th. Please enjoy this time with family and friends, and we will resume on January 2nd, 2024.
We will be trying to arrange a visitation with a Lodge brother or a neighboring lodge in the next couple of weeks. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I will keep in touch via email.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Tom Lewis, WM
Jeptha Lodge #121
December 9, 2023
Greetings Borthers and Friends of Masonry,
As this year comes to a close, our Masonic year is well underway. After installation of officers in September, we set out to continue to promote Masonry in Hudson. Our schedule has already included ditch clean-up, delivering meals to the elderly, displaying our Lodge float in the annual Hudson Alumni parade, hosting our annual Oyster Stew and Chili Supper, and a visit from Santa. We also look forward to an Easter event and our recognition banquet in the spring. As a Lodge, we strive to stay active and visible in the community.
2024 marks the 150th year of Masonry in South Dakota. This year ’s Annual Communication will be held at St. John’s Lodge #1 in Yankton. For most of our members, this represents an opportunity to attend Grand Lodge without traveling a great distance.
On behalf of all the members of Jeptha Lodge #121, I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas, happy new year, and a joyous holiday season. May you and your family be well and happy in 2024.
Kindest regards,
Tom Lewis, WM
Jeptha Lodge #121
January 2, 2024
We received a Christmas card and $100 from Lesley Pedde in memory of her Father Dale Smith. It will be added to the Life Membership Fund. A Thank You card was sent.
We received $100 from Ron Chenault toward the expense of Santa”s visit.
WM Tom reported that the $100 donation had been given to the library and will be used towards new lights. WM Tom reported that the $100 donation had been mailed to the Sioux Falls Children”s Home.
Santa”s visit was discussed. Around 45 kids had their pictures taken with Santa, ate some goodies, and worked on crafts. Numerous parents and Masons were also present. WM Tom thanked all the Brothers who helped. It was great to have WB Allen Eide and Elaine come all the way from the other side of the state. As he was not on duty as Santa this year, we enjoyed having much more time to visit.
It was mentioned that our Christmas tree is looking pretty bad and Dan Schlup said he has a replacement tree to donate.
Santa Galen also visited the Hudson Care & Rehab Center and took lots of pictures with the appreciative residents.
There was a motion, which was seconded and passed to nominate Brian Pulling for Sr. Grand Warden at the next Grand Lodge session.
It was brought up that our Grand Master asked about having Jeptha Lodge present Masonic Jeopardy at the next Grand Lodge session in Yankton. Joe West has offered to get the catagories and answers ready, Galen Jansen will M.C. the game, and several helpers will be needed to pick out the Brothers who raise their hand to come up with the question.
Brian Sohl delivered Meals on Wheels the week before Christmas on behalf of the Lodge with the assistance of his granddaughters.
There was a motion, which was seconded and passed to suspend a member for non-payment of dues.
There will be a visitation for Brother Don Horner this Sunday, February 4th, from 2:00 pm until 400: pm at the Porter Funeral Home in Hudson. We will also have a Masonic service, given by Brother Galen Jansen, at 4:00 pm. I am sure a good attendance would be appreciated by the family.
The Horner family has also asked us if we would supply lunch after the Masonic service. I am asking for volunteers to provide cookies / bars. If you are able to contribute, please RSVP to myself so I know how many we have. Thank you and looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday.
Tom Lewis, WM
Jeptha Lodge #121
February 6, 2024
Brother Don Horner passed away. About 20 Brothers were on hand for the ceremony. Brother Galen did a great job.
We discussed assisting other Lodges with MM degree work.
The Lodge voted to nominate Brian Polling for Grand Lodge officer. The nomination was sent to Grand Lodge.
We read the December Treasurer’s report for the year.
Brother Mike Inglebritson joined the Shrine.
Brian Sohl will deliver Valentine roses to Ramona S. Russ Sorenson will deliver to Shirley Horner. Randy Porter will deliver to Peggy S.
The Goerge Washington card party was discussed for February 18 at 2:00 pm. We will again be playing bunco. Galen will bring prizes. Mike, Duane, and Randy Porter will bring two cherry pies each. Dave Hansen will bring juice and prize wrap. Dan S will bring ice cream. Brian Sohl will take care of the town sign. Worshipful Master Tom will make posters.
February 20, 2024
We discussed the George Washingtons Bunco party. Sixteen people attended, and all had fun. Brother Galen Jansen did a great job with getting things set up and the instructions.
We voted on nominating WB Derek Runge for Grand Junior Warden. Voting passed by a sign of a Mason.
The three widows received roses from WB Brian Sohl, WB Randy Smith, and WB Russ Sorenson.
We received a thank you and $25.00 Memorial for WB Don Horner.
We received a communication about the Grand Lodge providing an AED for each active lodge. The Secretary will follow up with Grand Lodge. We also talked about fire blankets and fire extinguishers.
We approved paying the Lodge insurance and WB Gahlen for bunco prizes.
We received our tax exempt form, which was accepted.
Dues cards are available from the Grand Lodge Web site to print. If you need help, contact Dave Hansen or Secretary Duane VanNoort.
We discussed visiting WB Ron Chenault.
We discussed the Easter Egg Hunt on March 30. Anybody who would like to donate toys or money to purchase them, please contact one of the Brothers.
We discussed the upcoming Men’s Potluck.
We discussed preparing for Masonic Jeopardy at Grand Lodge this year.
Brother Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels for the Lodge.
Anniversaries were read for the month: WB Jeremy Huls, WB Allen Miller, and WB David Miller.
March 5, 2024
WM Tom Lewis called on Sr. Deacon Brian Sohl to present Marshall Ron Chenault with the Masonic Military Veteran’s pin. Ron spoke of how much his military service in the Air Force and Masonry meant to him. The Brothers present gave Ron warm applause.
WM Tom Lewis stated that our Tyler’s jewel has now been missing for several months. Brothers who have filled that post on occasion, please check and make sure you didn’t accidentally take it home.
WM Tom Lewis checked the price on 10 lb. fire extinguishers; they are $75 each. Mike Ingebrigtson stated that he may have access to them through the Canton School, and Brian Sohl said he may have access through the city. Brothers present felt it was appropriate for the Lodge to obtain two fire extinguishers.
Our Men’s Potluck Supper will be at 6:00 PM before the March 19 regular meeting. Cooking duties are as follows:
- Main Course: Mike Ingebrigtson, Ron West & Galen Jansen
- Side Dish or Salad: Joe West, Dan Schlup & Dave Hansen
- Dessert: Tom Lewis & Brian Sohl
- Rolls or Bread: Greg Westra
- Drinks: Randy Porter
Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Prize Drawing will be held on Saturday, March 30, at the Hudson City Park. Brothers should arrive at the Lodge by 9:00 AM to fill plastic eggs and set up at the park. 20 to 25 are needed.
Registration is from 10:00 to 10:30 AM. The hunts will begin at 10:45 AM.
Thank you to Roxanne Wickre, who will line up a free-will hot dog feed at the Community Center, with proceeds going toward park and playground improvements. Duties are as follows:
- 500 Pieces of candy each: Ron West, Dan Schlup & Dave Hansen
- 1,500 Plastic Eggs: Dave Hansen
- Bikes: Ages 0-4 Galen Jansen; Ages 5-7 Doug Van’t Hof and Tom Lewis; Ages 8-10 Mike Ingebrigtson
- Easter Bunny: Ellery Jansen
- Town Sign: Brian Sohl
- Advertising Poster: Roxanne Wickre
- Eggs for 18 and over Egg Toss: Ron West
-18 and Up Egg Toss Prize will be $100 cash (Poet will again sponsor the 17 and under Egg Toss)
- Toys: 125 to 150 needed.
- Yellow tape: Brian Sohl
- Metal fence posts to tie the tape to: Randy Porter
- New wooden sign are on hand.
WM Tom Lewis will contact Hawarden Catering to confirm the date for our May Banquet. Brothers present indicated that we should try to find a video similar to what we had last year for the program.
Education Officer Joe West’s program was the “U.S. Masonic President Quiz” by Rachel Pulliam in the July/AugustScottish Rite Journal.
March 19, 2024
We heard from Brother Allen Eide, saying he was doing degree work and was receiving his Masonic Veteran’s pin.
We received a thank-you from the family of Brother Don Horner for the Brothers being there and for the great job that Brother Galen gave for the Masonic service.
We received a information for signing up to the 150th Communication of Grand Lodge.
We undraped the charter for Brother Don Horner.
We are still checking on fire extinguishers.
We talked about good food the Brothers made for our potluck. Great job everyone!
We need to find an Easter Bunny.
Mike Ingebrigtson picked up a bike, Tom Lewis picked up a bike, and Gelen will pick up a bike. We have two 50 dollar bills to use for the older egg toss prizes instead or a TV. Dave Hanson, Dan Schlup and Ron West will bring 500 pieces of candy each Brian Sohl made the motion and Galen second it to pay Brother Dave $300 for Easter prizes. rother Dan Schlup donated $50 for easter prizes. We need to be at lodge at 9 am to fill eggs and then head to the park to place the eggs and get tape up and registration. We have the tape, poles, tickets, and sign.
The Recognition banquet will be May 5 at 6:00 pm. We have to pick a menu and the price.
There will be a Daylight Lodge April 17 in Sioux Falls at 11:30 lunch and Lodge at High Noon. There will be no business; it will simply be a just a meet and greet.
Education Brother Joe presented the education program.
Easter 2024
April 2, 2024
We had 107 kids at the Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny did a great job.
We are still checking on fire extinguishers.
On April 17 there will be a Daylight Lodge. At 11:30 there will be a light lunch followed by a meeting for fellowship at noon.
We discussed visiting the Canton Lodge.
The May Banquet will be held on May 5 at 6:30. We decided to have chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beens, Italian pasta salad, coleslaw, rolls, coffee and lemonade. The price will be $15. Invitations will be sent the week of the 15th.
April 16, 2024
We are still going to try to visit Canton Lodge. We are still checking on fire extinguishers. We would like to have a clean up day at the lodge before the Banquet.
We are going to walk ditches on April 23. Meet at the Lodge at 6:00 pm.
The May Banquet will be on May 5 at 6:30. We will send out invitations the week of the 15th. Please RSVP so we can get a head count for the cateterer. Brother Dave Hansen will make programs.
Thank you Brother Tracy Homandberg for donating the vacuum and Brother Brian Sohl for the new belt.
Brother Brian Sohl will deliver Meals on Wheels on behalf of the Lodge.
We have lost the Tyler’s jewel and are seeking a replacement.
Grand Lodge will be held June 21 and 22 Yankton.
Brother Joe West gave an education program on dues cards.
April 20, 2024
Dear Brother:
You and your Lady are invited to attend a dinner to be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hudson on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 6:30 P.M.
The price of the dinner will be $15.00 per person.
Following the dinner, the Lodge will honor our Ladies and the Widows of our deceased Brothers. Instead of the traditional speaker, this year we are going to try something a little different. A short video involving Masonic history will be shown.
We hope you and your Lady are able to attend and enjoy an evening of fellowship with your Masonic friends.
We are required to give the caterer a head count by April 29, so please RSVP by that time.
Tom Lewis, WM
Duane VanNoort, Sec.
Ditch Walkers
Thank-you, Greg Westra, Tracy Homandberg, Galen Jansen, Tom Lewis, Dave Hansen, Brian Sohl, Randy Porter, Dan Schlup, and Duane Van Noort.
May 7, 2024
We are still going to try to visit Canton lodge and Elk Point.
We are still checking on fire extinguishers.
On April 23, Brothers Tom Lewis, Greg Westra, Dave Hanson, Brian Sohl, Galen Jansen, Randy Porter, Duane VanNoort, Dan Schlup, Tracy Homandberg, and Tom’s wife Judy Lewis walked ditches east and west of town. Great job, everyone!
The lost Tylers jewel is still lost, but we have found a replacement.
Thirty-six people attended the Banquet including Past Grand Master of South Dakota Virgil Anderson, District Master of District 1, Larry Clark, and one widow, Ramona Schlup. Thanks to Brothers Dave and Mike for the program. Brother Dan Schlup did a great job giving the widows dedication and helping the caterer.
WB Virgil gave a five-minute talk that tied into the program.
We presented WB Randy Smith with his Military Veteran pin and asked any other veterans to contact the Secratary or WM. We did find another veteran to get his pin ordered, WB Denis Gildamister.
Grand Lodge will be held June 21 and 22 in Yankton SD. You will need to print your dues card and have it with you if you are going to attend.
We received a check for $1.358.82 from Grand Lodge for life membership.
Brother Allen Eide is Education officer for Spearfish Lodge.
Brother Joe West gave a program on AI.
Awards Banquet 2024
May 21, 2024
We are still going to try to visit Canton lodge and Elk Point.
We are still checking on fire extinguishers.
The deadline for Grand Lodge has been extended to May 29. Business meeting starts Friday at 9:00 AM
We held the election of officers. The results are as follows:
- WM Galen Jansen
- SW Greg Westra
- JW Brian Sohl
- Secratary Joe West
- Treasure Duane VanNoort
Brother Joe West gave the education program: “Ideal of a Freemason”
June 4, 2024
WM Tom informed us that WB Galen Jansen had spoken with Chip Andela of the Canton Lodge. They would enjoy us coming for a visit some meeting. They meet the first Wednesday of each month, except July and August, at 5:30 PM.
We confirmed that Elk Point Lodge meets the first and third Thursday of the month. We are unsure about July and August.
We reviewed and discussed elections and amendments at the upcoming Grand Lodge session in Yankton in detail.
Voting recommendations were made for those attending and voting.
We will be having a practice for our upcoming E.A. Degree work on Tuesday, June 11, at 7:00 PM. The actual E.A. Degree Work will be at our regular meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 PM. Everyone with a part is encouraged to begin to review, and all are encouraged to attend and welcome our new Lodge member.
WB Joe West said that Treasurer-elect WB Duane Van Noort needs to sign the Bank account cards at Premier Bank.
There was discussion as to whether Joe West, Dave Hansen, and Tom Lewis should remain as signers. After a motion and second, the members present voted to have the three Brothers remain as signers.
Education Officer Joe West shared “The Silent Summons” by an unknown author from the September 2023 Emisary Notes.
New Entered Apprentice
Our new Entered Apprentice, Cole Fitch, shaking hands with his grandfather, Brother Bob Fitch, following the EA Degree work.
June 18, 2024
A new petition was read for the first time. Brothers Dave Hanson, Brian Sohl, and Dan Schulp were appointed to the examining committee.
We received a picture of Mike Ingelbritson for our WM wall.
The deadline for Grand Lodge has been extended to May 29. The business meeting starts Friday at 9:00 AM, June 20.
WB Brian Sohl will deliver meals on wheels.
We received a fire extinguisher from Premier Bank.
After the degree work, Brothers welcomed our new Brother, Cole Fitch, to our Lodge.
Brother Joe West gave an education program that pertained to the Entered Apprentice.
September 3, 2024
Some parting comments. As my Lodge year is about to come to an end, I would like to thank all of the Brothers who took the time to attend Lodge and participate in Lodge events. Many hands always make light work. I believe we accomplished a lot the previous year, but there were still a few things that I didn’t quite complete. I know our incoming Master will do a fine job and I hope that all will support him in his new position. Again, thank you Brothers for your help and support and I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.
Tom Lewis, WM
Jeptha Lodge #121
September 3, 2024
The charter was draped in honor of Brother Kenneth Nicholas. He passed away on August 16th. Memorial and Masonic Service will be held September 12th at 11:00 am at the Miller Funeral Home Downtown, 507 S. Main Ave, Sioux Falls. A Sioux Falls Lodge indicated they could perform the services but would prefer for us to do it, since Brother Nicholas was a 70-year Mason.
Ramona Schlup, a Jeptha Lodge widow, passed on August 22nd. Services were held on August 31st.
Grand Master Bloch released three proclamations on July 15th. The first were some general reminders about brothers conduct on social media. The second continued the reduced fees associated with Brothers returning after being suspended for non-payment of dues. For the 2024-2025 Masonic Year they need only pay the current year’s dues, with approval of the Lodge, but only if this was their first time being reinstated after suspension for non-payment of dues. The third imposed a temporary suspension of acceptance of Life Membership applications untl the mid-year communication unless there extended.
Concord Lodge #13, Watertown SD, held a Master Mason degree on August 17th.
A Daylight Lodge was held in Sioux Falls on August 21st.
Beginning with this Masonic year each Lodge in SD will be eligible to receive a one-time $1,000 grant from the Grand Lodge to be used to support a nonprofit organization benefiting their community. Funds come from the Grand Lodge Assistance Fund and allows the donation to be made in the name of the local Lodge, not on behalf of the Grand Lodge. Some of the restrictions include the Lodge being represented at a tiled communication of the Grand Lodge within the past 12 months and the application be voted on by the members in a Stated Meeting.
Permanent Dues cards are available with a $50 contribution to the South Dakota Masonic Charities. The August 30th deadline has passed, but quarterly runs will be done. September’s will be skipped as it was caught in the August 30th run. Forms are available on the Grand View website under Resources > Master Mason > Permanent Dues Cards.
Outgoing Master Tom Lewis sent a thanks to the Brothers for attending Lodge and participating in its events. While he didn’t quite accomplish everything he knows the incoming Master will do a fine job.
Ron West traveled to Sanborn to the Masonic pancake feed as part of the Railroad Days. The breakfast included two pancakes, two pieces of sausage, and coffee or juice for $8.
Duane and Tom traveled to the Grand Lodge Communication. Tom was able to stay for Masonic Jeopardy until he got a picture of the flooding at which point he left while he was still able to get home. Masonic Jeopardy was not well attended or organized and started an hour and a half late. They did have an electronic setup where they would buzz in on their phone and then the scores were displayed for the members to see. Overall Tom was disappointed in the turnout for Grand Lodge in general. Tom also did not see brother Allen there. He did send an email to Allen saying he missed him but did not ask why he wasn’t there. While at Grand Lodge Duane was able to get the AED, which is sitting in the lunchroom awaiting instillation. The 150th Grand Lodge ballot results are: Deputy Grand Master/Grand Master Elect Bryant Stokes, Grand Treasurer Reid Jensen, Grand Secretary Aaron Zahn, Senior Grand Warden Brian Pulling, Junior Grand Warden Derek Runge, Jurisprudence James D Taylor, Trustees James J Burma and Larry Madsen.
The passing measures are: Jurisprudence, Permanent Uniforms, Funds, Square and Compass Clubs. The failed measures were: Relief Applications, both Qualifications of Candidates, with the addition to Section 5.10 becoming unapplicable due the failure of the Qualifications measures.
All officers were installed except Jr. Warden, Sr. Deacon, Sr. Steward, and Marshall. The installing officers were Ron West (Officer) assisted by Randy Smith (Marshall) and Tom Lewis (Chaplain).
- W. Master: Galen Jansen
- Senior Warden: Greg Westra
- Junior Warden: Brian Sohl
- Treasurer: Duane Van Noort
- Secretary: Joe West
- Sr. Deacon: Daniel Schlup
- Jr. Deacon: David Hansen
- Sr. Steward: Arlan Verburg
- Jr. Steward: Tracy Homandberg
- Chaplain: Ronald West
- Tyler: Thomas Lewis
- Marshal: Mike Ingebrigtson
- Education Officer: Thomas Lewis
A visit to Canton at their November meeting (1st Wednesday) is being planned. Galen will check with them if that will work.
A visit to Elk Point remains a plan as well, timing to be determined.
A visit to Hurly is on the radar. Current planning for puts it sometime after the new year.
A visit, joint if not individual, to Arlen and Ron Chenault was proposed. We will talk more about it at the next meeting. Galen will check with Arlen and Dave with Ron Chenault.
Greg got the safe deposit box open and the charter was in the box. The cardboard tube had been cut down so that it would fit in the box. He will bring it to the next meeting.
The Hudson parade will be September 7th with lineup at 1:15 and the parade at 2:00. Galen will check with Doug to see if he can do the sign in the parade. There is no backup at this time as the other usual suspects are unavailable.
Duane reports we are up to six veterans pins.
Dave stood in for our Education Officer, since he was only asked to fill the role two minutes prior to the meeting. He read Masonic Tribute to the Flag of the United States by Wiley F. Smith.
September 17, 2024
The Charter remained draped in honor of Brother Kenneth Nicholas’s passing. His services were on September 12th. Eight Masons were in attendance.
The Charter was also draped in honor of Brother LeRoy Ross. He passed on September 9th and Services were held on September 12th in Hawarden. Randy Porter, Dave, Galen, and Brian were in attendance. The family appreciated our efforts.
We received an email from our Junior Grand Warden, Derek Runge. He was introducing himself and stating his intention to visit each lodge in District 1 with our District Master Jerry Stubbe sometime this year.
We received a Thank You card from Ron Chenault. He thanked us for the card we sent and let us know that he misses Lodge and is with us in spirit on meeting nights.
The plan is to attend Canton’s first meeting. Their meeting is on November 6th (first Wednesday) at 5:30. We will visit after the meeting, as opposed to the meeting itself, to avoid rattling nerves. It also allows others to attend the visit given the time of day. Details to follow.
Dave sent Ron Chenault a message the other day. He went that morning to visit, at which time Randy Porter called and it ended up being the three of them talking for over an hour. He would love for the brothers to come visit. They do have a meeting room that seats 30 to 35 easily. A Saturday or Sunday afternoon would work best. We will aim for October 20th around 2:00 pm. Dave will make sure it works with Ron. Galen will get ahold of Arlan to see if he is feeling better and able to join in the visit, or to be visited as well.
We were given James Skogman’s Masonic Bible. His wife is also giving us a sign, which Ric currently has. He will get it to Dave at some point.
The $1,000 grant was discussed. Possible options were a donation to Rock Valley, another to the Library in Hudson. After discussion it was decided the Hudson Library would be helped more than Rock Valley given the amount. Motioned by Bob, seconded by Greg, the motion was carried. Bob will give Nancy Torkelson a call to obtain the needed information.
Education Officer Tom Lewis shared “Installation” by WB Joseph West.
October 1, 2024
A drape was removed from the charter for Brother Kenneth Nicholas. The other drape remained in place for Brother LeRoy Ross.
The Grand Lodge and El Riad Shrine are partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive at the El Riad Temple on October 9th.
The Grand View system was updated today. The look and feel is different now but the main change is in security. Anyone that has access to administratton of a Lodge will be required to use MFA (Multt-Factor Authenttcatton) going forward. The new Grand View also includes a Prospect Management system. The Grand Secretary will enter prospect inquiries which will then auto-assign them to a Lodge based on proximity or a rotattng cycle if within range of multtple Lodges. The Lodge will then acknowledge receipt of the prospect and then proceed to contact them.
Grand View now allows for text messaging. The cost is $0.04 per text to be billed to the Lodge. Frequency of the billing will depend on quantity of texts sent. As an example our email list is 60 names long, though some are duplicate emails, so that would be $2.40 per mass text sent.
The Grand Lodge will no long carry new Candidate Supplies. They have partnered with a brother who owns TRK Specialttes in Missouri. TRK will donate a portton of each sale to the South Dakota Masonic Charittes. Proficiency Coins have been developed and are now available. These are for brothers proving up in open Lodge to the sattsfactton of the Worshipful Master.
The Canton visit is agreed to occur on November 6th. This is a visit after their meettng, to avoid rattling any nerves. Our goal is to be there about 6:30.
The visit to Ron no longer works on the 20th. Dave will see if the 27th will work or not. Further details to follow.
Bob was able to obtain the informatton from the Hudson Library Historical Associatton and Joe has submized the application for the Lodge Community Impact Fund.
The AED unit has been hung, and it’s blinking indicattng it’s good to go. It is not currently locked. The included cord was for updates, not charging.
Our Junior Warden (Brian), Senior Deacon (Dan), and Marshall (Mike) were installed.
The Bible from James Skogman was discussed after the last meeting. After discussion it was decided to either create a case for the old Bible, using it just for special events and degree work, and to use the new Bible for normal meettngs.
The tax-exempt form for Lincoln County (SDCL 10-4-15) was filed.
The Mid-Year Communicatton of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota and Meettng of the South Dakota Lodge of Masonic Research is scheduled for Saturday, January 18, at the Cedar Shore Resort in Oacoma.
We are going to put off walking ditches until October 22nd.
The safe deposit box made its way to the Lodge. It was decided to get another box to keep the items safe.
October 15, 2024
The Grand Lodge held the 100-year rededication of the Meridian Bridge in Yankton on October 12th.
On October 4th PGM Mike Rodman passed. In honor of his passing, GM Bloch has requested the Charter be draped in all Lodges at and for the duration of their next Stated Meeting.
The first batch of permanent dues cards were received by the Grand Lodge and have been sent out to the Brothers who ordered them. Future orders will be processed quarterly and may be ordered on Grand View under Resources > Master Mason.
We plan to walk ditches Tuesday the 22nd at 6:00 pm. Many hands make light work.
The November 6th visit to Canton is still on. We will be there at 6:30, after their meeting, and they are expecting us.
Greg talked with Dorthy Skogman about the donated Bible, and she is appreciative that we will put it to use.
Oyster Stew oysters were ordered Monday.
Dave, Duane, Galen, and Randy sat in on Cole Fitch’s proficiency before Lodge. It was reported it was obvious he had worked hard on it and Dave recommended he be declared proficient. Galen declared him such.
The Fellow Craft Degree was conferred on Brother Cole Fitch. Officer changes were:
- Tom Lewis to WM
- Duane Van Noort to Sr. Deacon
- Staircase Lecture by Dave Hansen
- Letter G by Duane Van Noort
- Charge by Brian Sohl
The Bible Lecture from the EA degree was given by Galen Jansen, as he was unavailable during the EA degree.
Following the degree several Brothers offered Brother Cole congratulations. The degree team was also thanked. Brother Cole thanked the Brothers for the knowledge they imparted and their ability to present it as well.
November 19, 2024
A motion (Brian) was made, seconded (Mike), and passed to reimburse Ron West for the Oyster Stew in the amount of $252.32. That was for $122.32 in supplies and other food plus $130.00 for one gallon of oysters.
Communications: Minnehaha Lodge #5 will be hosting Masonic Jeopardy at the Sioux Falls Masonic Center on December 19th.
We received letter from the EPA that the water service line material is unknown. They’re checking to see if there may be lead exposure and we needed to be notified.
Dave tried getting ahold of Cole to check on progress for the 3rd degree. He will keep trying and we’ll keep it penciled for the 2nd meeting in January.
Dave talked with Wayne about recognizing Les Spies at the Recognition Banquet and he gave us his blessing to do so. PGM Vigil gave us the OK to do Masonic Services at that time as it is not out of order. Galen feels that such services, plus having people talk about Les, would be appropriate.
Tracy power washed the building and planted bushes out front.
The check from the Lodge Community Impact Fund was presented to Nathalie Torkelson and Jeanne Schlup of the Hudson Library Historical Association at the Oyster Stew before the meeting.
Jeptha Lodge presented a check for $1,000 to Hudson Library Historical Association representatives Nathalie Torkelson and Jeannie Schlup toward a new chair lift for the library.
Brian got ahold of the fire department, and the 7th works.
Members should meet at the lodge at 11:00 to decorate, sack candy, and prepare Christmas cards. - Santa: Galen Jansen - Toy from Santa: Brian Sohl - Toys in bags: Ron West - Advertising: Roxanne Wickre and Tom Lewis - Town (and bank if up) sign: Brian Sohl - Letter for Christmas cards: Galen Jansen - 10 lbs. peanuts: Doug Van’t Hof - Bags: Dave Hansen - Candy (4): Mike, Dan, Duane, and Greg - Blue Juice: Brian Sohl - 2 gallons of cider: Tom Lewis - Cookies (4): Galen, Dave, Ron W, Duane - Postage and mailing labels: Joe West - Camera and printer: Joe West - Craft items: Check after Lodge - Photographers: Ron West, Joe West - Christmas cards: Enough on hand.
Thanks were given to Ron for the oyster stew; Mike, Tom, and Dave for the chili.
November 19, 2024: Brothers and Visitors
PGM Virgil Anderson was presented at the Altar. He expressed his joy in joining us tonight. He reported that PGM Chuck Gilson spent eight weeks in the hospital due to a reaction to a medication. PGM Gary Grifith is in assisted living in Sioux Falls.
PGM Aaron Zahn was presented at the Altar. He expressed that it was a fun and great meeting. He says they always knew when Jeptha had a District Master visiting, due to the entourage, and, as such, brought one with tonight.
RW JGW Derek Runge was presented at the Altar. He thanked all the Brothers for their support in electing him to his position in the Grand Lodge. He thanked us for allowing the Grand Lodge to use Jeopardy. He commended the Brothers for making the visit to Canton.
DM Jerry Stubbe was escorted to the East. He wanted to mention a few things that are going on in the state. First was about the community grant, which we did before Lodge. Second was the proclamation about the suspension of new Life Memberships, and about representation on social media, lastly about Brothers returning due to nonpayment of dues (currently they need only pay the current year’s dues). Personally he thanked the Brothers for the Oyster Stew and he loves that we do it yearly. He also appreciates what Jeptha has done over the years for the good of Masonry.
Jeopardy was presented and PGM Virgil Anderson took home the win.
Oyster Stew & Chili Supper
We had a nice turnout at the Oyster Stew & Chili Supper, with 14 members and 14 visiting Brothers.
December 3, 2024
The Lodge was opened in the Fellow Craft Degree in form.
The charter was draped in honor of Brother John Eide. He passed on November 28th and Masonic Services were held on December 2nd. Dave, Randy P, and Galen attended the Masonic Services. Dave reports that Galen did his usual fine job.
The Grand Lodge Mid-Year Communication will be held January 18th at the Cedar Shores Resort in Oacoma. You should register on Grandview no later than January 15th.
The Care Center would like to thank the Lodge for the donation of the leftover oyster stew and supplies.
Galen commented that it was nice to see the Lodge full at the Oyster Stew. It was also nice to see the pictures from the check presentation. He said he had many good comments on Ron’s oyster stew. The chili was also good.
Tom reports that the library has been able to get the chair lift installed.
We are still leaving a MM degree penciled in for the 2nd meeting in January until we know more.
At the Oyster Stew Galen talked with Virgil about the May banquet. Virgil says that it’s great that we’re doing this for Les but we also need to do this for ourselves for closure.
Arlan was installed Sr. Steward.
The Children’s Home Society donation is usually $100. Ron made the motion, Tom seconded, and the motion carried to pay $150.
Discussion was had to donate $150 to the Hudson Library. Duane made the motion, Allan seconded and the motion carried.
Judy found a training AED unit for us to be trained on after the meeting as if we open the installed one parts would need to be replaced (even if not used).
Tom reports that it’s very dark in the Lodge Room when there’s no lights on and the doors are closed.
Santa Visits Hudson
December 17, 2024
The Scottsh Rite Spring Reunion is scheduled for April 5th and 6th. Our 4o team is scheduled to start it off at 9:00 that Saturday.
The Alpha Lodge of Perfection, part of the Scottish Rite, is holding their December All Valley Business Meeting via Zoom. It started at the same time we opened Lodge.
Registration for the Grand Lodge Mid-Year Communication is now open on Grandview. It is being held on January 18th at the Cedar Shores Resort in Oacoma. Registration should be done by January 15th.
District 1 will be holding another Daylight Lodge tomorrow at 11:30 at the Masonic Center in Sioux Falls. Dress code is business casual. This meeting is being hosted under the Worthing Lodge Charter. There is no “business” being conducted. It is mainly introductions of those in attendance plus the occasional story. A light lunch is first at 11:30 with the gavel dropping at 12:00.
Santa’s visit on the 7th went well. Brothers Carter, Mike, Galen, Tom, Randy Porter, Dan, Randy Smith, Ron West, and Joe helped get everything setup. Out of the 57 bags we started with we had 24 left so we gave out 33 bags. According to the pictures there were 32 kids. There would have been 33 but one did not want to sit with Santa. Galen says it started and ended slowly but in-between was fairly busy.
New Business: Galen asked which Lodge we should visit next. Hurly and Elk Point were mentioned as possibilities though it would be nice to wait until the days are a little longer. Galen is going to check with the caterer for the May Banquet to make sure we’re on the books.
We discussed whether to remit or suspend for non-payment of dues Brothers Bobby Karau and John Gubbrud. After a motion by Duane and a second by Dave, it was decided to suspend Bobby for non-payment of dues. After a motion by Dave and a second by Duane, it was decided to remit for infirmity John’s dues.
January 7, 2025
Dave contacted Cole last Wednesday. So far as we know he still intends to do the degree on the 21st. Practice is set for Tuesday, January 14th, at 6:00.
The drape on the charter, in honor of Brother John Eide, was removed.
The District 1 Meeting will be held on January 25th at 10:00 at the Grand Lodge in Sioux Falls.
George Washington Card Party is February 16th at 2:00 pm. BUNKO was decided as the game of choice again. Galen will do the prizes. Food will be discussed next meeting.
Tom brought up a concern about the battery in the defibrillator, given the cold weather. Instructions state it should not get lower than 50 degrees. Galen is checking on how detrimental the temperature could be. An option could be to store it in a local Brother’s home between events/meetings.
January 14, 2025
We performed MM Degree work for Cole Fitch. The Examining Commitee of Dan, Randy Smith, and Duane Van Noort recommended that he be declared proficient. The WM so declared. The Secretary reported that the $20 fee had been collected. The Master Mason Degree was conferred upon Brother Cole Fitch with the following officer changes:
WM 1st Section: Galen Jansen | King Solomon: Ron West |
King of Tyre: Brian Sohl | 1st Craftsman: Randy Smith |
2nd Craftsman: Tom Lewis | Ruffians: Cal DeRuyter, Dave Hansen, Galen Jansen |
Soliloquy, Galen Jansen | Graveside Prayer: Tom Lewis |
Craftsmen Roll Call: Randy Smith | Sea Captain: Carter Horner |
Wayfaring Man: Duane Van Noort | Historical Lecture: Joe West |
Slide Lecture: Brian Sohl | Charge: Brian Sohl |
Craftsmen Roll Call: Randy Smith | |
Fellow Craftsmen: Duane Van Noort, Randy Porter, Dan Schlup, Carter Horner, Steve Wickre |
Following the degree, several Brothers offered their congratulations. The Fitch family has been members of a Lodge since the late 1800s. Brother Cole thanked the Brothers for the dedication to the craft and for supporting him through the degrees.
Next Lunch Committee: Ron West
Education Officer Tom Lewis shared “Home and Acacia” from Masonic Short Talks.
Bob and Cole Fitch and Steve Wickre
Bob and Cole Fitch
Carter Horner, Bob and Cole Fitch, and Steve Wickre with the cake
February 4, 2025
A bill was presented from Grand Lodge for $715.00 (9 per capita for $315.00, 1 EA for $10.00, 1 FC for 10.00, 1 MM Reinstatement for $25.00, George Washington National Monument for $95.00, Masonic Student Assistance Training for $130.00, and MSA Hospital Visitation for $130.00). Ron West made a motion, seconded by Dave Hansen, to pay the bill. The motion carried.
Tom Lewis received the bill from the Hudson Insurance Agency for $1,046. A motion was made by Dave Hansen, seconded by Dan Schlup, to pay the bill. The motion carried.
The Grand Lodge Scholarship is now available on the Grand Lodge Web site.
Brother Allen thanked the Lodge for keeping non-resident members informed. He notes that there is a Brother going through the degrees in Spearfish, with help from other local Lodges. As Education Officer for Spearfish, Allen indicates that Tom Lewis does good work, and that he’s not afraid to “borrow” the education programs Tom presents to our Lodge. He closed by again expressing his deep and eternal appreciation to Galen Jansen, Dave Hansen, Ron West, and Randy Porter for doing the Masonic Service for John.
Grand Lodge provided the timeline for nominations and proposed amendments for the upcoming Grand Lodge session.
At the Mid-Year Communication on January 18th the proclamation prohibiting new life memberships was allowed to expire.
A halt has been placed on the Child ID program effective until the 151st Annual Communication. An amendment to the By-Laws adds a section about filing amendments with the Grand Lodge no fewer than 90 days prior to the Annual Communication with copies distributed to Grand Officers, permanent members and Lodges by mail no later than 45 days prior. Proposals must be read in the Lodge prior to the Annual Communication. An amendment to Article VII adds that no one be eligible for Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master-Grand Master Elect, Senior Grand Warden or Junior Grand Warden who has not been duly elected, installed, and presided over a chartered Lodge as Master. An amendment to Section 2.71 sets forth nomination deadlines to match those of amendment deadlines. Only in the event that no nominations were made in compliance may nominations be made from the floor. The Grand Lodge has established a Lodge Investment Fund for Lodges to place their reserve funds in. These funds are invested like the Grand Lodge Endowment funds. They are intended for reserve funds to be used in a 3-5 year time frame, though preferably longer.
The District 1 meeting was held in Sioux Falls on January 25th. The meeting was attended by Galen. There were 20-25 people there. One of the interesting things found was the $1,000 that Lodges could give away only 11 have taken advantage, four of which were from district 1. St. Johns Lodge was never brought up but Valhalla was. An interesting education program was presented.
Birthdays were read for February.
Galen congratulated the Brothers on the degree work last meeting.
The caterer is booked for the May 4th banquet. Brian is trying to get ahold of Cal Shirts about gettng a shirt for Cole.
For the Valentine roses Randy will present to Steinfadt. Galen will get contact info to Russ for Shirley. Galen will also verify that Tom will present to Linde.
George Washington card party is on the 16th. Greg will provide Bunco. Galen the prizes. Dave, Randy Porter, and Mike (per Galen, with Brian as backup) will bring 2 pies each. Brian will supply blue juice. Ron will bring the ice cream. Brian will get it on the town sign. Tom will get some posters made up. Greg will get it on the bank sign.
Galen is still planning on getting a carpet cleaning quote.
Next Lunch Committee: Brian Sohl.