Lodge Leader’s Planning Guide
The Lodge Leader’s Planning Guide is designed to assist the Worshipful Master and other Lodge leaders in the planning and preparation of your monthly events. It is broken down into several different areas:

A monthly planner for quick information

A handy calendar to easily schedule events

An area for your assignments, notes and tasks

A section for your meeting agenda

A section for your meeting notes

A section for Committee Reports

A section for Action Items

A section to list and track petitions

The most important section is the Program of the Month, which offers thoughtful ideas on a variety of different program ideas or thought starters for your lodge programs. A small sampling includes: Charter night, Masonic greeters, Festive board, Masonic Hero’s night, Honor Veteran’s night, widow and widowers night, youth group recognition night, past masters night, chamber open house night, Rusty Nail degree, etc.
There are also many good programs in your Blue Book as well. Worshipful Masters and lodge leaders who embrace and utilize this planning guide will have the opportunity to significantly impact their lodges.
If you would like a lodge planning guide, please contact either the Grand Lodge office, one of the Grand Lodge officers, or your District Master.
Mike Rodman, Deputy Grand Master